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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I think you need to back up here. Is this an Evernote issue? I don't use a Scansnap but for me, scanning or picture taking is one function. Then, I take the images and attach them to a note
  2. I can click on Add Tag to add a tag If I click on the +, I can only use existing tags
  3. You are correct - It looks like the only place is at the note level Tag management is becoming more of an oxymoron in IOS
  4. You can add new tags in two places - tag management screen in user settings - info button in the notes screen; select Add Tag
  5. You're hijacking someone's request post. My solution would be to create separate notes which are linked. The link and navigation keys let me go back and forth
  6. I use a two column table for my notes. It gives be a background colour, and text space on the right side. I could use this for comments
  7. Day 1 beginner lesson Download the script to your desktop Journal.scpt DoubleClick to launch ScriptEditor app Click the run icon Future advanced lesson Proper filing for the script and easier execution The objective was to launch Evernote search with day1 and day2 The code is simple -- Get Day1 and Day2 set {year:yyyy, month:mmm, day:d, weekday:dddd} to (current date) set yyyy to yyyy - 1 set dd to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & d as text)) set m to mmm as integer set mm to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & m as text)) set Day1 to yyyy & mm & dd as string set {year:yyyy, month:mmm, day:d, weekday:dddd} to ((current date) + 1 * days) set yyyy to yyyy - 1 set dd to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & d as text)) set m to mmm as integer set mm to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & m as text)) set Day2 to yyyy & mm & dd as string -- Launch Evernote tell application "Evernote" activate set query string of window 1 to ("created:" & Day1 & " -created:" & Day2) end tell
  8. Not to dispute you estimating skills for development, perhaps you could add your vote to the request and encourage others Voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion and the current count is
  9. Correct - my solution has been to encrypt the specific data I need secure >>This is what I don't get. What are Evernote doing with their time / these updates? Evernote has not given any indication of plans for encrypting notebooks If you check release notes, you can find what they've been focusing on
  10. This was a bug introduced in the latest IOS release. Its been reported in the release discussion and I recommend you switch to that discussion
  11. Not sure what the problem is but Evernote runs ok on my iPad, even with my entire database stored You might try some self help - delete and re-install (Warning: Hold off on this - the current release has issues)
  12. IOS offers decryption for viewing There is no encryption feature in Evernote IOS. The only current solution is third party app or encrypt on the desktop I prefer encrypted PDFs, but I know Saferoom integrates with Evernote in IOS
  13. Are you experiencing any performance problems - or is it just disk space My Mac is performing nicely with this volume, and I know of other users with larger numbers/sizes (Macs handle database performance better than Windows) For disk space, you might look at some of your larger notes and move your attachments offsite
  14. My guess is There are not a large number of potential users, especially compared to other platforms Of this number, there's an even smaller number of users willing to pay
  15. I understand using a word processing app that provides the editing features you need. I don't understand dropping Evernote (digital filing cabinet)
  16. I wasn't aware of that. I got focused on Evernote being a note app
  17. Got it - Find/Replace as per the discussion title It hasn't bothered me, but then my notes are the size of ..... notes As I mentioned, for more serious projects I use Word/Pages as note attachments They have find/replace
  18. Are you running the latest IOS Evernote version 8.0.1?
  19. There was a bug in the IOS version, but it was corrected in 8.0.1 Inserting multiple images into a new note with no other content drops the images from the note 8.0.1 stops this behavior and repairs notes that may have encountered this issue
  20. Not clear on what you find "so-ooo disappointing" and the "clear message" Drop box would work ok as a sync mechanism; I use Apple iCloud I use Pages/Word frequently for attachment to notes in Evernote, but I don't see them as a replacement for the Evernote editor I like features like OCR Searching, inline/attachment views, metadata list and sorting
  21. Not having a problem I can take a picture on my Mac or iPad. They get sync'd to all devices Just to be clear - what device did you use for the picture?
  22. If you're on the Windows/Mac platform, you could use a Local Notebook Note: You should backup local notebooks
  23. It may be time to bring in the official support people Contact Evernote Support (Paying Customers) Twitter @evernotehelps
  24. You also had an upgrade going on? I'm not aware of any database changes Can you post a screenshot of the folder contents you located. I think you double clicked on a .enml file - we may be able to work with that and convert it to a .html file (opens in a browser)
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