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Version 10.1.7 unusable when internet drops

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Like millions of people on this planet, I live in an area where my internet connection is patchy and frequently drops for a short while. This used to not to be a problem with the old version of Evernote. I could continue working while the internet was down.There'd be a helpful little red exclamation mark over the sync icon to warn me and if I did inadvertently move to another device to continue working on a note, conflicting changes would be saved.

Now I can't edit exisiting notes at all! I get an error message saying the note failed to update and to reload it. This wipes out any recent edits, making it impossible to carry on working while I'm offline. I also can't open a new note while offline.

I decided to try changing the sync settings to see if I could switch off or reduce the sync frequency to allow me to work offline (not that I wanted to - I want Evernote to sync regularly whenever I have an internet connection). However, it appears that in the new version the settings menu has disappeared entirely! There's an item called "Preferences" (under "Tools") but all it does is allow you to toggle "Save Data at Log Out".

If these utterly unhelpful changes with the latest version of Evernote aren't fixed very soon I will, very regrettfully, have to cancel my subscription and migrate to another app.


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From a post announcing the update (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889234): Syncing is now constant--meaning nonexistent when there's no Internet connection, though some people in these forums do seem to manage to use it offline; app preferences are not yet implemented, but presumably are returning at some point.

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Thanks Dave. I wonder how other people are managing to use it offline, then... I hope some kind soul will appear here and explain.

A further peculiarity of the problems generated by my frequently dropping internet is that Evernote takes an inordinately long time to recognise when I come back online. Usually it doesn't drop for long and while other apps are accessing the internet normally and syncing away happily, Evernote continues declaring me offline. Closing and reopening the app doesn't help. After about 20 minutes (as long as the connection didn't drop again in the meantime), the message eventually disappears and Evernote starts working again.

For now I have re-installed the legacy version, which is working fine as usual. This can't be a long-term solution, though.

Given the lack of settings/preference options, and the release notes announcing some other functions are coming back soon, quite frankly I think that this release is premature,

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I want to edit when it Offline too. It is the one reason I subscribe with evernote . Hope the dev Will bring this feature back and manage this feature to work well. Maybe with adding toggle option to work online or offline ?

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Thanks Sayre. I am pretty certain that this is a problem specific to the Windows version.

On further investigation, the problem appear to arise in very specific circumstances: when my internet connection intermittently drops but not the wifi connection. To confuse matters, the Windows taskbar icon doesn't always switch crom "connected" to "no internet" but a quick speed test reveals there's in fact no connection. Evernote knows there's no connection, though, because I get the grey bar at the top telling me I'm offline. Annoyingly, it doesn't always disappear when I am in fact online again (the "reload message" appears shortly thereafter).

When the wifi connection is off completely, Evernote appears to workfine offline just fine.

I have two workarounds (for anyone else with a similar problem):

1. Disconnecting from wifi manually when the internet connection drops, so I can continue working and reconnect later to sync my notes. It's not ideal but at least it saves me repeatedly losing text I've just typed.

2. Downloading the legacy version of Evernote, which is works fine. However, this isn't a long-term solution.

Evernote support today reports that several problems with the new update have been addressed with a further update as of yesterday (10.2) and recommends I try that.

We'll see how it goes.

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One more issue: AFAIK it is not possible to start EN v10 desktop clients without an internet connection. You can use it without, but you need to log in while being connected.

This will make for interesting observations when long range travel commences. It is good practice to completely shut down any computer before going through border control.

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8 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

This will make for interesting observations when long range travel commences. It is good practice to completely shut down any computer before going through border control.

This is me. So I rely on being able to work offline.

Unfortunately, I have NOT been able to recover all my notes in the reinstalled legacy version after all (it was working fine until I wrote my earlier post but then stopped syncing and following advice on another thread I uninstalled and reinstalled it). I note that more and more posts are appearing about the legacy version not syncing, so I that "solution" is already useless for some of us. After managing to download 97% of my notes, syncing has once again stalled and I have no access to about 250 recent notes (nor shortcuts - I don't think the shortcut list gets repopulated until all the notes have downloaded). I am reduced to working only when I have a connection on the web, via my browser.

I have an idea that the sync problem with the legacy app might be because of a note created in the new app becoming corrupted (product of the sync process failing in the midst of writing a note). I've written elsewhere about that so I won't go into details here.

I see that a lot of beta testers are saying that they had been reporting many of the problems before the release so I am stunned that Evernote has brought it out before solving them. It looks as though I'm not going to get help from support soon either - the automatic reply has started saying that it will take 10-12 days to respond!!!!

I do wonder how Evernote is going to survive after such a disastrous release.


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11 hours ago, katetica said:


This is me. So I rely on being able to work offline.

Unfortunately, I have NOT been able to recover all my notes in the reinstalled legacy version after all (it was working fine until I wrote my earlier post but then stopped syncing and following advice on another thread I uninstalled and reinstalled it). I note that more and more posts are appearing about the legacy version not syncing, so I that "solution" is already useless for some of us. After managing to download 97% of my notes, syncing has once again stalled and I have no access to about 250 recent notes (nor shortcuts - I don't think the shortcut list gets repopulated until all the notes have downloaded). I am reduced to working only when I have a connection on the web, via my browser.

I have an idea that the sync problem with the legacy app might be because of a note created in the new app becoming corrupted (product of the sync process failing in the midst of writing a note). I've written elsewhere about that so I won't go into details here.

I see that a lot of beta testers are saying that they had been reporting many of the problems before the release so I am stunned that Evernote has brought it out before solving them. It looks as though I'm not going to get help from support soon either - the automatic reply has started saying that it will take 10-12 days to respond!!!!

I do wonder how Evernote is going to survive after such a disastrous release.


The web version should give you a sense of the condition of your notes.  And I would go back to 6.25 for a while until this cluster gets sorted.  Not much upside in 10 now. 

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