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Focus of Evernote

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Hi, I already have a very strong tasks and collaboration software solution. Evernote does notes very well and that's what I use it for. Why go to a crowded market with an inferior product instead of devoting time to perfect what is already doing great and giving value to users?

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  • Level 5

It seems EN expects to create value for it users by the new features. They invested quite some dev hours into it, and are convinced the full set of features is worth a new subscription level for professional users.

Time will tell if they got that right.

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  • Level 5*
On 7/22/2021 at 6:00 AM, Carcaussa said:

Evernote does notes very well and that's what I use it for. Why go to a crowded market with an inferior product

I was ok with Evernote for note storage/organization, and even customized for it task management
But the masses want new features, and will be content with the inferior product

The Masses are Asses

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  • Level 5

The „masses“ are who pay the show.

I can’t see anything bad about offering a service to a huge number of users. If it means some „expert“ functions get axed, this is bad - for the experts ! But being experts, they should be able to help themselves (hello, DEVONthink, if I am not mistaken in your case). If they can’t, do they still qualify as an „expert“ ?

Greetings from one of the 200 million individuals who use EN. I see no „masses“ !


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Cause there are folks who find them useful, like myself who finds tasks really handy as I’m involved in a lot of meetings and struggle to keep track of multiple to-do lists. Now I can add tasks to the note in the meeting and find them beside all other tasks in the all tasks screen, thats genuinely useful. Plus if the new focus is ‘remember everything, accomplish anything’ there’s gonna be more features along those lines on the way. 

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I bought into the Things 3 echo-system. Just a one time payment for each platform that I wanted to use it on (iOS, iPadOS and MacOS),  but it was expensive -- like $100 total.

With my workflow, Evernote Tasks can't compete with it... yet. What Evernote has right now for Tasks is just an MVP -- it works great for some people, not worth switching for others.

I'm just a Plus user and see no reason to upgrade yet to Personal, but that could change with an improved Evernote Task implementation.

I love the consistent look Evernote has across platforms as I also use Windows Desktop. (The way that legacy MacOS and legacy Windows Evernote looked and created notes was pretty inconsistent.) Things 3 isn't available on Windows, so another plus there for Evernote for me.

I'm hoping Evernote will keep improving core things (as they have done since v10 release) in addition to adding new things like Tasks, Calendar, and Home widgets.

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28 minutes ago, Boot17 said:

I bought into the Things 3 echo-system. Just a one time payment for each platform that I wanted to use it on (iOS, iPadOS and MacOS),  but it was expensive -- like $100 total.

With my workflow, Evernote Tasks can't compete with it... yet. What Evernote has right now for Tasks is just an MVP -- it works great for some people, not worth switching for others.

I'm just a Plus user and see no reason to upgrade yet to Personal, but that could change with an improved Evernote Task implementation.

I love the consistent look Evernote has across platforms as I also use Windows Desktop. (The way that legacy MacOS and legacy Windows Evernote looked and created notes was pretty inconsistent.) Things 3 isn't available on Windows, so another plus there for Evernote for me.

I'm hoping Evernote will keep improving core things (as they have done since v10 release) in addition to adding new things like Tasks, Calendar, and Home widgets.

Out of curiosity, what features would you like to see come to tasks? What would make it worth changing to personal? I’m just being nosy…… and enjoy speculating about tech features.

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  • Level 5*
14 minutes ago, WilliamL said:

Out of curiosity, what features would you like to see come to tasks?

I need to access tasks as separate entities that I can work with     

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  • Level 5*
31 minutes ago, DTLow said:

I need to access tasks as separate entities that I can work with  

Just curious, can you give an example?  I'm not seeing what you are missing.

For me, adding an easy ability to make a task recurring, and a view sorted on inherited note tag would round this out for me.

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  • Level 5*
15 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

Just curious, can you give an example?  I'm not seeing what you are missing.

I generate my own task lists   
For example; Current Task List   
                         Project Task list

As separate entities, I can use a search like reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 - reminderDoneTime :*

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  • Level 5*

Ok, thanks.  Yes, currently the most powerful way to search is on the note as the entity, with the one task per note approach.  I'm hopeful that task specific searching will be improved then we will have a lot of flexibility on how to use and organize tasks.

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1 hour ago, Boot17 said:

With my workflow, Evernote Tasks can't compete with it... yet. What Evernote has right now for Tasks is just an MVP -- it works great for some people, not worth switching for others.

I think it's important to point out that this is how companies are developing new products today. Gone are the days where companies spend years developing a full-featured product before releasing it. With the ability to quickly release features to users (instead of having to print and ship CDs), companies now create MVPs and iterate on them based on customer feedback. This greatly reduces the risk that a company spends time and money developing the wrong thing. It's important to gauge user sentiment and market acceptance of what you're trying to create.

This is 100% the direction we want to take Tasks. We actively listened to the feedback from the Beta and Early Access users. Key features quickly rose to the top and we are actively investigating how to build them out and improve Tasks. We have no intention of just leaving the Task feature as-is with no further development.

Please continue to provide us feedback and we hope to sway the nay-sayers who aren't happy with the first version. It's an evolving product that I think will get a lot better.

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  • Level 5


And to my fellow users: Don’t be too hot about a new feature. If you say you absolutely need it, you can’t live without it and similar ***** enthusiastic statements, you can already add a Professional license to your budget.

Play it cool, and it may even end up in Basic Free. If you get taken away a little, it may be the diamond in Premium your personal plan. Avoid to brag it will be the new share among friends & folk - or you need to buy Business Teams.

Companies learned some new tricks, so it is up to us users to learn them as well 🤐 For now I first have to learn the new plans, it seems,

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4 hours ago, WilliamL said:

Out of curiosity, what features would you like to see come to tasks?

Here are a few.

  • The biggest one that I remember when I was playing around with it was that when I click on a task from the task list to take me to the note where the task is, it would be helpful to take me to the exact place in the note where the task is (and maybe even highlight it briefly). When I had that kind of access to tasks (I'm just a Plus user, so I can't test it now) -- it took me to the top of the note and then I had to hunt for the task (that was buried in the note) and I scrolled right past it several times. I guess I could have done a Ctrl-F and found it.
  • Indenting / sub tasks (which I think might be coming...?). A work-around is to just use an indented checklist under a task which is ok, but if you were to move a task to a different spot in the note (or to a different not altogether), it would be manual to move the indented checklist.
  • I'm not a super big fan of the fly-out menu for tasks right now because it is kind of narrow -- seems like an additional full size page might work better -- something that I can undock into a separate window on Desktop. (Or at least pin the flyout menu... does it already stick and get pinned?)
  • When I did have access to it, on my iPhone I could never get the task to take me to the note at all. Maybe I was doing it wrong or there was a bug, but I couldn't get it to do it. (Also, on mobile, seemed like the default thing when you clicked the note was to ask you which note you wanted to move it to vs taking you to the note.)

And now that I'm thinking about it more, one thing I have wished I could do in Things is to attach pictures and other attachments to tasks. Well guess what, you can't in Things (afaik), but in Evernote you can! So that's pretty cool.

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