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Posts posted by ej8899

  1. Anyone else find it annoying to have this new Evernote 'do it's on thing" while syncing"...    Or is it just me seeing this?  I'm sitting here with it open on one of my ipad devices, not touching a thing - and it's jumping around between different notebooks all on its own.. inbox... by to my IFTTT notebook... back to inbox over and over again while it catches up on syncing today's notes. 

  2. 1 hour ago, CalS said:

    I came to this conclusion back when.  Asked myself how often am I without Wifi and the answer was not often.  Without cellular almost never.  So I created a notebook named Quick and put whatever notes in there I really, really needed at any point in time, which is typically less than 10.  Takes a bit of planning on my part relative to moving notes in and out of Quick but it eliminates some of the issues I was having with the offline downloads.  FWIW.

    Yes - I've got a "wallet" notebook for this - it's about 150 notes.   But.... I also  like to have my inbox set to offline so I can work on it while on flights.

  3. Installed the update when it came out on this device a couple days of go and been "using it" (if you can call the new version "usable" - I sure don't) for a couple of days... it still says "syncing".. so this morning thought I'd leave it open as much as possible and see what happens.   (FYI, not even sure why its taking days to 'sync' - I dont' even have offline notebooks turned on for this device)

    Seemingly randomly, up comes the "getting started" screen again.  Not sure if there is any way of duplicating this.. but I sure hope that the new Evernote doesn't need to "reset itself" and do this when in the middle of trying to be productive.   But then, like I said, this new version is quite next to useless as-it is anyway.

    (photo taken from iphone pro 11, then 'shared' to the new evernote on that phone - of course that doesn't work either - just the 'shareimage' problem).

    Can Evernote staff at least advise on a timeline to a usable release of Evernote for iOS?     I get it, you released something next to useless - not sure why or even how this made it to a public release state - but regardless, you ***** the bed on this - at least give us paid  users some info on when we might see a proper 'ready for the public' release.  Some of us really put a lot of trust into usable software like Evernote for business management - and when things come grinding to a halt it is beyond frustrating.





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  4. Reminders 'label' doesn't really make much sense in having it - unless you've got only a couple of reminders.  For me - I currently have several reminders set - yes, a good chunk are over due (for a reason) and several are scheduled for well into the future.

    I have 1 current reminder (at least based on the notification label shown) - so now I have to go hunting to find it.   This should be shown as the top item in my list.... not buried somewhere. 



  5. @Shane D. -- I'm getting far too many "Error syncing note due to an error during file upload"   numerous of these a day... workflow to trigger these is typically marking up a screen shot on ipad, sharing that screen shot via 'share sheet' on ipad to Evernote.      Go into Evernote app, force a sync, and then computer (windows) force a sync - and get this error.

    Seems unrecoverable and I have to try the entire process again on ipad.  Please pass along to the dev team!

  6. 2 hours ago, TCSnipe said:

    We own, manage, lease and sell properties all over the western US.  It is incredibly helpful to be able to see all of the notes/properties in a specific area to help manage contractors, prospective users, tax valuation, prospective purchasers, maintenance crews.....

    World love to be able to take advantage of all the Lat Long data that we have taken the time to enter into the notes related to specific properties.  

    Unfortunately, no built in mechanism for this any more.

    What I do is use Google My Maps and add 'pins' to locations.  I can then have a variety of data associated into those pins on Google My Maps - one of which is a link back to Evernote where I have the data I've collected in Evernote, photos, drawings, etc.   

    Not the ideal solution necessarily - but I work with hundreds of locations regularly and it works well for me. 

    • Like 1
  7. 59 minutes ago, frogdude said:

    Definitely bring it back.

    Basic memory science: location is important. 

    If EN is to be the ultimate digital memory, this must be resurrected...... 

    A weather metadata take would be useful too. Like to recall time/date/location/environment with my notes. 


    Not quite the perfect solution to missing Atlas, or weather meta data - but you can use the IFTTT service to generate a note each day with the weather forecast.  It won't "follow you" if you're travelling - but it does work for where you've got it set for.   I do this with a daily journal note that gets sent to my Evernote account each day - with built out spots that I'm always filling in (how much coffee I drank today, how much water, what did I eat, etc) - and the note heading always gets the weather forecast.

