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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. Hi.  Evernote now saves web pages inside HTML (more or less) 'frames',  but I don't know what would happen to a text document that was part of that page - as far as I remember there was never any automatic reformatting to PDF or annotating of content;  trying to edit a note containing a web page got you "unusual" results because new entries would alter the hidden HTML content of the page.  If you clip as an image,  it's possible to annotate the image,  but editing web pages or their content has never been possible.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Silvio'ss said:

    Using a professional signature doesn't seem to be the solution.

    I'm not sure I understand.  Evernote allows you to connect one calendar,  which includes all the individual views you have created in that calendar.  If you subscribed to an external ICS calendar which is displayed in your personal calendar as an additional view,  you can see it under 'others' when you choose which views to display...


  3. ...And yet I can create a new note on my desktop using a unique tag name and see the same note magically appear on my Android tablet more or less in real time.  It's also tagged correctly,  though searches don't work immediately,  presumably because it takes a little longer to re-sync/ recreate the search index than it does a new note. 

    I saved the search and while typing this reply,  a search now finds my tablet note without issues.  Just sayin'

  4. 3 hours ago, sharleenganerytl57 said:

    In principle, this is logical, I will pass this information on to my son.

    If a subscription has already been paid,  There are no refunds;  but if a user can meet the verification requirements they could certainly then go to https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action  (it's the 'Billing' page of the online account) and check out the very bottom of the page,  just above "Terms of Service". 

    'Cancel your Evernote subscription' is there - choosing it will downgrade the account to Free.  Once at that level,  the user can re-subscribe as a student using the link already quoted.


  5. Hi.  Have you tried the 'forgot password' service via Evernote.com?  If you have logged in on several devices and don't see any notes,  the most likely explanation is that you have been using the wrong use details...  As long as you still have access to the email address registered with Evernote you should be able to reset the details easily.

  6. 1 hour ago, jo7k said:

    Did you achieve a solution for any of them?

    The Forums here are supported by other users - we don't have any more information than you see in this thread.  As far as I know very few users are completely locked out of the Support system in the same way you apparently are. 

    If we didn't already suggest it - you could try 'X',  the Evernote Product Lead is quite active there... https://x.com/fedesimio


  7. 24 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

    I wish I could reproduce so I could try and help.

    I just signed out and then back in again to see where things could go wrong.  The only thing I can see is that no-one mentioned the Captcha marathon yet (I needed to make about 6 choices to be approved as human...) if people aren't seeing that at all,  maybe pop-up blockers are the issue.

  8. Is it mean of me that I want a year view and a schedule view that shows all the entries for each day/ week / month / year?  I agree this is nice though - am about to leverage Events and Tasks to reorganise my reminder system.  I hope...

  9. Hmmn.  I doubt receiving the Marketing ads is optional - if you feel they're too frequent then you could (theoretically) complain to CS,  but you're unlikely to see any reduction in the number.  It's odd that you have such a problem in getting through to the Support team though.   Evernote's Product Lead is rather active on 'X' if you want to message him there... https://x.com/fedesimio


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