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Devices heating up quickly on latest version

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Hi I’m noticing, especially after the recent update that my devices are getting hot quickly when using Evernote. I have an iPad Pro 2020 and an iPhone 13 and on both if I’m using Evernote for any duration, say 5 mins or more, the device is getting noticeably hot, which likely means the battery is taking a thumping too. 

Anyone else noticing anything similar? 

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50 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Haven't seen anything in other posts here - have you contacted Support?

I’ve not contacted support as I’m not seeing any reason why it could be overheating, there’s no lag or failures or anything - it just heats up really quick, I only have 200 notes I work from so it can’t be volume or anything like that either. 
I’ll wait to see if the next update resolves it. Hopefully it will be a bit more settled again. 

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  • Level 5*

If Evernote don't know this is happening,  you're not going to see any improvement (we're mainly other users here - Evernote staffers do read threads too,  but you never know when or if that's going to happen).  If you see an issue,  it's worth reporting if you can - hopefully the answer might be "we're aware of that and working on it",  or just a confirmation it can't be anything the app is doing...

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  • Level 5

Heat is the end result of battery usage.

You can check in iOS settings, battery which app consumes how much energy. It is a 24hr period, but you can easily setup a usage with and without EN to find out which share of the total ends up in that specific app.

On my iOS devices EN is always in a range of low 1-digit consumption. The percentage is a fraction of the total consumed, not of the total charge available.

Other apps may give a deeper insight. Furthermore I second the advise to contact support.

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iPhone 11 running latest version and noticing same issue: using Evernote for 2 or 3 minutes results in hot device. 

Tried reinstalling; tried force closing; … no luck. Something must be going wrong. 

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My response from support was sign out then sign back in and show them battery screen - which is useless for short term stuff like this. 

My hope was to use EN for productivity as a central point, that would mean fairly long uses, the app isn’t up to that. I have been testing Craft notes and will move along to that. 

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Also created a support ticket just 5 minutes ago; will see what the answer will be. But I am really considering moving my notes to Obsidian (after being informed - support ticket - by Evernote that context (remember, removed from legacy ...) / related notes / wiki links / ... will not arrive in Evernote; no plans on the road map). 

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  • Level 5*

Dunno about iPhones but Android gives me a chart showing which apps use most battery life,  which - per @PinkElephant above - should be a  fairly good indication of which app is causing your phone to run hot.  If Evernote is using massively more power than other apps,  that clearly is a bug;  if it is just power-hungry that might be a feature;  remember it's syncing your content to and from the server,  whilst also allowing you to alter and move notes,  run complicated searches and apply tags.  Evernote will never be as economical with your battery as a diary app,  but omelettes and eggs,  people;  omelettes / eggs.

Plus... 'hot';  can someone quantify the levels here?  Is the phone unusually warm but still fine,  too hot to hold for long,  a definite fire hazard??  Through our (UK) recent hot weather my devices hit some record heat highs,  but after a brisk application of better cooling I got things back to 'normal' - and it turns out none of my stuff ran so hot it would have been compromised anyway.  Hot is unusual,  but not necessarily a need for alarm.

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20 minutes ago, gazumped said:

too hot to hold for long

This. And I know what is possible in the mobile client but this is not a game we are running on our phones which actually requires a lot from a phone: it’s a notes app 🙂 (yes, featuring search and allowing you to move notes 🙄). 

To clarify: happens when Evernote is open in the foreground. Once you open a different app the issue is gone. Reopen Evernote and issue occurs again.

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  • Level 5

Anything special you ask the app to do ?

Do you use it to retrieve information, or are you actually updating notes ?

Camera action, like for scanning ?

Can‘t reproduce it, my iPhone keeps the cool even when I open and close notes for several minutes. My EN app runs at 3% of total battery consumption.

So there should be something specific. 

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54 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Anything special you ask the app to do ?

Do you use it to retrieve information, or are you actually updating notes ?

Camera action, like for scanning ?

Can‘t reproduce it, my iPhone keeps the cool even when I open and close notes for several minutes. My EN app runs at 3% of total battery consumption.

So there should be something specific. 

