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Evernote freezes for 1 min when it is put in the background

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for 2 weeks (since the update before the current one) Evernote now freezes for me whenever I put it in the background. For example: When I am writing something, then switch to my browser on the same monitor and then switch back to Evernote I am unable to scroll the current node and written text will not appear directly (it will appear after it has unfrozen). The freeze usually takes about a minute before one can use it again. While it is frozen I am still able to open new nodes (that are already visible on the side), but I am not able to change the interface in anyway (like scrolling).

Additionally, I noticed that this does not happen with every switch and I think short switches of < 15 seconds do not cause it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can confirm this behavior - when I send Evernote to background and then pull it back from the the taskbar, the Evernote window is unresponsive for a minute. Also, it doesn't happen for short and quick Alt-Tabs.

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Running into this too. It's a vicious cycle sometimes, because it takes so long sometimes that I'll forget what I was going to jot down. I'll tab back to what I was looking at, remember, tab back, and it freezes again. It's a FML moment every time. 

Anyone have any ideas how to fix this? Been checking for updates to hopefully fix this, but nothing yet.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh goodness, this issue is driving me up the wall. Running Evernote on Windows, v. 10.12.6.

It's terrible, you tab out for 20 seconds and switch back to Evernote and it's just staring back at you blankly for roughly 45 - 60 seconds. I can't wait that long so I continue my work on the other screen. It unfreezes, I write down a line or two and switch to my mail/browser to check something, when I go back to Evernote it's the same issue all over again. A terrible time thief.

Will try to check for a software update, because turning off auto-syncing is not an option.

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  • Evernote Expert
16 hours ago, Chimba said:

Will try to check for a software update, because turning off auto-syncing is not an option

I don't have this issue but if I did I'd completely uninstall AND delete the data and program directories to ensure nothing is left lurking. Then install the current version. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/9/2021 at 10:06 AM, agsteele said:

I don't have this issue but if I did I'd completely uninstall AND delete the data and program directories to ensure nothing is left lurking. Then install the current version. 

Doesn't help. I installed Evernote client for the first time on this computer on this computer, no previous data/settings using Windows 10 (build 19042.1052).

Extremely frustrating considering that tables can't be edited in the web version and the Mac version doesn't even have search&replace. (And also worrying that this thread is two months old with little activity.)

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  • Level 5

The 2 „hard“ facts you mention to prove your point are simply wrong:

- Search & replace on the Mac client is found in the Note-menu. It works …

- Editing tables works just fine in the web client. Inserting a table by the blue + button, to edit click into any cell, then on the little down arrow. It works …

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have been seeing the same thing for a while too. Really making Evernote unusable for me.
When switching back and forward between other windows, or between Evernote notes open in separate windows - the note hangs for several seconds before you can type again. Sometimes you have to close the note, or Evernote as a whole and re-open.
Upgraded to 10.17.6-win-ddl-public (275), Editor: v126.2.16348, Service: 1.37.8 a few days ago
Now I also have high CPU whenever Evernote has focus (CPU drops down when just open in background) - which could be contributing to this. One thread running at 30% of CPU. Mainly when you've opened a note in a separate window - editing a note in the main window has 30% CPU when you are actively editing, but drops down when you stop typing. But in a separate window it runs at 30% CPU all the time.
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  • Level 5

If you encounter high CPU usage, it may be a process got stuck (which is a bug).

In this case quit the app (not only close it by clicking the „X“). This will reset all background activity.

Not satisfying, but currently the workaround to catch CPU usage.

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I've also encountered this problem just recently when I moved from a MacBook Pro to a Windows 10 laptop.  Evernote is sometimes fine but whenever I start editing a note, the fan kicks in, CPU use rises substantially, and I have to quit out if I don't want to go deaf.  This is with a brand new Alienware laptop, so plenty of horsepower.  Have no idea why Evernote is consuming that much of my CPU.

This problem is reproduceable as well.  I think on laptops it's more noticeable because fan usage makes it quite obvious.

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  • Level 5*
On 7/19/2021 at 7:41 PM, Bill in VA said:

I've also encountered this problem just recently when I moved from a MacBook Pro to a Windows 10 laptop.  Evernote is sometimes fine but whenever I start editing a note, the fan kicks in, CPU use rises substantially, and I have to quit out if I don't want to go deaf.  This is with a brand new Alienware laptop, so plenty of horsepower.  Have no idea why Evernote is consuming that much of my CPU.

