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(Archived) Evernote for Android 1.4B1

Philip Constantinou

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Hey folks -

We've update the beta for the Android client. Here's a few of the highlights:

  • [*:34ikm6b8]Uses native camera where possible. This means that you can adjust the flash, focus, picture size and other settings using your phone's native camera features.
    [*:34ikm6b8]Improved pending notes
    [*:34ikm6b8]Many bug fixes

You can download the latest beta at:



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Nice, this is much better having control of the flash in particular!

The first few times I took a snapshot, after I selected "OK" for the image it took me back to the main screen and I didn't get the option to save the image and set the title, notebook, etc. Seems to be working ok now though.

This is using a UK Milestone.

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Still no hdpi love? All the graphical elements look very low-res on a high-res screen. I'll upload a screenshot when I get home. :)

The promised screenshots:


These are both in at 100% zoom level and they look really blurry on the Nexus One screen.

Thanks again for the update, apart from all the low-res-ness I love it! :)

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Looks great, except

I'm missing saved searches + it's called 1.4B1 on my Hero.


Thanks for the feedback. (I didn't get all the version strings updated.)

Regarding Saved searches: we've added a Omni-box like feature on the note list. It auto-completes Saved Search names. In the future it should also auto-complete notebooks and tags. Let me know what you think.

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I'm having the same problem as milesg and Jonathan but I've found a way to duplicate it. If you take a photo holding your phone in landscape-mode and touch the ok-button (still holding the phone in landscape) it will take you back to the main menu, discarding the photo. There's a workaround and that is to rotate the phone to portrait-mode after the photo is taken and then press the ok-button. This will take you to the regular new-note-screen.

This can be duplicated every time on my Nexus one. ;)

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Regarding Saved searches: we've added a Omni-box like feature on the note list. It auto-completes Saved Search names. In the future it should also auto-complete notebooks and tags. Let me know what you think.

The Omni-box like approach to saved searches works great. Also, thanks for re-enabling the 'share to Evernote' functionality.


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I'm having the same problem as milesg and Jonathan but I've found a way to duplicate it. If you take a photo holding your phone in landscape-mode and touch the ok-button (still holding the phone in landscape) it will take you back to the main menu, discarding the photo. There's a workaround and that is to rotate the phone to portrait-mode after the photo is taken and then press the ok-button. This will take you to the regular new-note-screen.

This can be duplicated every time on my Nexus one. ;)

Hmm, I just tried this on my Nexus-1. It seems to work fine in landscape mode without resorting to the hack. Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling? I'm running firmware version 2.1-update1 btw...not sure if that makes any difference.


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I'm having the same problem as milesg and Jonathan but I've found a way to duplicate it. If you take a photo holding your phone in landscape-mode and touch the ok-button (still holding the phone in landscape) it will take you back to the main menu, discarding the photo. There's a workaround and that is to rotate the phone to portrait-mode after the photo is taken and then press the ok-button. This will take you to the regular new-note-screen.

This can be duplicated every time on my Nexus one. ;)

Hmm, I just tried this on my Nexus-1. It seems to work fine in landscape mode without resorting to the hack. Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling? I'm running firmware version 2.1-update1 btw...not sure if that makes any difference.


I uninstalled and made a fresh install and the problem could only be repeated once. Since then it has worked as expected. :)

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