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Everything posted by DMiddleton

  1. This is so true, I literally just watched a vid on YouTube on the Keep Productive channel and it was almost just an advert for the new version, no critique at all or mention of the removal of ANY features.
  2. I don't think I have ever known of another product where a new 'improved' version was released that dropped a load of the existing functionality? And your point "because these probably won't work on all clients" is a good one, I understand they are going for a more unified approach so the clients operate/look the same on all devices - BUT, different operating systems and more so the devices themselves are used by people in different was so trying to make each the same in my opinion is a bad product strategy. I use the functions on my desktop/laptop in a totally different way to the mobile client and so wouldn't expect the mobile app to have things like the toolbar or context options on the navigation panel. I am all for software that behaves in a 'similar' way across devices but with productivity software I think you have to cater to the functional use of each device/OS too. Time will tell how it plays out, I just hope they are not trying to aim towards more casual users and forgetting about people that use the power features.
  3. Absolutely, that was my main point. While they have given some details I think they should address the sheer amount of things so far un-answered, I think that alone would give users a better sense of the direction. I have noticed a lot of comments across different sites, such as on Reddit where people have the exact same issues we all raised during testing and are now looking for alternatives to move away from EN. I was quietly impressed with the initial videos EN started producing to be more open and explain what was going on with the product but that seems to have stopped now and it almost seems like it is just "this is the product, we are pressing ahead with it regardless of your feedback". Even a bit more engagement on the forum would be good too, towards the end of the beta that picked up a bit and I think it helped people to see some notice was being paid (even though it was mainly related to bugs).
  4. I created a post for this reason to try and get a comprehensive roadmap for users, hopefully if we can get enough votes the EN team make take notice - every vote will help!
  5. This is the forum for the Windows version, your post may be better served in a forum for the mobile client?
  6. I think given the frustration of users from the preview, beta and now the general release about the removal of functions and sparse information about which may still be under development, I think it would be a good idea for Evernote to publish a full roadmap to show which features are coming and a list of those that have been removed for good. I don't think this would even need dates, just a list of features with a guide as to In Development | Coming Later | Removed Permanently and to show where the new client is going. I think this would give users a clear indication of what to expect and maybe a little faith back. Communication goes a long way with things like this. Personally I would really like to see this, especially as I feel a lot of the beta feedback has been ignored. My premium subscription renewed a little while ago so I am going to cancel my auto renewal, then if it improves before it is due again (and I really hope it does) I will consider re-instating it. I am afraid I cant see the value in paying for this when there are other products available that suite my workflow better than the current build. I have enjoyed Evernote for years but personally feel this is a step back in terms of product development. If you agree please think about giving this post a vote in the hope it is picked up by the team.
  7. I brought this up in the preview and beta and still there has been no feedback from the devs on it. The UI size and use of space is terrible, on the windows version I have to zoom out in view twice to get it to a decent size, but this causes it's own issues as below The default size 16 text is far too big and there is no options to set the defaults to your own choosing, also one of the reasons I have to zoom out as the size of text on the screen is too big Older notes where I did have text sizes set (and also using code blocks) are now really small as I have had to zoom out - frustrating To compensate on the mobile client I have had to set the note zoom level to 70% and get the same issue as above with older notes If i don't zoom out on the windows client in snippet view I can only see 5 and a half notes in the list, due to the default sizing Also because I am zooming out, the left panel content size is not ideal as this is using a smaller text size to that in the notes itself Why the move to massive font sizes, who uses size 16 as a default standard text size in anything? At first I also thought maybe the client wasn't adjusting for high DPI displays but it is the same on several machines. And this is just the view issues, not to mention other things mentioned in preview/beta such as: Tool bar missing No options for things like default settings and preferences Right click context menu on the left panel Presentation mode removed Issues with links (showing the link again which you have to click to go to)
  8. This was brought up in the beta and the below was posted in reply...
  9. Personally I cannot believe they have released this, I was a preview and beta tester and the number of issues raised should have been a good indication of how this was not ready for general release. There are so many missing features and no word on whether they will ever re-appear and things still not working, pretty disappointed to be honest - seems like most of the feedback was ignored.
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