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Posts posted by johnm243

  1. 18 minutes ago, Thorsten Albrecht said:

    With the script enex2notion it was even possible to import all Evernote stacks to Notion. Ok, this took a long time for every stack because it was really slow. But it worked.

    Interesting. I gave up on Notion because it wouldn't convert my notebooks. Even the smallest one had errors (missing notes).

    Notion support couldn't help me (other than recording my conversion problems as an issue) so I dumped Notion. I wish they had told me about enex2notion!

  2. 21 hours ago, nananananana said:

    Hey, but a cost is a cost and that can add up - I get it. I'm perfectly willing to pay for a version of Evernote but the versions they have now eliminate local notebooks altogether. So we're forced to pay for an inferior version or loose everything we've ever created.


    I downloaded the Legacy install a couple of years ago when I started looking for a replacement. After dumping many potential replacements (most had problems converting Evernote, despite the fact that they all said they could!), I finally found one that worked AND was able to convert the nearly 10K notes I had in Evernote: Joplin!

    Legacy stopped working for me in February of this year. Fortunately, I was able to to reinstall Legacy: I believe that Evernote 10 is limited to exporting 100 notebooks max to ENEX format!

    Joplin doesn't convert Stacks properly. However, all of the notes I had in my Stacks (the largest Stack had nearly 2K notes) were converted into a Notebook. I had put in tags for each Stack and the Notebooks in each Stack so that, if I want to recreate Stacks in the future (Joplin has notebooks and sub-notebooks), I can.

    Joplin saves locally. In order to sync to my other computers and devices, I did have to buy Joplin Cloud. However, at 58 Euros per year (approx $63 USD), Joplin Cloud is significantly less expensive than Evernote.

    Just after I paid for another year of Evernote, I received an email saying that Legacy would stop working as of March 23. Fortunately, after several reminders that I had requested a refund, Evernote came through and gave me a full refund!

    There are issues with Joplin of course. But the fact that I could export all of my notes in ENEX format and import them into Joplin made up for those issues!




  3. 40 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

    Newer Pixel devices promise 7 years of updates. Google had to cut off updates so soon as they were reliant on Qualcomm to provide drivers. 

    Now that they brought their SoC in house they can provide support longer. 

    Well, they lost me as a client. And lots of others also: there were hundreds of complaints in the Pixel FB group!

  4. 16 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

    Google and Samsung have both gotten better about this finally. But yes for a long time Android devices especially less premium ones would get a year or two of updates and then nothing.

    Not so sure about Google: I have had several Google phones and used to get 4 Android updates. When they stopped security updates for my Pixel One, I was going to replace it with a new Pixel. Then I saw that Google had dropped that down to 3 versions of Android! It's not as though they don't make enough profit already???

    I decided to get a Samsung S22 instead: 5 versions of Android!


  5. 11 hours ago, ThomasCee said:

    uge thank you to so many of you in this thread! Huge help. I have alot to play with and think over going forward.

    Going back to my work, if I see email notifications I may check back in, otherwise work will probably envelop me again ha ha.

    Alot of good info, and I appreciate the time everyone took to answer my plethora of questions

    A pleasure @ThomasCee, I always learn from those who know more than I do ... so it's great to be able to help others!

  6. 28 minutes ago, ThomasCee said:

    Which view do you use? I've never seen a "double pane view" that it offers as default before. That seems like a clunky way to type no? Is that normal?

    What that shows @ThomasCee is the Markdown Editor as well as the Rich Text Editor.

    If you click on Toggle Editors on the right-hand side, it will switch between editors:


  7. 20 minutes ago, ThomasCee said:

    Note tabs" plugin does indeed make the tabs on the right hand of the Joplin screen, but can you actually pop the note out??

    @ThomasCee I don't think so. Here's a link to the Note Tabs plugin page on GitHub:


    And here's a link to all Joplin Plugins:


    You'll notice that 2 or 3 have the word "bible" in them! May be useful for you!

  8. 1 hour ago, pkmailbox1 said:

    What problems you had with the sync from OneNote on Windows to OneNote on Android ?    I am using the same, and have not had an issue.  Would like to (1) help if possible, and (2) be aware of specific issues so that I can decide on my choices.   Thanks

    I'm not sure @pkmailbox1, my notes aren't very detailed on this. I do remember that, after having many failures (Notion, Obsidian, Zoho Notebook & Obsidian), I was feeling very frustrated and thought I would never find a replacement for Legacy. So when I had an issue with OneNote, I dumped it immediately rather than trying to find the cause.

  9. 4 hours ago, Soapm said:

    You know, I'm thinking EverNote could make a killing selling Legacy as an alternative to their new app...

    Or they could have kept the sync going on Evernote Legacy @Soapm: I would have happily kept on paying for Evernote Legacy (even at the new rate) as long as it kept on synchronizing to my other computers and devices!

