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Local Notebook -

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If I  plan to move to v10 from Legacy - What is the latest info on How to Manage my Local Notebook (have about 150 notes here) before updating to v10. 

Mainly --- how to save to my desktop - OR if decide to sync for inclusion in v10. Where to find Clear instructions on each?  

I have a Mac and am a Premium subscriber.

Thank you -

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Hi.  v10 does not support local (unsynced) notebooks.  If you install the new app it will offer to convert those notes to synced items.  Your option - if you wish them to remain offline - would be to export those notes to PDF or HTML and keep them in local storage,  perhaps with an index of links to that location as part of your online notes.

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So in an effort to keep many of the notes from my Local notebook as offline -before I update to the v10 on my Mac.  I have done test conversion of a few local notes to PDF - and also tried HTML and then to Export these to my desktop with a new folder I have created for these items -- However - does not seem to be working well -- 

May I ask what EXACT steps others have taken to preserve and relocate their Local notes??   

Thank you for any help with this  --- 

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Thanks -- and apologies -- but Can I have an example please?    Making a new 'notebook' on my desktop (mac) was not working well. So any others that have worked for others... that can be local and offline  - Is OneNote or etc. an option- (not sure if that has a local component to it)    Just wondering specifics of what others have done successfully of transferring their local notebook notes to another offline solution. 



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3 hours ago, akh123 said:

Just wondering specifics of what others have done successfully of transferring their local notebook notes to another offline solution. 

Look for posts by @CalS.  He rolled his own approach that works well for him, and has documented it here in the forum a few times.  I went in a different direction.  The majority of my local notebooks were work related and archival in nature, and likely not needing additional security.  I was just in the habit of dumping everything work related into local notebooks.  I felt it was unlikely that I would ever need to refer to much of the information but kept them just in case.  I exported those notebooks and have kept the files.  If I ever need to find something, my plan is to import the notebook, find what I need and then delete it again.  Yes, online, but for a short time and minimal exposure I think.  So far I haven't had to cross that bridge.

For truly private information, I create password protected PDFs.  I don't have many of those.  That said, I would be happy if Evernote implemented zero knowledge encrypted notebooks.  That has been a long requested feature so I'm not holding my breath.

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Thank you @s2sailor - for your helpful information.  Is there a way to search within the voluminous helpful  post contributions by  @CalS for this topic? 

As I said —just trying to find a good place to store my local notes BEFORE converting to v10 since want these to remain offline and v10 doesn’t have that option. 

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Is there a process to either (1) save local notes to a pdf file or (2) transfer local notes to the web. Presently, I have lost all of my local notes which is a majority of my usage.


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27 minutes ago, akh123 said:

Thank you @s2sailor - for your helpful information.  Is there a way to search within the voluminous helpful  post contributions by  @CalS for this topic?  

Here’s one:


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