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Allow install of stand alone (non-syncing) EN Legacy for paying customers

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I have a new PC and have installed EN V10; but can not install EN Legacy.

I am hoping there is a way to install Legacy without having to connect to a server - like an offline mode.

I need access to my local folders which only Legacy provides.

Does anyone have any suggestions for soultions or a person to contact.

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  • Evernote Expert

This function has gone and is not available. Once logged out or uninstalled the Legacy software can not be restored. You can open a support ticket but the answer will be the same.

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  • Level 5*

Hmmn.  I would respectfully disagree with my colleagues slightly - you MAY have a way to extract all your notes (including local ones) on a Windows device without being logged in to the account.  The easy option would be to extract your notes on an old system if it is still available.

This is a very old fix detailed here - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/99531-importing-notes-from-exb/?do=findComment&comment=429209

If you don't have a working system to use,  you need to locate a copy of the legacy installation file online.  It's not advisable to load vulnerable software from a third-party site,  but one such repository is here: https://filehippo.com/download_evernote/history/

You will not be able to log into the app - server access was disconnected a couple of months ago - but according to the post above,  you should be able to add your existing EXB database to the newly created Databases folder and extract notes to ENEX,  one file per notebook (including your local notes).  You can then either import them into Evernote permanently,   or add them temporarily and re-export to HTML or PDF as a local database.

Once you're sure the exercise has worked you can then delete the legacy installation - it's no longer possible to log into the app.

If you do try this please let us know if it works - there may still be other legacy users out there who could need a lifeline if their access is terminated and they did not think to make a recent backup to ENEX.

EDIT: -and if that doesn't work,  the EXB file format is a modified MySQL database.  File viewers and database managers are available which may help you rescue your data.

  • Thanks 1
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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for this, gazumped. I think that what mackid1993 had in mind is that you cannot install the Legacy version on a new PC. In order to open the Legacy version you must log in, but that is not possible anymore with the Legacy version. But for sure as long as you have a functioning Legacy version on you PC, and as long as you dont log out, you can still use Legacy, except that it will not sync. If I got it right, mackid1993 wanted to know how to install the Legacy version on a new computer. If someone has an answer, I would happy to learn.

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  • Level 5*
35 minutes ago, marcelo said:

If I got it right, mackid1993 wanted to know how to install the Legacy version on a new computer. If someone has an answer, I would happy to learn.

I'm pretty sure that like me, @mackid1993 is absolutely certain that this is impossible.  The server connections that are required to install and activate a new account,  or connect with an existing one,  no longer exist.  Good luck to anyone running their data on the basis of never logging out of an existing account - you're one power or connection outage from losing that access to your notes. 

My suggestion does not (AFAIK) require a login and it's a way to extract an ENEX copy of your notes if you wish to do so.  The other option (except for Local Notebooks) is always to install v10...

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  • Level 5

There was this hack somewhere to have a new install think it is logged in, and proceed to work. Tweaking the Windows registry, as usual, as any malware would do as well.

Don‘t remember where, I don’t need stuff like that. But it can be found, I believe.

And then ? It‘s a glorified typewriter, void of most functions that make up the added value. Plus any legacy install is a can of worms regarding potential security issues. Maybe nothing will ever happen. Maybe somebody exploits it tomorrow, and plays havoc with all computers where it finds an install.

The internet of 2024 is not the cozy place any more where I would take such risks.

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  • Evernote Expert
14 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

And then ? It‘s a glorified typewriter, void of most functions that make up the added value.

I agree. If I just wanted offline storage I'd use Word or one of the many other offline word processors.

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