    • Like 3
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  10. 5 hours ago, Soapm said:

    Being a program manager for nearly as long I caution adding features wanted by only one or two people. It's not worth the development if it's not widely used or accepted. It's also good to provide a way to turn the feature off. I'm speaking generally and not to anything you've guys posted.

    I agree 100% @Soapm. That's why I mentioned "The best apps I have worked with are those that ask clients what features they want on public feedback sites. And then try to implement them if many clients ask for them!"!

    I wrote this on LinkedIn several years ago:


    #LinkedIn's #Feedback is a disaster, it's a black hole where our ideas go to die ... and we never know what happens to them! Many apps and websites have public Feedback, using services like @UserVoice and @Get Satisfaction. With public Feedback, users know what is happening to their ideas and suggestions!

    I had a problem with an SaaS service several years ago. I contacted support and was told how to fix it. The support tech suggested that I post on their Feedback site. I dd ... and was very surprised that I had a response within a couple hours saying that they would look at it!

    A couple of days later, I was told that the feature I was using was new and that they would update the Help file to make sure that all features for their revamped mobile app would be properly documented!

    FYI, here is an article on how Feedback can help a company by @Ryan Holmes, the co-founder of Hootsuite:

    Your product is a piece of sh*t: The art of seeking (and embracing) customer feedback http://business.financialpost.com/entrepreneur/small-business/1003-biz-rh-ryan

    And take a look at how many votes there are for the Top Ideas at Waze:


  11. 7 minutes ago, ThomasCee said:

    What import option do I use? I will search for it and see if I can find it. I have done zero editing in EN 10 so far, so my 7.14 database is perfect currently. Can I just import the EN file structure?

    @ThomasCee my 11 ENEX files added up to just under 2 GB. So I converted them individually to Markdown and made sure all was good with each conversion before moving on to the next ENEX file.

  12. 1 hour ago, ThomasCee said:

    what went into your decisions between Joplin and Obsidian? Can you expound some more?

    @ThomasCee for me, Joplin won as soon as I did the conversion. When I converted Evernote to Obsidian, many of the notes had changed the last modified date/time of the note to the conversion date/time.

    On the Obsidian forums, there was mention of using YARLE to convert from Evernote. YARLE changed the last modified date/time of all of my notes. I posted on the Obsidian forum 10 days ago. As of now, still no response ... and I tagged the person who developed YARLE!

    The Joplin conversion went very well, very fast ... and the last modified date/time didn't change on any notes! And, when I had questions, people on the forums answered!

    Interestingly, one article I read (https://nesslabs.com/evernote-to-obsidian) suggested converting Evernote to Notion, then saving in Markdown. My conversion to Notion failed - one notebook with 35 notes in it only had 25 notes after conversion to Notion.

    Another article I read (https://facedragons.com/foss/migrate-evernote-to-obsidian/) suggested using the Joplin conversion from Evernote!





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  13. Thanks @pkmailbox1. I tried "evernote2onenote". It removed all of my formatting so I wasn't impressed.

    I also had problems with the sync from OneNote on Windows to OneNote on Android. So I dumped OneNote and moved on with my testing.

    Re Palm: I did the same thing with important notes when I moved to Evernote back in 2008 or 2009. Started paying for Evernote back then because it was so much better than others on the market!


  14. Did I say that EN was my "private project" @PinkElephant? I don't think so!

    FYI, I've been a software trainer and consultant since 1989 (I started training people on WordPerfect 4.2!). And I have been involved in dozens of different beta tests since that time ... including several older versions of EN!

    The best apps I have worked with are those that ask clients what features they want on public feedback sites. And then try to implement them if many clients ask for them!

    For one app, I made a suggestion once and it wasn't implemented for over 5 years. When I asked about it at a partner conference, I was told that they couldn't implement it with the old development tools they used, they had to wait until they changed dev tools!

    • Like 7
  15. Back during the beta of the new Evernote, I mentioned in the beta test forums that there were features I used in Evernote that were not in the beta. That was in October of 2020.

    When the new Evernote was released, many of those functions were not in the new Evernote. Yet features that were useless to me kept on being added!

    I continued to use Evernote Legacy. Every once in a while, I would look for a replacement. All I tested had issues.

    2 weeks after I paid for another year of Evernote, I received an email saying that sync for Evernote Legacy was being removed on March 23! I knew that they had stopped supporting Evernote Legacy a long time ago ... but I never expected the sync to be deprecated!

    I found several articles on Evernote Alternatives and started testing conversions and syncs to Android. FYI, my Evernote DB has 11 stacks, a couple of hundred notebooks, and nearly 10K notes! The ENEX files of the stacks total just under 2 GB.

    Many of the note apps I found did not have a conversion function from Evernote...

    In my tests, I had conversion issues with OneNote, Zoho Notebook, Notion & Obsidian (Obsidian didn't keep the last modified date of my notes!). I had sync issues with OneNote.

    I ended up deciding to use Joplin (https://joplinapp.org/, https://joplinapp.org/help/). Joplin has versions for Windows, Mac, Mac M1's and Linux. Mobile versions for Android and iOS...

