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Posts posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. 8 hours ago, Mike P said:

    There does seem to be an issue with ending the quote block. The easiest way seems to be to ensure you do not start your code block on the last line and then use the down arrow key to navigate out of the block. 

    It's also possible to select text and then use Quote on the blue + button to either turn it into a quote block or turn it from quote block to regular text. Still haven't figured out what this is for, though.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, mackid1993 said:

    I don't think this is a bug, it's likely not fully implemented in areas outside of the note editor yet. It's a very new feature. Give them some time to implement the new functionality in more places.

    Besides implementation, basically no explanation. I guess if you use other editors that have "quote blocks" you know. So basically just a section of text indented and with a bar down the left side, to highlight a quotation?

    If one is producing formatted documents for presentation or publication, not something Evernote was ever strong on or meant to be strong on, I can see the value of it, and then it obviously ought to appear in PDFs. I use Evernote basically for notes to myself, and I rarely quote anything so earthshaking that it needs more than bold and/or italics to call attention to it. I give the feature a grade of "Meh" for my personal use, while hoping it gets better for others.

  3. On 4/15/2024 at 11:26 AM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    I finally got The Email a few days ago: the price for my Professional subscription will change to $169.99/year, an increase of $70. It came a month before my renewal date of May 11, so plenty of time to decide.

    The new price is $14.17/month, $3.27/week, $0.47/day. My existing price is $8.33/month, $1.92/week, $0.27/day. 70% is a very steep rise, but the actual amounts match up well with what I myself get out of Evernote, esp. as some new features are being introduced (collapsible sections, links to sections of notes; not AI) that I will find useful. I'll also take time to compare the Professional plan and price with the Personal. The latter was updated, I think, and it might work for me to drop back to it.

    This evening I sat down and compared the features between Personal and Professional, and realized that the two plans have changed so much that the Pro is now beyond my needs. I don't do enough PDF editing to need an Acrobat subscription; I used 4 GB of my 20 so far this month, so that 10 will not be a constriction; and I explicitly don't want AI features. So I dropped back to Personal. The increase will be 30%, still a lot in the abstract, but working out to a cost of only $2.50/week. I spend more than that on a weekly slice of pie with our granddaughter, and my Evernote usage is well worth it. Glad I did this and didn't go with the Pro subscription just out of inertia.

    • Like 4
  4. 6 hours ago, ferol said:
    8 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    But if you suggest patience and perseverance to anyone frustrated with Evernote 10, they will curse you like a wet dog. Obsidian seems to get a lot of unearned grace by comparison.

    When I started with Evernote 12 years ago, I also had to spend a lot of time to find workflows and understand everything. This is true for any new system. But so far, no software has made as much of an impact on my workflow as changing Legacy to v.10. And it doesn't matter if I'm talking about Autocad, Thinderbird, Adobe products, Affinity products, Microsoft Office, Skechup, 3D softwares... Video editing softwares...Widnows, Android... it doesn't matter what I can think of, and there are a hell of a lot of those programs in the 25 years I've been using computers...
    So my patience has run out...

    Understood. I don't remember when you attempted the switch from Legacy to v. 10, but I know that many people (again, not necessarily you) waited till pretty much the last minute. I waited a year or two, since v. 10 really was inadequate (to put it mildly) when it was first released. But then I had another year or so to begin learning new ways, rebuilding both work processes and muscle memory, everything that is, as you say, "true for any new system." V. 10 is a new system, and I'm not sure that Evernote (before and after Bending Spoons) emphasized that strongly enough. The habits and tricks we learned as we were first learning Evernote years ago couldn't be relied on, and it did require time to build up new ones; and if a particular workflow was hyper-dependent on specific features of v. 6, it was going to break.

    My point is that, however it happened and however the responsibility should be distributed, quite a number of people found themselves jammed up with an "emergency," or at least "urgent," transition from Legacy to v. 10, and seem very willing to allow all the time and patience required to learn Obsidian, Upnote, Notion, or whatever, which they believe Evernote v. 10 should not have required of them. I'm probably wrong about some of this; I hope I'm being fair, but maybe not. But I think the snarky title of this thread kind of makes my point.

    • Like 5
  5. ... And now I have to say, NM, my bad. WRT the Web client anyway. Seems I had cleared cookies to get Evernote Web to finish loading (another problem). And guess what, settings are stored in a cookie, so clearing resets them to default. 🤤 Sorry. The Web client was behaving as it should. But the losing of offline notebooks in the mobile apps is something different, obviously.

