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Thumbnail image not updating windows 10, evernote 10.74.1

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In order to have divider lines besides the one choice we have, I have created image files that I use as dividers.  But when I replaced all the images in a note, the thumbnail for that image is still the old image. I checked on my iphone and the thumbnail there has updated, so it's just a bug on the Windows version.

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  • Level 5

The creation and use of Thumbnails is an enigma since years.

I wouldn't call most of it a bug, it's just inconsistent.

One of the oldest and most voted feature requests is the ability for the user to pick the Thumbnail himself if he wishes to do so.

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There is a lot of frustration around thumbnails - and nobody really seems to know how they are working. Sometimes you can replace them, but in most cases not. Sometimes they show up, sometimes not, and sometimes you get just a gray square as a thumbnail. The most annoying thing is when they show up in the wrong places and you just can't get rid of them 😕

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4 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

I'm fed up with these discussions. We are users here, you can insist in whatever you want.

Sure it's a bug, and here are the bug busters:

I don't need a new request. This is the forum to report bugs or possible issues with the current version. Nothing pisses me off more than a smart &R$# that has to post a link to a different forum, instead of just scrolling on past.  I need them to fix their programming, not request a new feature.

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  • Level 5

You are right, you can drop issues here. Which has the same effect as dropping a stone into a pond.

The only way to get a bug reported and maybe solved is through a support ticket.

Use it or drop ist …

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The request to control which image is shown in a note's thumbnail/snippet view is open and unfulfilled since nearly 13 years (see for example following link). So opening a new thread and reporting issues with control over thumbnails likely wont't change anything. At least I wouldn't have to much faith in support to "just fix this".

During the last decade EN has changed in many ways. This includes the hidden logic and algorythms how EN treads and changes thumbnails.

It is reported that there had been a rather complicated algorythm how EN legacy managed thumkbnails, depending on size and extensions. Since we have EN 10 wich is now another couple of years ist seems like the first attachment wich is added to an note is chosen as thumbnail. This may lead to not wanted thumbnails oder grey block as placeholder.

As thumbnails seems to be locally and separatly saved in specific databases handling fof thumbails may differ on workstation, os or mobile. And last but not least: these local thumbnail-images seem to be saved and displayed on windows or mac apps as long as there is at least one attachement left.

The only workaround with existing note for changing thumbnails I know, is
1. remove and save all attachements locally
2. wait until note is fully synced with EN-servers and thumbnail finally is deleted and removed from note and
3. upload wanted image for thumbnail first 
4. wait until new thumbnail is saved and synced
5. upload all other remaining images and attachements.

Alltogether no solution für often and daily use...

There may be many reasons why this isn't "just fixed" oder implemented. Cache- and database-handling may be very complicated. Additionally there may be need for a separate thumbnail-administration, including separate note history and restoring and so on. May be to much to do for onlay a part of users be on top-level of developement, still in these days...

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  • Level 5*
On 2/4/2024 at 12:19 PM, Jon/t said:

I'd love to see a right click option on an image and "select as thumbnail". 

This is, to me anyway, one of those head slapping obvious features that should have been added years ago and frustratingly hasn’t.  I get the double whammy … I prefer snippet view and do a lot of clipping.  At least half of my clips end up with a picture that has nothing to do with the subject.

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9 hours ago, s2sailor said:

At least half of my clips end up with a picture that has nothing to do with the subject.

Agreed. A related example from  me is that I always forward Kindle receipt emails into EN. Instead of getting the picture of the front cover of the book I've purchased it is invariably one of the books Amazon is trying to sell me! I then have to delete these extra images from the note and duplicate the note to force EN to use the image of the book I want. I should just be able to right click the correct image and choose "use as thumbnail".

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