    Might not be what you want or need - but it's an idea in case you haven't thought of it before. 

    But ultimately, yes, it would be nice to have the atlas feature again!

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, merman said:

    I'm definitely impressed by your mastery in master notes. The cascading of master note is a mesmerizing approach and key to any dashboard design, I guess. But it takes a lot of thinking beforehand, doesn't it? Worth a try for a complete Evernote relaunch over Christmas maybe 😄

    No real pre-planning required - it can build, grow and adjust as you want to add to it.  

    The "dashboard" note is merely a spot for extra shortcuts if a person wants to think of them that way. 
    And as your collection of notes "grows" you can simply add shortcuts (links to new notes into it).

    For example, when I first added "fitness" into my main dashboard page, it was a one page note that just had a couple of goals - lose 20 pounds, improve on my cardio, etc.    I added a few lines to show my (then failed) attempts at weight loss into that one page.

    Then, 6 months ago, I got serious about my fitness - the fitness note then had to split off to adjust for my changes - and now I have a link out to fitness journaling items, my body and weight composition reports, fitness goals, fitness challenges and snapshots of my daily workout plans.    There were no changes to the main dashboard page, the the second "fitness" page, merely changed to accommodate the extra links.    What really happened was that "fitness" note simply turned into a second "dashboard" page - solely about my fitness level.

    Similar happened to my "scuba" notes - I had a simple note that showed by current diver certification and a basic list of dives to date.  Last winter I decided to ramp up my training, take some extra courses, more certifications and do a lot more diving - again - that one "scuba" page morphed out into the related categories - "certifications", "dive log",  ":gear I own", etc.

    No extra planning was really required - it just grows.

    Hope that helps a bit, let me know if you have some questions.  

  9. 8 minutes ago, merman said:

    I'm non eligible for a contest and I wouldn't even know how to participate in the contest. I've seen the contributions and read the discussion, but I still have no clue how to set up a Dashboard like the ones presented here. From what I understood, Dashboards are notes with a structure (roughly a particular arrangement of table columns) and embedded links to other notes, right? But what if I want to monitor not only particular notes, but notebooks? As far as I know it's not possible to link notebooks, is it?

    No it isn't possible to link to other notebooks with Evernote "as-is".  A popular third party service a lot of us use is called "Filterize.net".  You could utilize their service to automatically generate a table of contents list of every note in a particular notebook if you wanted (these table of content lists can be generated with any type of Evernote search). 

  10. 28 minutes ago, Terminal said:

    You've inspired me enough to where I am updating my Dashboard template/scripts to incorporate emojis :D 

    I might have a gone a bit "overkill" with the emoji's - but then, my eyes are drawn to the specific things I need when I do open the dashboard note, so they definitely help. 

  11. 6 hours ago, Em Gee said:

    I tested the described scenario but cannot reproduce the problem. It will help if you provide additional information on your interaction with Windows and iOS application between the time of the note creation on iOS (1), then editing in Windows client (2) and the time you see the reversed changes in Windows client (3) step. Did you use the iOS client again between steps (2) and (3)?  If yes, did you interact with the notes in question?  What is the client version on iOS? ANy of this information could be helpful for our testing.

    Thanks in advance!


    Thanks for  looking into this @Em Gee - here's some extra info - and new observations... 

    Once the note item is shared into Evernote, via the iOS share sheet, I  might be 'minutes' before doing a sync on a Windows machine to do some note edits.  In some cases, it's hours.  Rarely is the iOS device that I used to create the note (via the Share to Evernote function) is used to open Everenote for reference and even more rarely I open it to do any edits since the Windows laptop is right there beside me as well - or I'm otherwise occupied and know I can just deal with the created note on Windows later.  (step 1 to 2). 

    The reversed changes normally show up a day later (step 3).  Between steps 2 and 3, the iOS client is generally not used - Evernote not opened - but there could be other notes that were created via the share to evernote function.  I might open Evernote on a 3rd ipad though to review notes.

