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[Question]Can I not use cloud service?

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I like Evernote. but I don't need cloud service and don't want pay for monthly. I want to use Evernote by only offline desktop. But evernote's free user data size is very small(60mb).

1. If I want to upload more size data, do I have to subscribe monthly pay?  

2. If I subscribe premium and cancel and don't use cloud, Can I upload more data(I mean premium size)? 


I want to evernote portable or only offline program. 

I can buy 'evernote offline version' if they offer. 

But I think cloud service is too useless and expensive for me. 




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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, ukebida said:

I like Evernote. but I don't need cloud service and don't want pay for monthly

Why are you interested in the Evernote service?  
It's a cloud service

Evernote has a free basic account level   
and functions in offline mode on the  Windows/Mac platforms (Local Notebooks)

You should be aware of the Basic account, like note size

>>If I want to upload more size data, do I have to subscribe monthly pay?  

Yes, but if you're not using online notebooks there's no upload   
Note size limits apply to the Basic account

>>If I subscribe premium and cancel and don't use cloud, Can I upload more data(I mean premium size)? 

You will be able to view oversize notes, but no editing

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  • Level 5

I think you are required to have one notebook that is synced to Evernote's servers ("the cloud"). But I'm sure you could put one small dummy note in that notebook, let it sync/upload, and be done with it. Then (in the Windows desktop program) go to the File menu and choose New Local Notebook. If you make several local notebooks and place all the material you actually work with in them, they will never upload to Evernote's servers, and the upload limit simply will never apply to your usage. At any rate that's how I understand it.

You are wanting to use Evernote in a somewhat non-standard way, but I don't see any reason not to do so. I hope this is some help.

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Just make sure to set up your own backup when doings.

By the cloud Server, EN takes care of backing up for you. They even run a note history in the background (for all users, access is Premium-only) to allow for going back in time.

But local notebooks are not on the server , so not backup, not note history. It is your own responsibility that your local notes are safe.

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  • Level 5*
22 hours ago, ukebida said:

I like Evernote. but I don't need cloud service and don't want pay for monthly. I want to use Evernote by only offline desktop. But evernote's free user data size is very small(60mb).

1. If I want to upload more size data, do I have to subscribe monthly pay?  

2. If I subscribe premium and cancel and don't use cloud, Can I upload more data(I mean premium size)? 


I want to evernote portable or only offline program. 

I can buy 'evernote offline version' if they offer. 

But I think cloud service is too useless and expensive for me. 




You can have one note in a synced notebook and then put all your notes in local notebooks.  You would have to do the backups and the notes would not sync.  This would only work as long as EN keeps local notebooks functionality.

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26 minutes ago, CalS said:

You can have one note in a synced notebook and then put all your notes in local notebooks.  You would have to do the backups and the notes would not sync.  This would only work as long as EN keeps local notebooks functionality.

Thank you, But I don't understand what you said. 

If I upgrade premium and cancel(using other computer)  and

my local computer does not sync, 

Can I use premium if I do not use sync? 

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  • Level 5*
25 minutes ago, ukebida said:

Thank you, But I don't understand what you said. 

If I upgrade premium and cancel(using other computer)  and

my local computer does not sync, 

Can I use premium if I do not use sync? 

I’m confused.  You said you didn’t want premium.  The above is if you use a basic account.  

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  • Level 5

The only Part of your EN data that will not sync are notes in a local Notebook, on a desktop client (PC or Mac). They exist as a local copy only on that single machine (plus in the backup you are advised to create).

If you have problems to understand what that means you better stick with the usual set up using the EN server.

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  • Level 5
On 9/15/2020 at 9:17 PM, ukebida said:

Thank you, But I don't understand what you said. 

If I upgrade premium and cancel(using other computer)  and

my local computer does not sync, 

Can I use premium if I do not use sync? 

I'm sure Evernote will take your money; but you will gain no advantage at all by having a Premium account if all of your notes are in unsynced local notebooks. For instance, the search capabilities for attached PDF documents that a Premium account offers depend on the notes being synced so that the PDFs can be indexed for searching by Evernote's servers.

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  • Level 5*
2 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

For instance, the search capabilities for attached PDF documents that a Premium account offers depend on the notes being synced so that the PDFs can be indexed for searching by Evernote's servers.

If you OCR the PDFs yourself they will appear in the search results no matter the subscription level.  With current versions anyway.

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