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About Lorraine94588

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  1. this is just incredibly unusable. I have been using evernote for probably over 10 years. But this duplication is just making it completely untrustable. I have no idea what is being saved or what I am losing.
  2. I am on 10.24.3 and I just got a bunch of just got a bunch of duplicates. I am just using the app on my macbook right now, was not accessing from other device.
  3. I am a long time user and the duplicate note issue has happened several times since updating to 10. I use on Mac and iPhone. I have Evernote 10.5.7. This is really making the app unproductive for me.
  4. popup still appearing for me. very annoying. I am on a mac with version 10.5.7
  5. I have the same issue. My notes look ugly now with all images stuck on the left side of the page.
  6. Please fix, I use english but I am an engineer and squiggly-underlined words appear all over the page. I need to be able to add-to-dictionary or disable spell checker. Its distracting and I cannot take screenshots of my notes. Very disappointed.
  7. I just updated to 10.3.7 from 7.1.4 and all my images now appear at the left-most column. All indentation and whitespace lost. The notes are a mess. And I am not able to add an whitespace or indentation back in. How can I indent my images?
  8. I have the same request, would like to be able indent tables.
  9. Same issue for me. I use Evernote daily. Just saw it starting today. I dont have two accounts. I'm on macOS 10.13.6. Evernote version 7.10, Editor 69.1.8237.
  10. I am a paying customer who has been suffering with this issue for several years. I am a software engineer and I use EN to track my daily work. I like to select text, change font, colors, etc. It is how I think. The notes slow down after abut two weeks worth of daily note taking. I have been thru two new macbooks, with the same exact results. A few years ago I even had a case open and they could see with me where it was hogging CPU. They told me at the time that they could not support notes greater than a certain size (I think it was 30K characters) and basically closed the case. I am starting to look for a different product and will cancel my subscription.
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