    My work flow has 2 Windows laptops running, an iphone and 2 ipads.. The iphone and one ipad I generally don't even open Evernote note - just use the camera for photos to send into evernote, or ipad screen shots of a mapping application.    


    iOS version that I'm looking at right now is 8.23.370265.

    *** Important observation: 
    I opened Evernote on this ipad  for the first time in quite some time (to get that version #) - and noticed a bunch of notes I collected on it this morning are tagged for syncing....  BUT they were already synced into Evernote (Windows) - these were screen shot captures from this same ipad earlier today.  I dealt with them on Windows - tagged/titled/deleted/etc.  Now I open Evernote on ipad and see these notes still here and resyncing.  I jump back to Windows Evernote hit sync and ALL these notes are returning!  stripped of their prior changes (tags remain).   No note history on the ones I've checked.  (tried to grab a screen shot, but it didn't save).

    Jumped to the iphone and followed the same as above - low and behold - another note - this one from yesterday  (took a photo on iphone, used share sheet to send to evernote - it synced into windows - was titled, tagged and moved into a different notebook than my default).  The sync icon was on the note and I jump back to windows, hit sync and it's returned to my inbox (default) notebook, tag remains, but stripped of it's title.  Created date is correct - but time appears wrong (it shows a few hours later than I when I think I created this note).  It then shows an updated date of today - but a few hours ago (might have been correct for when I set the title).    


    Here is the iphone screen shot when I opened Evernote.  This upload icon is on a note that was generated via camera app yesterday and shared into evernote via sharesheet.  Evernote on this iphone was NOT opened after this was done - BUT the note shows in Windows after a sync.  It was titled, tagged, and moved to a notebook. 



    After seeing the above, I let it sync - and then jump to Windows...  hit sync and the note reappears in the default notebook - stripped of changes except for the tags.  See below:



    Doing all this - it looks to me like we're definitely into an iOS issue - even though the note is getting generated.   I'm wondering if I do these 'share sheet' note creations then open Evernote on the iOS device, let it sync - then sync on Windows if this problem would not occur?    I'll maybe try that tomorrow - if it does "fix" my problem, that's great - BUT to me this would still represent a significant bug - I should be able to create notes via these 'shortcuts' and not have to worry about data loss occurring a day later.   Hopefully all this rambling on helps a bit!

  12. 😬 DATA LOSS continues between ios and windows devices.  Maybe this is more of an ios bug or internal Evernote systems bug than Windows bug?  Either way... it needs addressed.

    Following up on my prior post of data loss when syncing between Windows and iOS devices - here's my morning 'report' and example.  

    Luckily I can access note history and recover the note...   then I just need to re-assign it's link into my master note table of contents.  




  13. Evernote, I love you - but this is really annoying... you really need to fix whatever is happening with cross platform syncing  that results in ** DATA LOSS ** 😬.

    See screen shot.  This is just one example.  Yesterday, I had 47 notes reappear in my inbox stripped of any changes.  Luckily they weren't important and headed for the trash bin anyway.  BUT, I do get notes popping back up into the inbox stripped of data that I'd prefer not to have to figure out again.

    My workout capture below isn't a big deal - it's easy to put the data back - but my work flow in EVERY one of these cases is from a note that originates on iphone or ipad.  I think (don't quote me on this), but I think the note is always generated via the 'share sheet' menu on ipad - I know my workout screen shot is a camera shot, then shared into Evernote... and the other notes I mentioned above were screen shots from a different ipad app that I marked up with ipad pen and then shared as a new note into Evernote on that ipad.

    Then I end up on the windows machine, sync, make changes, re-title, move to notebooks, etc.

    A day (or so - I haven't noticed a pattern) later, I'll get the note back into my default notebook - stripped of those changes - aside from tags (usually - but I haven't watched enough to see). I think this is strictly limited to image based notes (or screen shots)  that - again - were created with a "share sheet task to evernote") - I haven't seen noticed it happen with text based notes directly created on ipad or via one of my siri shortcuts.