Not really…I just enter info, no scanning, not even searching. I have a weekly note with todos I add and tick off, a few email drafts I would write, research for a project and some writing, that’s it really. After 10 mins though device is notably hot. 

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7 hours ago, WilliamL said:

Not really…I just enter info, no scanning, not even searching. I have a weekly note with todos I add and tick off, a few email drafts I would write, research for a project and some writing, that’s it really. After 10 mins though device is notably hot. 

Same here.

My device does not stay cool.

Perhaps I should use a thick case on my iPhone, just because I want to use Evernote 🙂.

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Hi all, did a wee test earlier, wrote a doc in Evernote and then waited for battery to update. Here’s the stats - 

As you can see EN is using not far off YouTube despite being active a quarter of the time. 



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What I am noticing is significant power consumption when evernote is working on my ipad.  Actually ridiculously high power consumption.   I typicaly have a note open as I use my apple pen to take notes as I am working.  I am trying to rule out that this is not an ipad battery problem, but other apps  (when evernote isn't open) don't seem to consume anywhere near as much battery life.

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Hi all,  after reading the below, I went into the battery monitor of my ipad, and it shows Evernote consuming 97% of my battery power!  If Evernote is "on screen" it seems to be high on battery usage.  In under 2 hours it went from 66% to 5%.

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  • Level 5*

Bearing in mind that we're (mostly) all users here,  and Evernote (AFAIK) aren't into mind-reading, AND it would appear that not everyone is having the same experience,  otherwise it would be a lot busier around here...  I can only suggest that anyone who has a bad experience should reach out to Support to see whether they're aware,  and/ or have any suggestions to fix this.  Since they'll almost certainly ask you to do this anyway - if you haven't already done the uninstall / power off & on / reinstall dance,  now would be a good time to try that.

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  • Level 5

To affirm that not everybody has the same problems: All my iOS devices keep their cool, EN app consumption is running below 5% of total, and I have nothing to trouble-shoot, since there is no trouble.

Life is really not fair - some guys just get all the fun … 🧐

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22 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

To affirm that not everybody has the same problems: All my iOS devices keep their cool, EN app consumption is running below 5% of total, and I have nothing to trouble-shoot, since there is no trouble.

Life is really not fair - some guys just get all the fun … 🧐

How often do you use the mobile apps? Just curious as my current aim is to make EN pretty much the core app I use for all productivity (it saves constantly not knowing where a doc or note is cause they are spread over different apps). I find EN does fine for the writing I do and to speak from, however those docs are ones I’ll be writing for 20-30 mins at a time. Do you ever use it for that long or is it my usage that is exposing this issue? 

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  • Level 5

Could be - I rather do not write a lot, I use EN more for retrieval. But on occasion, it is writing as well: Yesterday for example 1 hr of meeting, taking notes for the minutes. And I pretty much used it lately some hours in one go by searching, organizing and finally exporting (filing pdf attachments) information for my annual tax return. Both on my iPad Air 5, running the lates iPadOS and EN client. For comfort I use an external BT keyboard when writing more than a few words.

I use EN on the iPhone 11 Pro Max a lot, but usually to retrieve a piece of information on the go, or often to grab a picture or document, and file it away. So typical use in one session is below 5-10 min. But it doesn’t get hot or show excessive use of battery neither. The app is often waiting ninths background, because launching it is not necessary once it is open. I will return to it anyhow.

When writing longer sessions, do you save in between ? Or is it just one long editing tour ? We had way back on desktop the observation that the spell checker used a lot of energy and CPU. Do you have mobile spell checking enabled ? Does it change anything if you disable it for a try ?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Evernote Expert

There was a suggestion at one point that disabling Work Chat in the account settings rediced power consumption significantly even if you don't normally use Work Chat.  SInce I never use it I disabled and haven't had a power consumption challenge...


At bottom of that screen.

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  • 1 year later...

Dear paying users, I also encountered heating problems after the update.

I also contacted Evernote staff this month (attached the version used and the reply email) Currently, my phone still heats up within 1 minute whenever I open the app.

Still waiting for the Evernote team to work hard, just reporting...

Yes, I am a paying user
Yes, I reported the exception to Evernote
And yes, I will also come to the discussion area...

thank you all



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