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Plus-user: Attachment as PDF or JPG?

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Hi there!

I'm currently a plus member at EN and make quite excessive use of the - to my mind - very good Evernote document scanner function on my Android device to capture bills, contracts etc. Unfortunately it does not offer to capture in PDF which has some advantages (for example when forwarding notes or exporting them). On the other side to my VERY sorrow the plus subscription does not offer PDFs to be searchable. 

I'm still struggling with deciding what format will be better and future-proof. OneNote handles PDF much, much better and is for free...

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!


  • Level 5*

Hi.  There are a number of Android apps that will scan into PDF,  and the files can then be attached to notes.  I don't know if they also OCR the content (it's a while since I used one - my scanning is all desktop now) but have a look in the Play store for things like CamScanner.

As you note,  the benefit of JPG is that it is automatically OCR'd by the server - though image text recognition is different from document OCR.  IMHO it's fine for signs and posters,  but you really need to PDF and OCR documents for full searches of the content.

PDF files will also hold multiple pages,  JPG's won't.

Can't advise you further on the 'free' aspect - I use a ScanSnap (not cheap) and a Premium account - but still do my own OCR (Adobe,  also not cheap),  just so I know it's done.

Good luck with your search - come back and let us know what you eventually decide on!  :)


I'm actually using CamScanner :) It has OCR but I still do not understand in which cases EN will search within PDFs - today I tested a newly uploaded PDF produced by the android version of CamScanner. Unfortunately EN refuses to find any attempted word in it...



7 minutes ago, Matze B. said:

I'm actually using CamScanner :) It has OCR but I still do not understand in which cases EN will search within PDFs - today I tested a newly uploaded PDF produced by the android version of CamScanner. Unfortunately EN refuses to find any attempted word in it...



I use NAPS2, a great open source pdf scanner on my PC which produces searchable pdf. The pdf search always works in my Evernote Plus. Are you sure that your CamScanner really produces searchable  pdf?

  • Level 5*
35 minutes ago, Matze B. said:

I'm actually using CamScanner :) It has OCR but I still do not understand in which cases EN will search within PDFs - today I tested a newly uploaded PDF produced by the android version of CamScanner. Unfortunately EN refuses to find any attempted word in it...

Officially, pdf searching is a Pemium feature
Users have reported searching works if previously ocr'd but I've wondered if that would last
You can check the OCR by trying to select text in the pdf

  • Level 5*

If you OCR the PDF yourself it is searchable in EN.  My secondary Basic account still works fine with OCRd PDFs.  FWIW. 

I think the easiest thing for the OP to do is open the PDF and do a CTRL-F and see if the document is OCRd.  FWIW.

  • Level 5*

I think CamScanner includes OCR as an option,  so you'd need to make sure you've set it up correctly.  And yes,  OCR'd PDF files are searchable in my Basic account too - the files have an index of words attached which Evernote can add to its own search tables.


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