  6. This seems to happen especially often in the Web client, but it can happen in the Windows desktop app, and maybe the Android mobile app (see the thread linked below). The Web client automatically updated to the latest v. 10.86.2 recently. And it re-set 3 (THREE!) of my default settings:

    1. It turned on Strikethrough completed checklist items, which I always keep turned off.
    2. It changed Note width from Fit to window to Optimize 😅 readability.
    3. It changed Slash commands from Hide inline hint to Show inline hint.

    I've had the first one re-set to what Evernote thinks everyone should want repeatedly ever since they introduced the feature. #2 does not usually get re-set to Evernote's preference, though I don't think this is the first time; and #3 is too new to have data on.

    Is anyone else experiencing this kind of re-setting of defaults with app updates? I just don't understand why an update should touch the user's preferences. I noticed in the Android app forum a thread saying that offline settings get changed with every update:


  7. Welcome to the forums. We are mainly other users here, not Evernote staff. Their support has been very, very slow for months now, so it may take awhile before you hear from them. Meanwhile, the steps that you've tried seem like the usual ones to try. The next step would be to uninstall the app altogether (making sure than any offline notes or notebooks are synced first!), and then reinstall it. After you reinstall, give it some time to download basic information and before searching.

    Can you say more about the Web version? Are you saying that searches also fail there? That would be surprising.

  8. On 4/23/2024 at 11:04 AM, wav said:

    I too am having this problem and it is making it extremely difficult to use the features I bought Evernote for in the first place. I use the full functionality of color in my note's workflow - I am not colorblind, nor do I want another step in trying to figuring out what the difference between external links vs internal links. Please change it back to normal and grow the company in the "correct" direction. Listen to your userbase. 

    Hi, and welcome to the forums. We're just other users here. Most effective way to direct this is to feedback@evernote.com.

  9. On 4/23/2024 at 2:55 PM, Teos2515 said:

    It looks like you are experiencing a compatibility issue between Evernote and your software. Have you checked if there are any recent updates or changes to your software that could be causing this? Additionally, you can try contacting Evernote support for further assistance. In the meantime, if you are looking for professional software development services, you can contact Sloboda Studio. They specialize in creating customized solutions for various industries. They may be able to offer some information or help in solving your problem.

    This problem was solved by the OP almost a year ago. What's the point?

  10. 2 things stand out to me in this discussion.

    21 hours ago, ferol said:

    Obsidian was difficult to use and I uninstalled and reinstalled it several times. 

    But it was really worth it to persevere....

    But if you suggest patience and perseverance to anyone frustrated with Evernote 10, they will curse you like a wet dog. Obsidian seems to get a lot of unearned grace by comparison.

    The other thing is the need to depend on 3rd-party add-ins. (If I'm understanding this correctly.) What happens if the add-in developer moves on to something else, decides they don't like Obsidian anymore, or just gets too busy to keep updating the add-in? It's a little tough to be heavily dependent on one app and its developers, like Evernote, but I'm very shy of being dependent on a developer and a community of add-in programmers who may range from committed to just hobbyists. Just my thoughts.

    • Like 3
  11. 22 hours ago, Steve Metz said:

    Specifically, I can no longer figure out how to do a simple function that I do every day: add an attachment to a note. Formerly I clicked the + sign, picked attachment from the pull down, and selected the file to attach. Now it just says "press '/' to insert an element." I press it and that pops up the pull down menu. If I select "attachment" it does nothing.

    Please do indicate your version number and OS. In my Windows desktop app v. 10.84.3 (on Windows 10) and the Web client v. 10.86.2 (the latest, I think), the blue + sign still works fine, so you should be able to continue as you are used to doing. The annoying / hint can be disabled in the ... menu at top right in any note, under Slash commands. But I do find that the Attachment option in that popup does work.

    • Like 1
  12. On 4/24/2024 at 11:23 PM, mackid1993 said:

    No longer experimental. It's officially released in 10.86. They added scratch pad to the new home screen, added shortcuts to the bottom bar (replaced with notebooks, notebooks are accessed from the notes screen) and widgets are still in the side menu from the experimental versions. You can see an explanation on their YouTube channel. 

    Thanks. I'm still on 10.85.1, and I have automatic updates turned off on my phone, so I'll just wait until I have the time to deal with this to move up to 10.86.

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