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(Archived) Incomplete results from saved searches since evernote 5.1

Jeroen the Stig


Since Evernote 5.1 I have some problems with my saved searches. Sometimes Evernote is some kind of 'state' that when I run two or more saved searches sequentially (from the search bar or shortcuts), the second time (and subsequent times) the results are incomplete or there are no results at all. The workaround I use when the problem occurs is that I first have to click the 'clear' button before I execute another saved search.


I don't know how to force Evernote into this state of broken saved search results, so unfortunately at this point I cannot describe how to reproduce the problem. 


Are there more Evernote users who have experienced the same problems? 



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20 replies to this idea

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forever-evernote, don't you have access to the support transcripts? I contacted support about this exact issue. The Mac build number is 5.1.4 (401298) and the OSX version is 10.7.5. I have sent you a PM with a screen recording of the bug. The bug occurs at 0:41, 1:40, 1:50 and 1:55 of the video that I'm sending you. The bug is that the saved searches sometimes yield 0 notes, which is incorrect.

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  • Level 5*

We should have a fix for this in our next beta. Keep your clients updated!


Sorry Jack, but I must caution users about upgrading to BETAs.  This can often cause more problems than it fixes.

IF Evernote is important to your daily workflow, I definitely recommend against upgrading to Betas, at least until you see some reports here concerning its stability, bugs, and behavior.


I personally wait UNTIL I have a compelling reason to upgrade ALL software, and others have verified there are no major bugs/issues.


FYI, I'm STILL running EN Mac V3 on my primary Mac.  But that's just me.  YMMV.

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  • Level 5*


I've created a new Evernote-account to demonstrate how to reproduce the bug. The demonstration can be found right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PSmkTd9jJS4


. . .


I hope there is an Evernote developer who can finally reproduce this bug.



Well done Jeroren!  Your video presents irrefutable evidence of the bug.


Evernote, you guys should hire Jeroren as an end-user tester!

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I've created a new Evernote-account to demonstrate how to reproduce the bug. The demonstration can be found right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PSmkTd9jJS4


The Evernote-account contains the following notebooks and tags:




Actions (stack)

Actions pending 

Actions completed
Saved Searches
Pending now: notebook:"Actions pending" tag:1-Now
Pending next: notebook:"Actions pending" tag:2-Next
The saved search queries are also shown in the 'search your notes' text field in the demonstration movie.
I hope there is an Evernote developer who can finally reproduce this bug.
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@Jeroen: I have followed your steps and was unable to reproduce your error.


Your search grammar should not be notebook:'Actions pending' tag:1-Now, but rather, notebook:"Actions pending" tag:1-Now. I had my notes come up each time I clicked a saved search.


@Extropy, could you provide a specific steps as Jeroen did? I will try to reproduce your error and see if we can fix it.


@firstknight, could you provide more information about what exactly you contacted support about? What was your particular bug? To best assist you, please also include the Evernote Mac build number and OSX version, and exact steps to reproduce your error as well.



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I contacted support about this issue and this is the response I got:

Will: Hello, Nathaniel Cook. Please allow me a moment while I review your question.
Will: One moment, please.
Will: Yes, I am checking if there are any updates since the issue was reported and filed as a bug.
Will: I'm, sorry, but although there is a bug report, I do not see any updated information in regards to this issue. The development team may still be working on this issue.
Will: Actually, there is no list, bug reports are internal and handle by the development team. I can provide you with a beta version that may be able to fix the issue.
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I am having a similar problem (OS X). I have defined saved searches that do not explicitly reference a notebook. When I do a saved search after having done a manual search for some text or tags, I subsequently only get partial results from my saved search, and have to "cmd-shift-A", then repeat the saved search to get all the notes.


I think a search option for notebook:* added to the saved search would fix it, but I couldn't find a way to add the concept of "search all notebooks" to a search.

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Finally, I found how to reproduce this problem. I also reproduced the problem with another account.


To reproduce, you need to setup your evernote something like this:



Actions (stack)

Actions pending 

Actions completed
Saved Searches
Pending now: notebook:'Actions pending' tag:1-Now
Pending next: notebook:'Actions pending' tag:2-Next
Pending soon: notebook:'Actions pending' tag:3-Soon
Pending later: notebook:'Actions pending' tag:4-Later



I have a couple of notes in my 'Actions pending' notebook, which are tagged by one of the tags as described.
In Evernote, I show the tag lists in the side bar and the view I use is the side list view.
Now, when I click on a tag in the tag list, for example '1-Now', I see all the notes that are tagged by '1-Now'.  After that, when I click the saved search 'pending now', the note list is empty. When I click another time at the saved search 'pending now', I see the notes that are tagged by '1-Now' and are stored in the 'Actions pending' notebook. When I click on another saved search, the list of notes is empty.
So, it looks like it has something to do with the combination of tags and saved searches. 
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  • Level 5*

By the way, is this the correct manner to report a bug in Evernote, or is there a bug report tool available, something like Jira?

Hi. Officially, you report through Support (see the link in my signature). This is only a user forum. However, developers read the threads, and (as you saw) sometimes developers drop in to join the conversation, so I usually report things here.

What I like about reporting here is that you alert other users to problems. Sometimes we can help, but even when we can't, you've done a service by letting us know, because there is no public bug tracking system.

If you use Support, it gathers more information from you like Activity Logs, and that can be helpful to developers. Often, if I use Support, I still post here, and I leave my ticket number as well for the staff to follow up on if needed.

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I'm using OS X 10.8.3, and Evernote version 5.1.3 (401263). I've noticed this bug since the version where the vertical list view is replaced by a horizontal list view (5.1.0 I suppose?)


This is one of my saved searches:

notebook:"!1. Pending" tag:"@Computer" -tag:.Dashboard -tag:.Idea -tag:!4-Someday -tag:!5-Waiting -tag:#werk

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I'm having the same problem Jeroen the Stig is having.  Below is what I submitted as a bug report.  Using Evernote 5.1.3 on OSX 10.8.3.  Anyone have suggestions on how to fix this?


Submitted bug report:


When I perform a saved search I get an incomplete subset of tags which are supposed to meet those search criteria.

I have a saved search that is as follows:
notebook:"Action Pending" tag:"1-na" tag:"@web"

This saved search is pinned as one of my favorites.

When I type this organically into the search bar (e.g., without leveraging the saved search feature) I get ~15 notes. When I click the identical saved search I USUALLY get 2 notes. Sometimes, though, I'll still get the full 15. EN5.1.3

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