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How do I submit a tech support ticket with Evernote? I am an Evernote Personal account

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I deleted a  post here because I had no idea what it was about and no way to translate from a huge block of Russian (?) text...

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Do you remember last year, when they said that they were going to improve things so much with this new increased price subscription, you know, we’ll get our money’s worth, well I’ve kept account of all the updates to Evernote and they have all, all been bug fixes. No new useful features that I know of and when I had a question I went to get help from Evernote because I have a serious problem that’s come up with search and it appears for any normal users that don’t know about your “gazumped” work around of how to actually get help, that the help desk has been closed until further notice.

Thoughts anyone? Is it closed? If now how do we get help from the company.

Personally I think this is very shoddy indeed, especially considering the price increase for so far, nothing.

When I need help I need to access it quickly and easily, not have to search forums for a work around with a dozen different opinions.

I need to get in touch with this company, what’s wrong with that, you know like we used to be, you know when we were paying half this amount.

Look at Ray S and their experience: “I have searched for 45 minutes with no luck”

Not happy

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6 minutes ago, MrIllustrator said:

Not happy

I gathered.  Do you actually have a query,  or was all this just to make a point?  Links to help are on the website if you look in the right place,  all through the help pages that Evernote maintains - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us - and are quoted here daily for anyone who asks.

Meantime Evernote has introduced numerous improvements in service,  not least the fact that loading and syncing are much faster than ever before.  I'd say they are delivering on their promise.

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Hi, Sorry but I've always expected the notes to load fast, that should go without saying and should not ever be considered a new feature or benefit, remember Ian Small 3/4 years ago saying they were working on note loading speed! . If they don't load correctly or fast enough the service is simply broken and I can't wait around for another 10 years for them to "fix it" when it should just work and not be a point to keep making again and again, that's their problem.

I notice on the main web site that there's a statement, not sure how old it is, that reads:

We are currently restructuring the Evernote Customer Support department to ensure we can deliver a better service to you and all our customers. Some delay in response time is expected. We apologize for the inconvenience.

I suppose this accounts for why I and other's are finding it almost impossible to get any feedback or help off them directly, I can wait but how long, they should say in the statement, at least give a rough estimate, we're paying a lot of money for this service.

I do have a question, a problem myself to do with simply consistency between Evernote for Mac and Evernote for iPad/iPhone. 

Simple problem is that I have 7 notes with a tag on them and consistently on the Mac I get what I would consider the correct result each time, when I do a search for that said tag it brings back 7 notes correctly.

On both my iPad and iPhone it brings back only 3 ! which I'm sorry I don't understand, if I then start clicking about after the simple search in the top "Filters" and say start tapping on Attachments or PDF's it then correctly finds the 7 notes (only if I get the combination right), but I wanted it to find the 7 notes on my iPad and iPhone first time without having to randomly tap about on attachments, images, and PDF Files.

That's why I use tags!

Is this just how it works, do you know what's wrong because of course I could easily miss several of my notes that I was correctly looking for with the correct tag because just my iPhone and iPad decide not to show them to me for some as yet, unknown reason.

I've already been told as usual to re-install Evernote on my iPad and iPhone but I think that's the wrong approach and a total waste of my time. (That's why I like to ask Evernote directly very occasionally and not deal with the forums where you get arguments multiple conflicting answers and people calling you stupid because you don't know something basic they do).

Why do the filters work differently on the Mac to the iPhone to the iPad, Why are they kicking in at all only on the iPad and the iPhone and not the Mac?

I need to do the same thing on each version of Evernote and get the same results.

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And, BTW, the first thing Evernote support is likely to tell you to do is to uninstall Evernote completely, including your local database, reinstall with the latest version, and let the local database recreate itself.  (They do that even when the problem reported is unlikely to be related to the local database and your problem is very likely to be related to the local database.)  So, you can save some time while you are waiting to hear from support by going ahead and doing this -- instructions how are posted virtually daily on the Forum - or you can just wait until you hear from support, and they suggest you uninstall and reinstall.  The second option sounds more like the waste of time to me, but you should do whatever makes you happy.

Also, as @PinkElephant suggests, you should check the web client.  That gives you a direct look into what is on the Evernote servers.  Whichever of your clients disagrees with what you see on the web client is likely to be where the database corruption resides.

Good luck,


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Thank you PinkEliphant & VncentC

I'll give that a go, funny how both databases got corrupted on two different devices at the same time, oh well I suppose that's possible, just didn't think it was likely.

No. 1. PinkEliphant: The web client is giving me the exact same (Correct) results as the Mac client. 7 notes with that tag, not missing and no odd filter options getting in the way of me finding said notes.

No. 2. Tonight I will completely delete Evernote off my iPad and iPhone and re-install and get back here with the results.


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Just a hint for uninstalling: Log out first, the quit and uninstall. Dump all data if asked.

Now make a forced restart of the iOS device. If you don’t know how, check the iOS handbook (or google for it).

After the new start, install, open, log in. Now keep the app for some minutes in the foreground, to allow it to download notes and metadata.

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Ok, answer: Deleting and re-installing Evernote off both my iPad and iPhone, after a re-start worked. It fixed the bug in Evernote/Evernote Database on both my iPad and iPhone that prevented it from showing the correct search results on both devices.

Somehow they both became corrupted on the same day but the Mac version and web client were left unaffected.



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On 3/10/2024 at 11:56 AM, gazumped said:

Meantime Evernote has introduced numerous improvements in service,  not least the fact that loading and syncing are much faster than ever before.  I'd say they are delivering on their promise.

Perhaps loading and syncing are faster than in previous versions of v10, but Legacy was MUCH faster. And you could sync whenever you pleased. But yes, it's a dead horse at this point.

I've seen some recent improvements in support, which is the #1 problem right now. Hoping it's the direction of the future.

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