This problem is reproduceable as well.  I think on laptops it's more noticeable because fan usage makes it quite obvious.

Hi.  I moved your post to the 'other' thread on this issue - have a look at the comments so far.  If you have the leeway to submit a support ticket it might be a good idea..

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  • 1 year later...

I have same problem very often when I put a Evernote window in the back it is unresponsive for very long time. This is very irritating. It does not happen all the time, but quite often.

I am using latest version. Its on a PC with Windows 11. 

Any ideas how to solve this ?

Kind regards Christian

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  • Level 5*

Looks like the original posts here were about Evernote 10.17 and a year later I'm now on Win 11 and v10.45.  so I'd say the world had moved on a bit...

I'm not seeing the same freeze when windows lose the focus - have you checked Task Manager to see what's going on?  Have you tried uninstalling Evernote (using Revo uninstaller to get everything off) and then restart / reinstalling?

What device do you have?

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  • Evernote Expert
3 hours ago, QueenOfLaughter said:

I have the same problem that has been going on for months.

Could you describe the issue as it affects you?  What we need is the steps needed for us to reproduce the issue.

I'm sorry that my recommendations in a different thread didn't work for you. Did you try the uninstall/reinstall or the forced sync with Ctrl+R or both?

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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, QueenOfLaughter said:

I have the same problem that has been going on for months.

...and just to check - what device(s) and Evernote version are you using when the screen freezes... 

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On 10/7/2022 at 11:12 AM, gazumped said:

Looks like the original posts here were about Evernote 10.17 and a year later I'm now on Win 11 and v10.45.  so I'd say the world had moved on a bit...

I'm not seeing the same freeze when windows lose the focus - have you checked Task Manager to see what's going on?  Have you tried uninstalling Evernote (using Revo uninstaller to get everything off) and then restart / reinstalling?

What device do you have?

I have now logged out of evernote, said yes to delete all. Uninstalled Evernote. Removed chrome plugin. reboot. Installed evernote and installed chrome plugin.

Problem is still there.

I have an extra window open which i edit all day long many times. text is about what I am working on and how much time i have been using. Every time i edit something, switch to another window to copy some info and then go back it is hanging for 10 - 60 seconds. it is crazy painfull.

Its almost unusable, it slows me down and I hate it like crazy. 

Computer is an no-name. 
Windows 11 Pro, updated to newest security updates
ASUS mainboard
Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10 GenuineIntel
SSD Hard disk

Evernote 10.46.7, but also on all previous versions I have used in the last 2 months. I had until 2 months ago evernote classic as new was too slow when i tried it on first releases. Evernote classic never had this problem. 


1. Open an OLD text in an extra window (not sure it happens on a new text). So you have evernote and an extra windows open with your "important text". The text in the evernote is a bit longer than the current page.

2. go to another app and do some work.

3. Switch the the "important Evernote text" page. Add a little bit of text in a new line, like the date "14.10.2022"

4. switch to another window and stay there for a bit, maybe copy something. Maybe swicth to several windows.

5. switch back to the "important Evernote text" and its is hanging. You cannot edit. You can click and then enter text and it will often be added 10-60 sec later if you wait.

6. After 10-60 sec you can suddently edit again.

It does not always happen. Sometimes it is a couple of seconds, sometimes very long time.

But it happens many times over the day.


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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, Christian Jacobsen said:

Problem is still there.

I can only suggest you raise a support ticket - we're mainly users here,  so no access to backend processes.  We can only offer suggestions based on personal experience.  You seem to have carried out all the usual steps to try to identify a local glitch,  and -despite the no name PC- your system seems pretty up to date.  You may have a slow or weak internet connection through a local firewall,  but I'm otherwise out of suggestions.  I use the same Evernote version with (currently) zero lag times on around 60,000 notes;  so you should be able to have the same experience.  🤔

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this issue alos on latest windows version on desktop pc.

it works fine, but then i switch to another window, then when i go back to evernote window to make a note, it wont let me. its like frozen.


cant type or select anything, freezes for 10-20 seconds very annoying


has anyone got a fix


someone said it could be due to syncing errors but how do you turn syncing off or check if this is the issue.  (I suppose you can try knocking off your wifi then switching windows?)

