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Accidental dragging encrypted icon corrupts data

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I have reported corruption of encrypted data before, but I didn't know the cause, now I do:

When double clicking on encrypted text, if the mouse moves slightly, resulting in accidentally dragging the encrypted icon, the icon will become permanent and the encrypted data will be lost, decryption will no longer be accesible. 

This is repeatable, and I believe it is not version dependent since I have seen it before, though I have the latest version.

This is a big problem for those of us who don't have note history (Plus & free accounts).

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Don Dz said:

This is a big problem for those of us who don't have note history (Plus & free accounts).

Might be good to open a problem ticket with support and officially report this one.

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19 hours ago, s2sailor said:

Might be good to open a problem ticket with support and officially report this one.

Priority support keeps signing me out, do they not support Plus accounts?  Apparently I cannot use the following link, is there another?  https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action

I keep getting the message "You have logged out of Evernote".  I have assumed they read the forums, in any case.

I hope Austin G doesn't mind if I reference him on this issue, since the encryption bug is repeatable.

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  • Level 5*
31 minutes ago, Don Dz said:

Priority support keeps signing me out, do they not support Plus accounts?

As I understand it, support is available to any paid subscriber whether plus or premium.

Interestingly the forum identifies you as a premium member.

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2 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

As I understand it, support is available to any paid subscriber whether plus or premium.

Interestingly the forum identifies you as a premium member.

They gave me a complimentary Premium account for several months after I reported some data corruption issues, this expired upon my annual renewal in June.  Not sure why it hasn't reverted back to Plus on the forum, for sure I no longer have note history.

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11 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

Not discounting the problem, but one can always sign up for just one month of premium to access note history if needed.

Yes, though I managed to rescue my recent lost data by copying it from another device before updating. 

I always disable/delay automatic synchronization whenever possible, for just such a time as this.

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  • Level 5*
18 minutes ago, Don Dz said:

I always disable/delay automatic synchronization whenever possible, for just such a time as this.

Not a bad plan as long as you always remember to manually sync when needed otherwise you may get into note conflict difficulties.

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8 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

Not a bad plan as long as you always remember to manually sync when needed otherwise you may get into note conflict difficulties.

That does happen occasionally, but between two somewhat different copies of the same note, vs a lost note, seems worth it to me.

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  • Level 5

I have a different approach to deal with the „setback“ issue: I have Acronis running on my PC, creating a copy of my EN database every day to my NAS, with keeping versions several weeks backwards. It is not that much data, and the NAS can take it easily. Syncing is on, every 5min.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Level 5*
On 7/10/2019 at 2:16 AM, PinkElephant said:

I have Acronis running on my PC, creating a copy of my EN database every day to my NAS

If you are talking about the EXB file this works but can be a bit complicated on the restore side of things.  But if one is comfortable with the steps it definitely works. 

I use tool called Backuppery which backs up by notebook to ENEX at 1 AM every morning.  Each backup set is about 25 GB so I only keep a weeks worth.  Every week I encrypt the local notebook backups and save them to the cloud for offsite protection.  Recovery process is to import to a temporary notebook, grab the note, delete the temporary notebook.  PITA for a big notebook from a time basis, but other than that pretty simple.  I've only had to do it once on the last six months and that was for a note in a local notebook.  FWIW.

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  • Level 5*
On 7/10/2019 at 12:16 AM, PinkElephant said:

I have Acronis running on my PC, creating a copy of my EN database every day to my NAS, with keeping versions several weeks backwards.


5 hours ago, CalS said:

I use tool called Backuppery which backs up by notebook to ENEX at 1 AM every morning.  Each backup set is about 25 GB so I only keep a weeks worth.

As per @s2sailor, Note History backup is my solution to recovering corrupted data

For personal backups, I have daily incremental backups, keeping versions forever.

  • This is run on my Mac automatically, via a script.
  • I use HTML format; recovery of lost note contents is copy/paste; import also works
  • Note: HTML export does not preserve encrypted text (not a feature I use - I prefer encrypted file attachments)
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