    I've made comment about this problem quite some time ago, but honestly think it's gotten worse since then.  Seeing a fix for this would be awesome!  



  14. As you can see in the image, there is a selected range of text (under my "reference" heading).

    1) selecting a color at the point I have captured the screen you would expect to change the color of the highlighted text.  This sort of works as expected - with every color except black.  In which case, some lines remain green.

    2) just noticed additional behavior - changing the color the highlighted text also changes colors of 'various' lines above (the red colored text was originally dark grey since I can't use black).

    I'll stick with my dark grey colors to avoid the black problem, but someone might want to look further into this.




  15. 3 hours ago, ellen@ellenfaye.com said:

    I'm so disappointed in the latest update.  The best feature is gone. That's the check box  bullet that strikes through a task upon completion.  I just downloaded the newest beta and it looks like the original.  My old beta icon was blue. My new icon is green. I don't think I'm on beta... can anyone help me and tell me what's going on.

    I'll back up. This morning when I went to Evernote i got an error message that I couldn't open the page. After numerous attempts, I uninstalled it. When I reinstalled it looks completely different.  What's up?

    Were you on the "web wrapper" beta app perhaps?  That's what it sounds like if you had a blue icon at one point.  I have over 50,000 notes and that 'web wrapper' application was useless to me although I did try to use it.   What you likely ended up downloading now is the native windows desktop application instead (there are beta versions for that as well as the actual release versions).  This would also explain your couldn't open "page" error you mention (being on the web wrapper app).   Like @jefito says, post what you've got for a version number and someone can clarify. 

  16. 1 hour ago, CalS said:

    Bug Report.

    I have this beta installed on a Surface.  I am running 6.18.4 on my main system.  I downloaded a PDF through IOS.  I modified the note title and added a new tag to the note on the Surface. I exited EN on the surface and everything synced.  When I went to my main device the note was as it was before the editing.  So okay, maybe my memory is slipping.  However, the new tag was available for selection and after "re-adding" it to the note there is only one note with the tag.  I don't know, sometimes notes created via IOS share get added multiple times, but I've never had one lose edits, or get overwritten.

    Sadly, I'm seeing a lot of sync issues between working on ios and windows desktop application.   I get notes coming back, titles reverting back to "untitled" and more.  Usually the tags stay put, but I can't confirm that as I'm usually just frustrated at the point of having notes re-appear in my inbox after already dealing with them and filing/tagging/titling them.  I've seen this across various versions of both Windows and iOS too.  Reported in the past too. 

    • Thanks 1
  17. 8 minutes ago, EdH said:

    Reboot requirement is a new thing.

    l'll have to wait to try this. I don't recall ever seeing that. Normally it just uninstalls and installs fine, and might fuss if Outlook isn't closed first.


    No reboot required for me - although I did "prepare" for a reboot just in case. 


  18. 31 minutes ago, Don Dz said:

    I am observing the return of a previously fixed bug: opening a link from a secondary window doesn't follow the link on the same window, instead it opens it on the main window.  This disrupts my weekly two windows note update.

    Anyone else seeing this?

    Seeing this too - although, using links in a secondary window isn't a part of my normal work flow at all so I'd likely have never noticed this.
    This being said... I just tested the prior version for this quirk and found the results "spotty" - sometimes links would follow in the secondary window, sometimes they'd only open in the main window.  I found a some notes that stayed consistent - wonder if it has something to do with the link being generated when one creates a note link?

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  19. 1) Seeing a lot of crashes - just closes with no warning/no info.  This is largely occurring when I drag an image from Evernote into an Outlook email - doesn't happen every time, but 'frequently' - which is 100% more than the prior version of EN. 

    2) in the note window, I get the text input mouse icon (upper case "I" with serifs looking pointer - sorry, the name of it eludes me) - This seems normal - except over links - I can still click a link and it goes to the link, but this mouse cursor stood out to me - prior version was the hand and pointed finger icon.

    In full disclosure, I probably need to reboot this laptop anyway - maybe the problems will go away. 

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