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  1. Here's the deal.  If you get rid of the old version of the web interface I will jump to another product.  I will never upgrade to premium unless I see some assurances that the old version will not be abandoned.  As soon as I see such assurances I will upgrade to premium.  It's just that simple.

    I don't care about how much work you are doing under the hood, I don't care about how pretty the new version is,  At its core, it's just awful.  Since EN appears to be preventing new accounts to access the old version I'm guessing it's master plan is to one day say, "O look the majority of our users are using the new version, it must be a success, time to close down the old version."  If that's really the plan all I can say is, God bless your little hearts.

  2. There are decisions under uncertainty that companies make that are only later found to be serious mistakes but that are difficult to reverse.  Beware Evernote: You are playing with fire.  You have lit an explosive on both ends.  You have a short-fuse to make the new interface work.  And, for the reasons  below, you are burning up your customers' faith, trust, and the company's brand equity.

    Evernote is still leaving the Sword of Damocles over the heads of users for whom the new interface is a complete deal-breaker.  

    First, there is no guarantee that the old interface will be kept.  Second, there is no guarantee the company won't eventually force all users to adopt it.  Third, there is no guarantee that customer concerns and recommendations regarding how to improve the new interface will be considered and acted up.  Fourth, there is every reason to suppose that Evernote will not take them fully into account when the new interface clearly has been shaped not as a design artifact but instead as an aesthetic fashion statement that merely follows the current trend initiated by Jony Ives at Apple.

    What basis do users have for continued loyalty?  For trust?  I respectfully suggest you change your portrait to one that makes you look like a serious person who has the appropriate humility to represent your company in the service of its customers.

  3. Got it - We added a feature to scroll past the end by a few lines, but I hear you wanting to scroll past by a lot more. We'll look into this. Thanks for the request!
  4. @jim232777 If you have an older account, you should be able to try the new version without worry. You should be able to switch back in settings if you have an account that was created before August of last year. @JuanAraya Any newer accounts will only have access to the new web client.
  5. Evernote has a presence in China called Yinxiang. Depending on where you are located, we may auto-redirect you to our yinxiang site, which is exclusively in Chinese. There may be a banner that pops up that allows you do avoid this redirect - we're looking into it. I know we also allow you to switch to our "Evernote International" service on this page app.yinxiang.com/Login.action We'll look into this a little further and I'll update if I have more info. In the meantime, I know some browsers offer the user the option to translate pages (e.g. Chrome).
  6. Hi Aseem! Thanks for the idea. It's one we've heard before, but it's generally been directed at the desktop teams. As a workaround, I know there are extensions that shut down certain tabs if you haven't looked at it in a while - possibly it could be configured to password protect certain sites? Haven't looked into it, tbh
  7. Hey Kino! Unfortunately we can't override browser-controlled keyboard commands. If your browser wants to save the webpage with that key command, then your browser will try to save the webpage
  8. Hi! With our beta editor update, we've made some progress on this. Now, as in the mac client, the user to scroll about one line past the end. Can you try it out and let me know what you think? It's not as dramatic as the atom editor.
  9. You should be able to switch to the Classic Evernote for Web in Settings by going to: Settings>Account Summary>Evernote Web>Go back to old version
  10. @Paulo Diovani Thanks for the feedback! This isn't currently on our backlog, as we're focused on allowing users to edit notes as quickly as possible. The Mac Client works like the web client, with all notes being editable as soon as your launch.
  11. Hi Tyler! Thanks for the feature idea. This is a request we've been getting from our users, so we're looking into what's required to get this off the ground. Thanks for your patience as we work towards this.
  12. Hey folks! Thank you for the feedback, and sorry these have gone unanswered for so long. We know that the new web client in it's current state isn't ideal for some of our power users, and we're working on some stuff under the hood to allow us to make this better. Keep your feedback coming.
  13. We just started rolling out a new web client editor that will have some of these changes. Most of the work is under the hood and you won’t notice it, but we are introducing a few nifty shortcuts with this release: ``` to start a code block * to start a bulleted list 1. to start a numbered list [] to create a checkbox [][][]X# + RETURN to create a table e.g. [][][][]X4 followed by RETURN would create a four by four table Plus all kinds of emoji, from :ghost: to :pizza: Full post here:
  14. Oh whoops, I was wrong! You can pick a specific notebook for the widget but not your notebook list. Thanks for the correction, gazumped
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