    Interestingly, one article about converting to Obsidian suggests using Joplin in order to convert to ENEX and then using the MD files with Obsidian!

    Both Joplin and Obsidian save files locally. Obsidian uses a FolderSync app to send changes to other devices.

    I had issues with the DropBox and OneDrive syncs for Joplin: the syncs stop when the device locks. As my phone locks after 10 minutes, this was unacceptable!

    I asked on their forums and Joplin Cloud was recommended by one user. Joplin is free, Joplin Cloud Basic is 28.7 euros/year while Joplin Cloud Pro is 57.5 euros/year. I had to buy Pro due to the size of some of my notes: Basic is limited to 10 MB per note or attachment while Pro has a 200 MB note or attachment limit.

    Joplin Forums are very responsive by the way, especially compared with Obsidian's forums: after 10 days, I still have had no response to 2 questions about Obsiddian imports! Also, no one from Zoho support responded to my support email about conversion issues.

    Even those this is late, I hope this helps some of those who are looking for a replacement for Evernote Legacy!


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  16. On 10/6/2023 at 9:40 AM, PinkElephant said:

    There was an Outlook - Clipper. Since there are several versions of Outlook, both installed and cloud based there is no general answer. You find more in this help article:


    @PinkElephant I decided to test the Outlook Clipper. I installed it. However, for some reason unknown to me, it installed it in an Outlook 365 account I didn't even know I had, not in my Desktop Outlook 2021 that uses a different IMAP/SMTP server...

    Let me see if Evernote support can help me out...

  17. 4 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Legacy was deprecated 3 years ago. At that point at the latest the clock started ticking.

    Be happy about every day it is still syncing. It’s borrowed time, and the reasons why syncing will stop soon have been explained.

    From a certain point you are responsible for your own decisions - sticking with an outdated software that depends on an equally outdated backend to function is among them.

    Relying on legacy is no sustainable strategy

    Yup, that's why I'm moving to Joplin after being a Premium Evernote user since weeks after it came out!

  18. On 10/3/2023 at 8:25 AM, PinkElephant said:

    All is good if no conflicts can arise. What you describe is the old syncing method, obviously still in use there. It always syncs a full note / file. State of the Art maybe 2010.

    Just a remark, if you can live with it …

    Yup. old style still works. And yes, I can live with it, Your comments about about v. 10 ignore the fact that there are many who still use Legacy because of features that were pulled in the upgrade to v. 10.

    As I have mentioned before, I complained about the features being pulled back in the Evernote betas more than 3 years ago:


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  19. On 10/5/2023 at 12:54 AM, Boot17 said:

    You can do that same test in v10 and it will make the changes in real time in both notes at the same time. No conflicts. No duplicates. It’s pretty slick. 

    @Boot17 can I save emails directly from Outlook into Evernote 10? When I uninstalled Legacy on a test machine several months ago, I lost that functionality on that computer.

    I use it several to many times each week ... so I it is a required function for me!


  20. Last week, I sent this note to Evernote Support and asked if they were going to deprecate Legacy soon:

    I am now getting a message saying This version of the app is outdated. You need to install the latest version to keep using Evernote.

    The response was:

    We'd like to confirm you that we haven't set a deadline for the decommissioning legacy clients, that will therefore continue working as usual.

    However, we strongly recommend to update to the latest version, since we do not plan to release security improvements and new features, nor we plan to fix bugs and incompatibilities with future OS versions.


    Now that all of my Joplin tests have been completed, I am planning on moving to Joplin on the weekend!

  21. On 9/24/2023 at 2:45 PM, johnm243 said:

    Actually, I didn't need to pay for the Joplin Cloud: I configured Joplin to use my Dropbox account for data. I now have 3 computers and the Joplin App for Android all using Dropbox as the data repository. Sync for new and modified notes is perfect.

    Before I start to import everything from EN, the next step will be to force conflicts in notes and see how Joplin reacts...

    I changed the same note twice in Joplin seconds apart: on my desktop machine and on the Joplin App for Android. Joplin created a folder for conflicts and added the first note to it. So all is good with regards to conflicts!

  22. 15 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    Why pick out a post from almost 3 weeks ago to raise an issue about? The previous poster had asked detailed questions about whether Joplin works offline, how it synchronizes, and how much it costs. Those are obviously questions to ask on Joplin's forums, not these. Where's the problem?

    Actually, this forum is called Evernote Legacy. So, for those of us who prefer Legacy, this is the appropriate place for comments about alternatives...

  23. On 9/21/2023 at 8:34 AM, johnm243 said:

    My next step is to test the Joplin Cloud and sync with the Joplin Apps.

    Actually, I didn't need to pay for the Joplin Cloud: I configured Joplin to use my Dropbox account for data. I now have 3 computers and the Joplin App for Android all using Dropbox as the data repository. Sync for new and modified notes is perfect.

    Before I start to import everything from EN, the next step will be to force conflicts in notes and see how Joplin reacts...

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