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Every time I open Evernote, it says there's a new version to install

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EVERY time I open Evernote on Windows, it tells me there is a new version to install. I'm currently on Version 10.3.6 (10/11/2020).

Is Evernote really updating this frequently, or am I having difficulties getting the new(er) version to install??? 

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Evernote doesn't usually update this frequently, but they recently launched a brand new re-engineered version with minimal features compared to the previous public version.  They now appear to be busily catching up with bugs reported by various users,  and adding back some of the services that were not included at the launch.  Hopefully they'll calm down in a week or two...

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Hopefully they will not brake down - I just posted a list with features that will keep them busy for a year !

There is another aspect to this: In the past we often discussed here that EN was taking months or even years to fix known issues. I see it to be a very positive development that obviously they now found back to a high level of agility with bug fixes and feature improvements.

Hope they continue, with a focus on release quality and stability.

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I've opened it again this morning, and there is yet another new version to install! This is getting ridiculous. 

There is a lot I don't like about this new version, and I've seen a lot of people making the same comments. Hopefully it'll get sorted eventually and normal service will resume. In the mean time, Evernote is becoming unusable. 

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Bamsicle said:

I've opened it again this morning, and there is yet another new version to install! This is getting ridiculous. 

There is a lot I don't like about this new version, and I've seen a lot of people making the same comments. Hopefully it'll get sorted eventually and normal service will resume. In the mean time, Evernote is becoming unusable. 

You could always go back to the Legacy version, or do a full uninstall and step back to the last general release public version (which confusingly was 6.25). 

From 6.25 it's possible to switch off the 'new version' alerts so you won't be bothered for a few months unless and until Evernote decide to withdraw support for Legacy - which hopefully won't be anytime soon because I'm still on 6.25 with shields fully up against updates.

@PinkElephant is right - Evernote were predicting more updates in the next 12 months than they've done in the last 5 years (which was, to be fair, practically zero),  so it looks like there will be more to come...

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Huge issues like everyone else so am going to move to the Legacy version (6.25). I've been using Evernote since 2010; call myself a power user, but have never messed with my data files.

Having never done this I have a question.  You mentioned a "full uninstall".  So, you are saying: Do the full uninstall first and then install the new (Legacy 6.25 version), right? I know, dumb question, but don't want to mess up/lose my data.

When I do the Full Uninstall, does this remove the application and the data?  Or just the application? (Just hoping when I sync with the Legacy version, all my data comes back from Evernote's servers.)

Lastly, what is the best way to do the full uninstall?

Thanks very much for the support.


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  • Evernote Expert
On 11/11/2020 at 9:51 AM, Bamsicle said:

I've opened it again this morning, and there is yet another new version to install! This is getting ridiculous. 

There is a lot I don't like about this new version, and I've seen a lot of people making the same comments. Hopefully it'll get sorted eventually and normal service will resume. In the mean time, Evernote is becoming unusable. 

This issue arises from time to time.  The solution is usually to download the latest version (10.3.7) from the Evernote website and install it over the top of your current version.  This almost always fixes this issue where updates don't 'take'. If you don't do this you will continue to get the new version installing message every day - possibly forever... ;)

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I've had a few problems where it asked me to install but it hasn't and then when opened up again it wants to install! 

Usually worked OK after a couple of attempts.

Didn't have any problems with 10.3.7 though... that had a different way of doing it with a progress bar appearing so maybe they've fixed a bug.

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AGSteele, what do you mean install 10.3.7 over the top of the previous version. Not sure how to do this and could explain part of my issues....

- I open my desktop Windows version (10.3.7) this morning and all I get is a white screen. 

-And I too get the repeated update messages.

If you could explain install over the top, that would be helpful.




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  • Evernote Expert

@kirkinalamo My apologies, I was addressing the specific issue that the op @Bamsicle raised in this thread so I can't say whether your issue which seems a little different might be assisted by my suggestion.

By install 'over the top' I meant:

  • Download the installer from the Evernote website - https://evernote.com/download
  • Close/Quit Evernote v10 if you have it running
  • Run the installer your just downloaded - it will install on top of / in place of your existing v10 installation
  • Run the program by clicking on the desktop icon.

Since you were having blank screen issues it is possible that installing on top of the exisiting program may not be sufficient. You might try completely uninstalling and deleting the whole v10 program.  I find an uninstaller called Revo Uninstall to be effective. Then reinstall v10 again. Uninstalling v10 doesn't affect your data in the cloud so the legacy version will sync up without a problem.

But you might just decide to stick with the legacy application which will avoid you having to struggle with these issues until it is more developed.

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On 11/12/2020 at 6:32 PM, agsteele said:

@kirkinalamo My apologies, I was addressing the specific issue that the op @Bamsicle raised in this thread so I can't say whether your issue which seems a little different might be assisted by my suggestion.

By install 'over the top' I meant:

  • Download the installer from the Evernote website - https://evernote.com/download
  • Close/Quit Evernote v10 if you have it running
  • Run the installer your just downloaded - it will install on top of / in place of your existing v10 installation
  • Run the program by clicking on the desktop icon.

Since you were having blank screen issues it is possible that installing on top of the exisiting program may not be sufficient. You might try completely uninstalling and deleting the whole v10 program.  I find an uninstaller called Revo Uninstall to be effective. Then reinstall v10 again. Uninstalling v10 doesn't affect your data in the cloud so the legacy version will sync up without a problem.

But you might just decide to stick with the legacy application which will avoid you having to struggle with these issues until it is more developed.

Thanks @agsteele 

I'm currently running 10.3.7 (15/11/2020), and the software seems to be working fine, it was just very confusing that it wanted to Update the software EVERY time I opened Evernote. I was finding it hard to believe that the updates were actually that frequent. 

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