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Everything posted by WilliamL

  1. Thanks, that makes more sense! I was reading the concern and thinking what on earth, is this normal. I’m not sure about Crafts policy for attachments - there are similar questions and concerns being asked there, some of my attachments are quite private, pdfs of meetings or scans of medical letters (they are stored in Evernote tho), so I would want to know that people couldn’t be finding some odd back door into them.
  2. What lol? The world is in such bad shape because of power, greed, coercion, bombs, the list goes on. The world is NOT in bad shape cause someone posts in a notes forum. Come on, be serious and realise how absurd the position you’re trying to argue here is.
  3. Welcome back! I am not sure about importing, if you need to convert notion to markdown I believe you could do that using Obsidians converter, that at least open sources your notes, not sure how you get them from markdown to enex though! Some have suggested copy and paste, that could work but would be a process. If you still have your old free account you could export those files and import them into your pro account?
  4. Hi all, I am seeing a lot of discussion and concern expressed by some users of Craft and Amplenote regarding attachment storage. I don’t really understand it but it seems the nature of the storage is that attachments have a random generated link that would be accessible to people who knew it. Security by obscurity they are calling it. Now the chances of anyone finding the links is naturally very low but the possibility they could be found is concerning some. How does Evernote handle attachments? Is it the same method? Asking out of curiosity to see how different services handle attachments. If I’m honest the idea they could be found isn’t one I’m thrilled by, how many things did we think couldn’t happen and somehow folks with bad motives find a way.
  5. What’s the issue? Seriously - that is your problem with that? Does it cause issues for anyone? Start wars? Nope! I think with all that’s going on in this trashy world we seem committed to entirely ruining in every conceivable way - someone spending time on a forum is the least of the issue. Seriously, go switch new news in and see somethings that actually deserve criticism and your snark.
  6. Interesting thread….im not sure what fish have to do with it tho lol? Do people get fish if they leave Evernote? If so what kind?
  7. Hi I was wondering if anyone knew how to do this? I am forwarding in some emails with attachments I then want to move from the forwarded email to another note, I can’t work out how to do this on mobile, anyone know how? Cut and paste doesn’t seem to work.
  8. There are a few mentions on the Facebook groups and Reddit of people struggling to log in. I don’t think all the authentication issues have been resolved, some seem still locked out.
  9. Im not all that tech savvy but it sounds like a big step forwards was taken. Looking forward to seeing what those future announcements are.
  10. That’s me able to sign back in on the iPhone, so authentication seems to be working again.
  11. That seems to be my issue - I have tried several times but will try again tomorrow. No idea why the app logged me out, I was using it earlier, went to use it again and was asked to log in - which I can’t do. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get back in.
  12. I’ve been logged out on iPhone, can’t sign back in, keeps saying sign in error when I put in my details. I didn’t log out, for some reason the app logged me out.
  13. What does the red banner literally say? If you have read it then you ought to know the answer to your question is yes - you need to update to continue using the service as the legacy version will soon (finally!) stop syncing. Better to do it now and try out 10 properly to see if it works for you, legacy it seems will be phased out fully soon.
  14. The world is over if you can’t insult staff for their work? My goodness. I have no words.
  15. Sometimes if you have nothing reasonable to say - you should just not say it. I really hope folks don’t speak to you in your work the way you think it’s ok to speak here.
  16. I gotta say I strongly agree, I’m not saying perfection, but the desktop app is faster and responsive, as are the mobile apps, the sync issues seem to be gone - but me trusting that will take some time, a lot of the data I enter is not stuff I want to risk losing so I tend to be a little cautious there still.
  17. The one feature the web app needs for me is merge notes - so far only the desktop apps can do that for some reason. Only adding this as if Linux users need to use web app merge notes and maybe export notebooks (everyone ought to be able to back up their data!) would be good additions.
  18. Well that’s not true at all is it. You have literally written you have no need of it so why are you here? It’s for attention and frankly I’m done giving it to you.
  19. I would agree with this - a family plan would be an excellent idea and would be really useful.
  20. 10.61.5-win-ddl-public I just updated my EN it seems from above .5 is out which is quite rapid as .4 was only a few days ago!
  21. The cost increase isn’t something anyone is celebrating, believe me - I’m Scottish - we don’t do spending! However, as you point out, everything is going up, the explanation we have been given is that the increase secures the apps future, relevant as it was unprofitable when bought, so essentially dying. Whether we accept that explanation or can accept the cost is our own personal call. I don’t know any other apps that handles tags quite Evernote does.
  22. What’s the issue then? If you have free options more suited to your needs, you have no issue. Evernote is what it is, you either see value in that or you don’t, either is fine - based on circumstances and needs.
  23. Evernote doesn’t limit the devices to two - that restriction is only there for people who want to use it for free. Software costs to be developed, they have to encourage people to pay to keep the machine going as it were. If you think Obsidian is a good option maybe that’s the right one for you, for me obsidian can’t cut it, I copy text in and out and I want consistent formatting, EN does that with ease, obsidian can’t.
  24. The web works very well for me, as does EN 10. I guess if you’re having to ask what’s the point of the app for you and you simply want to take notes it’s maybe not the right app for you? EN is great for notes but as you say Apple notes can do that.
  25. I don’t know if that’s the best idea - no point of developing collaboration if they paywall it. Would reduce flexibility of that feature vastly.
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