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WilliamL last won the day on January 24

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  1. This was raised on X and Federico replied. Some random users have been given these to see what the feedback is - Federico says it’s NOT been positive and they are looking to develop this way more before it would roll out to others. Personally I like the clearness but I would like it customisable - what WE need on our mobile Home Screen - so if folks wanted that they can, if they want widgets bash on and add em. I would leave the iPad one well alone, the desktop home works absolutely perfectly on that size of screen.
  2. I installed latest version yesterday, I still don’t have / commands available on my windows computer. No idea why, frustrating that advertised features are not actually available. It feels sometimes like when new features roll out you got to jump through hoops to get them.
  3. Additional themes could be the solution to the current reactions, not sure if they are open to that, time will tell I guess. I’m looking forward to mobile (and iPad) getting some tlc, it looks aged to me now when switching from desktop.
  4. I must be one of the only people who really likes it lol, especially the dark mode. I like the addition of more colour too with the green and purple boxes for notes and tasks.
  5. I always remember legacy as incredibly buggy. It would never correctly sync tags and notes that had been tagged between desktop and mobile etc. 10 is far more stable now than legacy was.
  6. This approach I can agree with! It sucks that you don’t find 10 useful but instead of pretending that won’t be an issue you addressed it and found a work flow that works for you. That’s all anyone can do. I’ve seen some go to obsidian (not sure why to be honest as it’s so complex) some to Amplenote etc, for different reasons, trying to find a workflow that they can use. Glad you have found one.
  7. Yes I’m serious. I think complaining that software ADULTS have been told for THREE YEARS to stop using, that said users ignore that then have the entitlement to complain when it backfires are absurd. That is bonkers to me. I genuinely can’t fathom the issue here.
  8. I’ve no sympathy if I’m honest. Any person paying hard earned money for software they know is unsupported and could close at ANY moment either has more money than I do and don’t see that as a worry or needs their spending supervised.
  9. One month? You have had YEARS lol, years! One month! What the…..
  10. Are you serious? You use software you KNOW is out of date and unsupported, yet you are so stunningly entitled your here complaining because YOUR choice to use said software has brought consequences to you! If I thought I was dealing with teenagers, like around 13, I would maybe have some patience but thinking grown adults are behaving in such absurd and entitled ways - nah I’m not pandering to that.
  11. I find it utterly baffling that we have people actually complaining that unsupported software they have been told for years to stop using….is causing them issues! In other shocking news the world is round! Sometimes I genuinely wonder how we have got to where we are as a species, I sincerely mean that.
  12. Hold on your saying you’re going to switch to obsidian - to save $1 per year? It has ‘everything Evernote has’? Mail in notes? Nope! Easy table management? Nope! Export options? Nope, easy to use - nope! OCR across devices - nope! Obsidian is great for some use cases but it is not an Evernote replacement and it most definitely does not do everything Evernote does.
  13. These are user forums! We can all share an opinion! Some are positive about the product like Pinks and trying to help others, some are disgracefully obnoxious like yours. There’s a great variety!
  14. Spendingbooms? Like why? I gotta say I’ve never seen worse, nails scratching a chalkboard level icky puns than I have from irate notes users. Someone have mercy on our eyes!
  15. It is going to be such a brilliant feature, unless it’s desktop only in which case I’d be furious. The ability to minimise data on mobile etc is so useful so I really hope this is an across the board feature.
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