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Everything posted by MatS14

  1. You can get a keyboard for the phone, and just press CTRL + Z
  2. Hey, does the error look like this? ( The Note )
  3. so you are using it on a phone, I was going to say, just press ctrl+z, but I saw something about you shaking a phone, so I don't know about a phone.
  4. I did notice you were using different fonts: First Pic: Helvetica Neue Second pic: Open Sans
  5. So the "134" Next to "Apply H1, H2, H3..."?
  6. Do you have dark mode or night mode on your PC? Maybe that would do something, or you could alter the brightness.
  7. Here's how to change font in mac: Click the font button and choose your font.
  8. Hmm, well, sometimes people like @TK0047 can have some other apps that take up storage on their computer, so that could lag Evernote.
  9. Maybe It is because of how many notes you keep on it. I don't have very many and mine runs pretty well. 12,147 notes is a lot.
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