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Everything posted by bounce

  1. Text collapse and anchoring/inline taggging are things Evernote should consider to compete at the next level. As you can see in the pic, Marginote pro does the latter well and I've seen it in development with other apps too: https://blog.readwise.io/tag-your-highlights-while-you-read/
  2. To compete and go to the next level Evernote should really consider anchor point/inline tags, and collapsible text. MarginNote does text tagging great with keywords as seen in photo and other apps are implementing it as well: https://blog.readwise.io/tag-your-highlights-while-you-read/
  3. @gazumped yea that was worded a little harshly, I agree. A few days ago I had a 14 hour flight and still recovering from little sleep. Spent most of the time up in the air in my notes, making note links and formatting them better as a favor to my future self. During the process I kept wanting more automation of linking (I keep tags to a minimum), better Boolean searching, just something to surprise me out of what I have in there. Maybe it’s my Evernote that’s a silo since on my first account I was one of the first thousand users and I’ve merged all the data and kept building... I use “in text tags” with shortcut expanders and put keywords and summaries in often referenced notes, even doodle summaries and stick the jpg in some notes so I’ll recognize that in note previews. Would be nice if Evernote had things like text tagging and multi-color highlighting like Marginnotepro. They controversial things I’d like to see are some AI and some better visualization to get perspectives like you mentioned in your last paragraph.
  4. Evenote as a murky information silo is something I’ve been thinking about lately.. Currently, I some mindmaps with Evernote links in them which is kind of a connective solution, but not exactly automatic. Will it retain user made note links between Evernote notes?
  5. Evernote needs to add things like this to scale well with the ever increasing world of data. Search strings saved as links... please!
  6. Hah, sometimes when dealing with issues affecting my notes my sarcasm radar is totally broken. That said, a string of text with a smiling emoji kept getting injected into random notes last year when I was having corruption issues in notes.
  7. That’s wild if it has something to do with emoji. I mentioned to support that notes with certain emoji from a specific site might have something to do with it for me. Was mentioning everything possible, but didn’t really think that could be it.
  8. The only way I was able to get this behavior to go away was to mark some of my notebooks not available offline. That helped on my ipad tremendously. That said, I'd like to have all my notebooks downloaded for offline because I don't have my ipad connected online when working in some remote locations and it's kind of important to be able to access all the research. My ipad 2017 10.5 gets the spinning when all notebooks are downloaded, my Macbook pro intermittently has the problem too. I agree, it is frustrating to be in the flow of work and have this happen.
  9. Exactly that. Also, on my end, some of these notes instantly open up and other times there is just that spinning circle for 10-45 seconds. Isn't affected by upswiping the app closed, rebooting, etc etc It's not ram/cpu related either as I've been monitoring that and also did a slog through uninstalling/reinstalling/download the app and all the notebooks on ipad pro/iphone. Some notes are instant and some just spin and spin...
  10. Yes, where it indicates with the green arrow down that the notebook is downloaded and available offline. There are no horizontal green "downloading progress" bars on any of the notebooks this is happening in.
  11. All my notebooks are fully downloaded and with and iphone 7 and ipad 10.5 2017 some notes (maybe every fifth note) take 30 seconds to display. I just get a spinning circle in the middle of the note. Like I said every single notebook is fully downloaded and even if they weren't I just did a speed test and my connection is fast. Anyone else?
  12. Actually, for me, note links to other notes are far superior to attachments. Those need an overhaul though, per suggestions from another thread.
  13. Always interestng to see how people are making EN more flexible. Seems most of the scripts are GTD related, just migrated most of tasks to Things app.
  14. Sure, that’s one way. I've always tried to keep everything within a note with no attachments. Works better for my brain and the speed of Evernote unless the latter has changed over the years? Closest app to Evernote that has this feature?
  15. Have a link for that documented note? Seems to have been moved or deleted.
  16. Good idea. What’s the closest thing to Evernote that has this?
  17. Each app that connects to Evernote reduces the security of the system. This is one of those essential things that should be built in. Hope sooner rather than later...
  18. Heheh well, I was just merging some notes that I wanted to be in a proper readable sequence to read later. Had to make a small change to one and then click sort "by date updated," then merge so they'd be in the right order. Years you say... I'm surprised it hasn't been "sorted" yet.
  19. Huge headers multiple times in a merged note can be very unsightly. Can we please get the optional merge options like the Windows client has? Thank you
  20. You didn't make an exact analogy because to do that you would have had to compare two products with similar features. You're comparing on cost which is next to meaningless. I’ve tried all those and others and do agree that currently Evernote is winning on *features. On the other hand, those Onenote sync issues you’ve mentioned are something I deal with currently in Evernote (conflicting syncs). Recently I have noticed a trend with Evernote improving, so that is reassuring. If an extra dollar for plus is what it takes to keep improving the product and do away with conflicting notes, add some features, and generally smooth it out and getting back to its original vision, I'm all for that. However, the update cycle, cost, and stability of other options are looking interesting. Also, in iOS selecting text within a note to copy it makes me feel like a drunk monkey poking an anthill, please improve on this Evernote.
  21. False analogy. You may get value from Netflix, but many people do not. Netflix also has to navigate movie licensing and pipe out A LOT of data. I’ve been using Evernote on my other account for a long time, I got an e-mail that I was one of the first 1000 subscribers. During that time, I was paying while dealing with syncing conflicts a plenty (using best practices) and having many notes not show up when e-mailed in. Onenote seems to let you link to sections within notes, has tabs, and far less syncing issues from what I’ve read. A price increase now that Evernote is getting to the point where they are addressing core product instead of upselling office products is slightly annoying. That is where attention *should* have been placed all along. I’ve got a lot invested in Evernote, but I won’t let that bias affect my decision making if there is a potentially better product available for free. Don’t be blinded by assumptions.
  22. Find and replace within notes is much needed in the Mac version. Thanks
  23. fastever snap lets you resize images smaller on IOS, but I'm curious does anyone know of an IOS app that allows bulk selection of photos already in camera roll, then bulk downsize, then bulk send to Evernote? Cheers
  24. I asked for this feature months after Evernote launched, it's hard to believe it was never implemented.
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