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  1. Hi Mike, thank you for your suggestion. You are right. It's a new feature released on the begging of the year. I love it and also published a video about it. But it's not exactly the best solution if the person needs to find and select a specific tag. With so many tags, I cannot remember all the names, and sometimes I rely on the nesting system to navigate and find the one I'm looking for.
  2. If I search for a parent tag in the tags' drawer, there's no option to expand it to see the nested tags. The expansion is possible on the shortcuts area and even in the drawer, but only if we scroll the list and click parent tag, as explained on the video below. Please add the option to expand a searched parent tag.
  3. The web client is getting better and better after Evernote 10, but several shortcuts are missing. Please add the "Switch to..." shortcut.
  4. I don't know if you simply forgot it, or if it was intentional, but it looks like there's a setting missing under the new settings (v. 10.35) Sidebar tab. I think “Show Recent Notes in Sidebar” should be there as well.
  5. The official release note says: “the original entry points still remain”, but in my humble opinion they should give way to the new unified UI. If one clicks, say, on the Calendar Settings on Home, the pop-up window presented should be the new UI window at the Calendar Settings tab. This would help people get used to the new settings area, that I'm assuming will house more option in the future.
  6. Hi @PinkElephant, as @Mike P put it, my suggestion is to update Web Clipper to the modern YouTube embedding feature we got after Evernote 10. Instead of the image (cover art) we would be able to actually watch the embedded video without leaving the note.
  7. Now that notes support embedded videos, it would be a much better experience if videos clipped with Web Clipper were playable (embedded) instead of an image of the thumbnail.
  8. I love that we can now embed YouTube videos in notes. It's beautify and useful, but as an educator, it would be invaluable to point students to a shared public note with the lesson topics and a playable video. Instead, what we get today is only the link to the video. And if we stop to think about its potential, this would be useful in so many other situations: online manuals, sales, etc.
  9. To be able to separate a note in a window, is a simple, yet a powerful feature of Evernote. It helps bring focus to the note we are working on and, at the same time, it frees the Evernote App to be used to research other notes and information related to the work we are doing. That said, having a keyboard shortcut for the “Open in new window” menu option would make our work even more productive.
  10. 100% agree. The combination Notebooks + Tags it's an alternative that can mimic the indentation and, IMHO, has more benefits than nesting notebooks. In a traditional file system, nesting makes it impossible to categorize the same file in different folders. Tags solve that on Evernote.
  11. I have 4 Google Sheets that I constantly need to interact with, and to make things easier I created a Pinned Note with them. Technically speaking, it is working. I can see the name of the files and click on them and get to the spreadsheets, but that loading blue line keeps going back and forth forever as if the spreadsheets didn't finish loading. And this only happens on the widget. There are no blue lines on the note.
  12. I see a lot of value in the Evernote-Drive integration; however, I would love to see a real integration. Similar to what happens with embedded YouTube videos, it would be extraordinary to see and maybe be able to edit parts of spreadsheets, videos, and other documents as a window in the note. This would be of much use, specially for people that need more powerful tables. Other use cases would be watching in the note our videos saved in Google Drive. And a simple version of this have already existed in the past. Before Evernote 10, images and videos from Google Drive would have a thumbnail below that gray bar.
  13. First of all, happy 2022 🎉 Yes, I have already notified Evernote by sharing this post with them. Best, Vlad.
  14. Hi, after the latest Evernote update (10.27.5 mac-ddl-public 3122) the behaviour of the advanced search syntax changed. I'm not sure if it is just a bug or if you guys changed it. Upper and lower case are not ignored anymore. For example, if the tag is "Evernote" and I try tag:evernote, I'll get no results. It has to be tag:Evernote to work. This is also affecting the use of saved searches and saved searches on the Filtered Notes Widget. I checked the Advanced Search Syntax page at Learning & Help and it still says "upper and lower case are ignored". So, I'm more inclined to believe it is a bug.
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