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I've been using Evernote ever since Bill Clinton was still in office. Well, no, but I used it for at least 12 years, I think.

I used to use One Note, but due to a bug I lost all my notes. So I asked a friend (he passed away last year) if there was another software that allowed me to write from my PC and my tablet and my smartphone on the same text. And he says: try Evernote.

At the time, I could sync unlimited devices, and that's just what I needed. Recently, I could sync only 3 devices, but that was still cool, I just work with my PC and my smartphone. Yesterday: only 1 device. So, why should I use Evernote in the first place?

The brute fact is that Evernote is outdated as a concept. You can just creare a text file in a Cloud like Google Drive or One Drive, and you don't need anymore weird softwars to sync different devices. In the past, that was not that easy because for 10 dollars they gave you just a few gigabytes; now, with the same money, you have unlimited gigabytes, so every device is continously connected to a Cloud (we don't even need anymore a local memory storage). Moreover, there are good free alternatives, like Google Keep.

I continued to use Evernote out of habit, and because it makes me think about my friend. But now, I can't continue to use it. I think that Bending Spoons have a destructive philosophy (and I'm italian too!), and I think that Evernote has no future. The app now sucks, it's full of bugs, sometimes it doesn't save your work, sometimes it says that you have more than 50 notes even if I have less than 20. The fact that long-term users like me lose FOUNDAMENTAL features (like connecting at least 3 devices) without any notice is a really bad behavior. Moreover, the app is engulfed with misleading advertising, trying to make you subscribe a paid plan structured in such a way that it is not immediately clear if you can decline.

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Even before Bending Spoons came onto the scene Evernote was trying,  with tighter limits,  to diplomatically suggest to non-subscribers that it was not a charity,  and anyone with more than a very light use really ought to subscribe or find an alternative simple note-taking app.  The new Evernote team have applied stricter controls,  but they're not a charity.  The free app currently just offers a taste of the features on offer.  If you can't justify the subscription,  then you should look elsewhere for one of the "free" services that are actually supported by advertising.

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@LiveALive you got the message: Without subscribing it is a trial. You are way beyond.

Just as a matter of fact: Notes in your trash count into the limit. And having more than 1 notebook blocks new note creation as well. There never was a 3 devices limit, it was 2, and for Free it still is. The web counts as a device since 2020, if you figure this in, the former limit was 2+1, with a web client at that time that was quite restricted.

But with 20 notes (that’s less than 2 a year) what do you want ? You find enough alternatives for that type of extensive use.

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First of all, you have been using the "FREE" version for 12 years?  And complaining that you are not getting your money's worth?  Secondly, your comment about storage is completely irrelevant.  The storage is a very small component of Evernote.  I too have accounts with Gdrive, dropbox, icloud but none of these are as important to me as my EN account.  That's where I do all my web clippings, organize all of my scanned documents, search all of my stored information, check my tasks and calendars etc etc.  Your comments suggest to me that either you do not have a solid understanding of all the possibilities of EN or that the free version is so restrictive that you haven't been able to avail yourself of all the power of the program.  Since I've been paying for EN from day 1 I have no idea what one gets for free, but I imagine it's not too much.

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No all and no team here, just other users.

  1. You can decide not to keep a copy of your data on logout - you find the checkbox in the settings.
  2. You can as well decide to move the database location to a different drive - like an external SSD. The option is in settings either.
  3. You can stop using the installed app, and switch to the web client. Basically the installed app will behave pretty similar to the web client when you force it to run without a local database.
  4. You could buy your Mac with enough storage space to avoid questions like this. If you don’t, all other options have their own disadvantages.

Pick your option …

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8 minutes ago, kassieann said:

I speak english and I dont have that? 


Screenshot 2024-07-14 at 6.50.20 PM.png

I speak English and can clearly see you are looking in the wrong place. Hint, it's the first menu, not the fourth one.

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Thank you - did ou update my system? That was NOT there prior? 


So they will not sync if I work offline - and will this really help from taking up so much ram on the MAC? 

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I know people like 'free'.  But people who expect to enjoy all of the robust features that those of us who pay get are freeloaders.  If you use it...pay for it.  If you don't...well goodbye.

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To be fair,  the current 'Free' version is intended as a short-term trial so customers can have the full experience of most of the features a subscriber gets.  If you have such a light usage that the limit of 50 notes / one notebook and 2 (1?) connected device(s) isn't a problem,  you could probably carry on using it - provided frequent nag screens don't get in the way.  But it is a free service - don't be surprised if the rules change,  or features disappear suddenly if the company changes their mind about funding.

The original deal was that the 'free' service was much less limited - but that was in a totally different time when the use of resources wasn't (apparently) an issue.  Evernote is now operating on a strictly commercial basis and there really is no longer any such thing as a free lunch.

Long term users of the free service have been able to create thousands of notes and dozens of notebooks in the past.  IMHO it's not a good idea to use a free service for anything of value - if you're not a subscriber,  you have zero legal rights in in any dispute - and in Evernote's case you don't get access to email support for anything other than signing into your account.

I think "Freeloader" is a bit harsh though - these guys were operating entirely within the rules and the 'old' Evernote took far too long to react to users taking too much advantage.  Plus name-calling is pretty likely to start an argument,  and I get upset when people argue. 

You wouldn't like me when I'm upset...

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31 minutes ago, kassieann said:

If you are pointing at me, I AM A PAID USER?   This thread is toxic if you're calling out ppl if they pay or not.   


Be well. 

The OP shows as a free user - and I was trying to calm things down a bit in my post before yours...

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41 minutes ago, kassieann said:

Im a paid user. 

You said that already.  The person who started this thread appeared not to be.

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2 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

can you remove the screenshot from that post for security?

We can’t edit a post, only remove them.  The poster will need to edit it.

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On 7/9/2024 at 8:13 PM, idoc said:

First of all, you have been using the "FREE" version for 12 years?  And complaining that you are not getting your money's worth?  Secondly, your comment about storage is completely irrelevant.  The storage is a very small component of Evernote.  I too have accounts with Gdrive, dropbox, icloud but none of these are as important to me as my EN account.  That's where I do all my web clippings, organize all of my scanned documents, search all of my stored information, check my tasks and calendars etc etc.  Your comments suggest to me that either you do not have a solid understanding of all the possibilities of EN or that the free version is so restrictive that you haven't been able to avail yourself of all the power of the program.  Since I've been paying for EN from day 1 I have no idea what one gets for free, but I imagine it's not too much.

It's not about the money. It's that:

1. removing key features for free users without any notice is not a serious behavior

2. long-term users of the free version are still userful for the company, as they are the cornerstone of the word of mouth, and they deserve more respect.

3. The courrent free version is inadeguate even as a trial. If it's intended to be a trial, it's a really bad trial that makes impossibile to form a judgement about essential features.

4. The quality of the app has dropped recently, it's full of bugs.

"It's not charity", another user says. Come on! It's 2024! Facebook is free! Genshin Impact is completely free and its developement cost is 200 million per year! There are different business model nowadays! The inability to establish a system that allows to maintain a satisfactory freemium version is a failure for the company.

I'm not the only one that feels this way. Did you read the articles? Look:



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@LiveALive LOL - a "Free" user claiming that Facebook is a "Free" product.

No, Facebook is not a product at all, it is a honeypot. Dear "Free" user, with Facebook YOU are the product.

EN is not making a cut from selling users data, or the access to their attention. They pay everything out of fees they collect from their users. And they got serious about collecting them. So pay up for what you use, or move on.

Nobody is in need for your "word of mouth" anymore that EN is a good place to exploit the forbearance of others.

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