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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Free users can contact Support here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client)
  2. I'll have to defer to your superior knowledge of Electron and Evernote's code base on that.
  3. Hi. Try a web search for Evernote and 'duplicate notes' - there's been a lot of discussion about what causes them and how to avoid them in the Forums here and elsewhere.
  4. Tried Legacy? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  5. Evernote recently completed a multi-year project to completely rewrite the app to allow them to meet previous user requests and continue to develop new features. Despite the number of requests here, it's not a democratic process - it's Evernote's business, and while they'll listen to requests, they're not obliged (or may be financially or technically unable) to deliver. Realistic alternatives are: enjoy what they provide, or find an alternative.
  6. Hi. No. The Forums here are (mainly) user-supported with Evernote staff monitoring threads. It's better to use the Support channels to report issues or to feedback direct to Evernote. For general payment (or access) issues see:
  7. Pretty much every computer sorts that way. Try using ISO dates 20211015 / 20211016 / 20211017 (YYYYMMDD)
  8. If that were the only thing they were doing, I agree Evernote could probably change the necessary code more or less overnight. However Evernote is a machine with lots of moving parts serving enough users worldwide to populate a medium size country. I assume they have their own priorities and agenda. Why should this be at the top of the heap?
  9. Hi. The Forums here are (mainly) user-supported with Evernote staff monitoring threads. It's better to use the Support channels to report issues or to feedback direct to Evernote For general payment issues see NB for iTunes payments please contact them direct. Payments in India - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/139232-issues-with-web-based-subscriptions-for-users-in-india/
  10. Absolutely no clue. You might want to review this help page...What to do if you suspect unauthorized access to your Evernote account
  11. Purely a personal opinion, but keeping 'important notes' in a free app does not seem a particularly wise choice. You can de-authorise a device for a limited number of times each month - more information here: Understanding the device limit Support is available via the feedback link in most versions, and (for free users) on Twitter @EvernoteHelps. The easiest way to ensure continuing access however would appear to be to subscribe.
  12. Evernote does save fully synced changes to all notes in all types of account, but there are exceptions - it is possible forinstance (I believe) to 'lose' the update history by moving a note between notebooks. If a recent history was unavailable on this specific note, you could try contacting Support for help. (We're mainly other users around here...)
  13. Hi. This is a -mainly- user2user Forum and Evernote don't take bug reports from or explain themselves to individual posts. To get a personal response, please contact Support at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new As possible work-arounds while you wait for a human response, the Legacy apps are still available for desktop with the 'old' date options; plus there are many text expander apps that will create a current date and/ or time in any format and insert it with one keypress. I use Phrase Express for ISO date stamps since my system time options do not include that choice.
  14. I think the point is that as far as the system is concerned these are not duplicate notes - they may well appear to be dups and could well be exact duplicates. But as far as the system is concerned it's been presented with two notes with slightly different content - and that might only be the time-stamp. The system is not able to decide for the user whether there are differences, or if so, which bits to keep and which to discard. That's not up to the system - it's left to the user. Clearly it's an imperfect system - but not one that will change anytime soon, unless Evernote secretly had a development in the pipeline 6 months ago. It really REALLY doesn't matter what causes the problem or what would fix it. Either we accept it and find a way around it, or use a different app.
  15. Full Boolean search is available in the Professional package.
  16. Hi. You're posting in Evernote Teams (formerly Business). I'd guess that's not the product that you're using and we don;t know what device(s) or Evernote version. Fill in some of the blanks please for more advice. On the basis of what you've said - contact Support (which we're not) about your database possibly being corrupted. It is definitely not expected behaviour for any client to magically encrypt note content. What you're seeing may be just random corruption of the content. These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  17. Hi. I believe the web client is pretty slow on anything - have you tried different browsers? Locations? (i.e. maybe with a better internet connection) There is a Linux Beta client which seems like it might be released soon (for Evernote values of 'soon') or you could join the beta program... Depending on what you're doing, subscribers can send content to Evernote by email, and there are Clippers to grab web content, and you could shut down everything else on your device apart from the browser to maximise the resources available - but other than basic common sense there are no 'hacks' as such... https://evernote.com/earlyaccess
  18. Hi. For general payment issues see NB for iTunes payments please contact them direct. Payments in India https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/139232-issues-with-web-based-subscriptions-for-users-in-india/
  19. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  20. Evernote would (I expect) never take the step of deleting a user's notes. That's a step for us to take on our own information if and when we feel the need. A lot of the duplicate notes issues are related to uses of the Evernote system to which it clearly objects. Long notes / long sessions / dubious net connections... something is generating this outcome for a limited number of users. So the more reports that go to Evernote about the issue, the more likely they are to be able to armour the system against those styles of use - but in the meantime if you wish to avoid duplications, the options have already been listed here and elsewhere.
  21. Hi. No clue. Hopefully you'll hear from Support pretty quickly, but until then... Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  22. Or maybe use a third-party code editor (that will have more features than Evernote anyway) and attach the document file to your note?
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