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I have same issue. Really annoying.

edit in evernote, switch to other app, and swith back. Then evernote freeze.

It doesn't happened everytime. But everytime it happened, I always am wondering why it happened?

I thinks it relates with "automatically saving". Sometimes network is not stable. But I can't tune saving interval time.

Saving content should be async and not block user input. Every UI program should consinder this issue and you should have cover this. But you keep adding feature and this basic function is not workign anymore.

I can upload 10GB content every month. But how to do that if it freezed every a few second?

why web evernote doesn't have this kind of issue?

why Word doesn't have this kind of issue?

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  • Level 5

Welcome to the forums, @fkpwolf. Just to be clear, these are basically user-to-user forums; you are not addressing Evernote staff or developers directly here. The problem is certainly significant, but to let Evernote know of your concerns directly, you need to create a support ticket: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. I believe you can do so as a "Guest" if you do not have a paid subscription.

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  • 2 months later...

I have same issue, I got used to just hitting the refresh button to unfreeze my screen, but this is not a solution and I'm going to quit evernote if I don't find a solution to this soon.


Tried uninstalling/intalling, updating, clearing information... nothing.

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  • Level 5

Hi, and welcome to the forums. As has been suggested previously in this thread, your fellow users here can't really do anything but sympathize. Raising a support ticket is the way to get some ideas from Evernote about what may be going on: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. If you're able to do that, and they make a suggestion that works, it would be helpful to report that here.

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  • Level 5
On 1/15/2023 at 12:09 AM, pedroq said:

I have same issue, I got used to just hitting the refresh button to unfreeze my screen, but this is not a solution and I'm going to quit evernote if I don't find a solution to this soon.


Tried uninstalling/intalling, updating, clearing information... nothing.

You can’t do both what you are claiming here:

Hit a refresh button AND uninstall.

Either you are on the web client, then there is a refresh button on the browser. But the web client is not installed and can‘t be uninstalled.

Or you un-/installed, but then there is no refresh button. Except you are talking about the old, deprecated Windows client 6.25 - in which case you should probably update to v10, currently on release 10.51. 

We can’t watch over your shoulder - sort it out, and come back if you know on what in fact you are running.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, flugdreki said:

Just to put the problem in further context:

Hi.  I don't think there is a problem,  or a context yet - if you're a subscriber I'd suggest you contact Support if you have an issue that won't go away.  It could be your internet connection / AV or firewall / some sort of software conflict,  or a corrupted database. 

As you've not commented here before,  we don't know anything about your device,  OS,  Evernote version or anything you may have already tried to fix your issue (apart from buying new hardware).  If you can fill in some of those blanks for us,  maybe we can suggest some fixes...

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  • 1 month later...


It is happening once an hour (some times more frequently) some kind of lag on my Evernote for Windows 11 program. Some times, when I come back do the Evernote program and I does anything, happens some kind of daley (it freezes for about 30 seconds). When it freezes, I can not do anything. It is a total waste of time.

However, my notebook is a new one (windows 11 and Intel i5 12ª generation). Despite it, the same problem occurred on my old notebook (windows 10 Intel i7 3ª generation). So, I am pretty sure it's not a Operating System problem.

About the processor, it does not seems like it is blocked or some think like that.

10.55.2-win-winstore-public (406)
Editor: v167.2.20810
Service: v1.67.2
© 2019 - 2023 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved

Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12500H 2.50 GHz
Installed RAM 16,0 GB (15,7 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

Edition Windows 11 Home Single Language
Version 22H2
Installed on ‎02/‎04/‎2023
OS build 22621.1555
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22640.1000.0


Did anybody find the solution?

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  • 1 month later...

I have been having the same problem for a while and after deciding to go back to Evernote for all my note-taking and general knowledge database, I am considering changing to something else.

I open a note - new or old - everthing seems fine.

Move to another app (to read, listen or whatever) and when I switch back to Evernote it is frozen. I calculate it takes between 30-60 seconds for it to become responsive again. When taking notes in a meeting, or from a book, or anything that requires interacting with other apps, it becomes very annoying and frustrating.


Windows 11

Dell XP-9315

Evernote 10.53.2


But I seems to be a recurring issue. Has anyone had any  luck solving it?


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