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Referencing a Shared Note

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I have a notebook that I have shared with someone and that all works fine.  However, when I add a new note or update an existing note in that shared notebook, many times I'd like to send a message to someone and reference that particular note with a message like "please take a look at this note xxxxxxxxx".  How do I reference that note?  

I know that when I share a note with someone, they get a reference to the note I shared, but in this case the note is already shared, so I don't think I should 're-share' it.  From the Windows desktop version I've tried using the 'Copy internal link' -> 'Copy app link' (Alt-Ctrl-L) option and then pasting it into a Work Chat message, but the message doesn't make the app link clickable (i.e. it's not a hyperlink).  Using the 'Copy internal link' -> 'Copy web link' option in a Work Chat message does automatically display a hyperlink for the message receiver, but that obviously links to Evernote Web and I'd rather the message receiver be able to stay within the application. 

It seems like there should be an option in the note to send someone a message referring to the note, but I don't see it. I can't be the only one that has this use case of wanting to let someone know there is a shared note that I'd like them to look at or take action on.  How are others doing this?


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Hi.  Couple of choices:

  1. Use an email or Slack (or similar). If you copy the link to the note,  your share-ee should be able to access it direct.
  2. Share via blog - Postachio will turn a notebook of your choice into a publicly available blog. It's customisable in different ways - and access to the blog can be password protected if necessary.  Your daily blog can include update messages - but your users still have to view the page in to see it.

    Postachio - https://postach.io/ 
    Example blog (mine) - https://cliffeactual.postach.io/

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Print the shared note in size 3, roll it down 📜, put a wax seal  and a band on it, get the pigeon from that friend out of the cage and send it by 🕊air mail !

The usual way within EN however is the work chat. Invented when they were temporarily short of pigeons 😉

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47 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Hi.  Couple of choices:

  1. Use an email or Slack (or similar). If you copy the link to the note,  your share-ee should be able to access it direct.
  2. Share via blog - Postachio will turn a notebook of your choice into a publicly available blog. It's customisable in different ways - and access to the blog can be password protected if necessary.  Your daily blog can include update messages - but your users still have to view the page in to see it.

    Postachio - https://postach.io/ 
    Example blog (mine) - https://cliffeactual.postach.io/


1.  With email (at least GMail), it doesn't convert the app link (e.g. starts with evernote:///) to a hyperlink, so it's really the same issue I have with Work Chat.

2. To password protect in Postachio requires a subscription.

I'm really looking for a solution within EN.

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34 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Print the shared note in size 3, roll it down 📜, put a wax seal  and a band on it, get the pigeon from that friend out of the cage and send it by 🕊air mail !

The usual way within EN however is the work chat. Invented when they were temporarily short of pigeons 😉

I will try the first solution once the homing pigeons I ordered from Amazon arrive.

I know that Work Chat is the way to communicate with other EN users, but how do I reference a note I'd like that user to open?

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

You can link it into the work chat.

That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out how to do.  Do I start from the note that I want to reference in a work chat?  If so, which option/s?  Or do I go to Work Chat in the left menu and start from there?  I'm just not understanding which options to pick to get the note referenced (hyperlinked) in a work chat message.


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Sorry, I have not been precise: When you create the shared note, you can send a message along into work chat, like „I shared a new note with you“.

This is in the work chat, and when configured it will notify the recipient by e-mail as well.

There is no link in the work Chat - who received it needs to open it by himself.

Another use of that function could be to share the key in the work chat if the content is encrypted, which is more secure than by mail. Since it still means content and key is together in EN, I would rather propose to use another tool (like an end-to-end encrypted messenger) to send the key.

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Sorry, I have not been precise: When you create the shared note, you can send a message along into work chat, like „I shared a new note with you“.

This is in the work chat, and when configured it will notify the recipient by e-mail as well.

There is no link in the work Chat - who received it needs to open it by himself.

Another use of that function could be to share the key in the work chat if the content is encrypted, which is more secure than by mail. Since it still means content and key is together in EN, I would rather propose to use another tool (like an end-to-end encrypted messenger) to send the key.

The problem is the note has already been shared because I shared the entire notebook, so new notes added in that notebook are automatically shared with those that I shared the notebook with.  Another scenario is there's a note I shared months/years ago and I possibly recently edited.  I can try to share it again, but that doesn't seem right.  I'm trying to notify them to look for that specific note in a way they could just click a hyperlink to open it in EN application (Desktop or mobile), not in web.  Maybe this is just a missing feature, but it seems very useful.


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A possible solution would be for those that are part of a shared notebook (or just a shared note) to be able to subscribe to notifications when new notes added to the shared notebook or when a shared note is updated.  This isn't exactly what I'm looking for as not all new or updated notes need an action on the part of the sharee, and not all aharee's need to take an action, but it's a start.  

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It is possible to send a work chat message independently from sharing something.

My impression is that they introduced it when Slack and other tools came up. Somehow like on other things they lost steam on it, and now it is a pretty halfbaked function way down the left panel.

Inside of EN it is the way to exchange messages - even when often an external solution works better.

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

It is possible to send a work chat message independently from sharing something.

My impression is that they introduced it when Slack and other tools came up. Somehow like on other things they lost steam on it, and now it is a pretty halfbaked function way down the left panel.

Inside of EN it is the way to exchange messages - even when often an external solution works better.

Yes, I'm able to send a work chat message independently from sharing something, I just can't figure out how to reference a note in that message.

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You can’t figure it out because you can’t.

I have looked up my sharing history. It seems it could be done in the past (I have several shares with exactly this information, an embedded link), but somehow it was removed from the work chat capabilities. 

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48 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

You can’t figure it out because you can’t.

I have looked up my sharing history. It seems it could be done in the past (I have several shares with exactly this information, an embedded link), but somehow it was removed from the work chat capabilities. 

I seem to remember this as well.  It may be a feature that was temporarily removed with EN 10 that will be added back soon.  


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I have the same problem, @PaulBarberThis works fine in Legacy but seems to have gone away in EN 10. That's a HUGE problem for me as we use Work Chat like Slack and reference notes all the time in our workflow. In EN 10, I too cannot figure out how to keep the communication going with references to shared notes in Work Chat. For now, it's a big enough problem that I'm still using Legacy. I haven't figured out a good workaround. Please tag me or message me if you find a solution. I will do likewise. And let's keep asking for it to be brought back!

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A support ticket is a good idea. Thanks, @PinkElephant!


@Shane D. and @Scott T. I'd like to draw this workflow question to your attention. Do you know if the coding for Evernote 10 will be adjusted to allow us to use that Share button on notes to drop them into the Work Chat like we can do in Legacy?

This is in reference to notes and notebooks that are already shared with a team member. It's a critical part of my team's collaboration and workflow and probably Paul's too. For example, whenever I want my artist to drop an art proof or file into a shared note, it's much more efficient if I can drop that note into the Chat for him to pick up and add his files. Then he shares the note back to me with a message that says the files are in the note for me.

I'm happy to jump in a chat or on a call to further elaborate on how I use this function but the gist of it is that I need to put hot links, not note titles or internal note links, in Work Chat on already-shared notes. I'll stay on Legacy until that feature is offered in 10 because I use it that much.

Thanks for your input!

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