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(Archived) Evernote Is Going to Make Hardware

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  • Level 5*

Three years minimum away? That's a lifetime in technology. Not really much worth speculating about at this point...


Not worth speculating? What do you do with your free time at work? I am guessing that it will be Evernote Family gloves (maybe boxing gloves for some families) to go with your Evernote Business socks. Of course, these will be part of your "Internet of things."



Seriously, though, I think it will be a video / photo / audio device (a lapel pin or similarly sized thing that you'll have with you 24/7) that syncs with your account to get us one step closer to the MyLifeBits vision. Let's do it Evernote. And, while you are at it, get me a vertical list view on the Mac :)


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  • Level 5*
What do you do with your free time at work?


What is this "free time" of which you are speaking? 


I was going for the Evernote iGlasses (eye-glasses,  geddid?) although PL did say that it's something new.. 






nope.  I give up.

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I heard it was voice recognition for Evernote which is built into the new Hydrogen powered Aston Martin that all Evangelists are being issued with!


Did I hear wrong?





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  • Level 5*

Wait for the complaints about highlighting.....


Sometimes I get the feeling there is a lot of talk to keep current and future investors happy....Three years away, Libin said recently that he'd like an IPO in a couple so this would be post IPO? 


At least we know the Evernote socks really exist.

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