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ScanSnap MANAGER Support ends October 2024

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  • Evernote Expert

I just got an in-app message from ScanSnap that the old ScanSnap Manager software will cease to be supported from October 2024.  So 17 months warning.  I'm not clear whether that would affect anyone with the software already installed and in use.  Probably not but having a just-in-case plan is likely to be a wise precaution.


We will end the provision of the popular ScanSnap Manager service and related support in October 2024.
We have already stopped adding new functions to ScanSnap Manager. In its place, the fully updated software ScanSnap Home is now available.

If you are still using ScanSnap Manager, please move over to ScanSnap Home by October 31, 2024.


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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, agsteele said:

I just got an in-app message from ScanSnap that the old ScanSnap Manager software will cease to be supported from October 2024.  So 17 months warning.  I'm not clear whether that would affect anyone with the software already installed and in use.  Probably not but having a just-in-case plan is likely to be a wise precaution.


Same here, though about a month or so ago.  I wonder how they time these to appear and I’ve only seen it once.  I have no desire to use Home so here’s hoping I’m still able to scan to an import folder after the end date.  I only use local functions so I think this should still work even if the cloud functions stop.

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  • Level 5

The challenge here is not the software - the challenge is what happens when the OS updates. I have used ScanSnap Home for a while, and it’s really not bad. The trick is to create scanning profiles that push all the buttons you want pushed. Then the result will be what you need.

Use of Import Folders is no problem.

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  • Level 5*

Those of us with ancient hardware may have an issue - I have an old version of 'Manager because I run an S1500 which is over 12 years old.  If I attempt to update to 'Home,  I'm told I need to update 'Manager first - but my steam-powered scanner is no longer offered as an option.  My support request to Fujitsu is in - I'll let you know what happens...

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  • Evernote Expert
1 hour ago, gazumped said:

My support request to Fujitsu is in - I'll let you know what happens...

Interestingly, it seems Fujitsu is now Ricoh which may account for the changes that are coming along.

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  • Level 5

Not really. At least not for the Mac. MacOS stopped running any 32bit code some years ago. Fujitsu then deprecated the Manager. 

Only to bring it back a year later, full 64bit. So on the Mac it was off and on already.

Basically there are currently 4 apps that run with my ix500: ScanSnap Manager, Home, iOS and Cloud. So even when the Manager is placed out, there is enough choice. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • Evernote Expert

No. I don't think it does. At least I haven't explored settings to see if I can make it do it.  But it hasn't been a problem for me. If I need the character layer I just tell my PDF reader to do the task when I first need it.  Takes just a few seconds and off I go.

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  • Level 5

Scan Snap Home relies massively on the Profiles used for scanning. There are predefined profiles, that can be used or modified, or new profiles can be added.

In the profiles window are several tabs. One is about OCR, with options about resolution, languages and if only the first or all pages will be treated. Arrange it to your needs, then save the profile under a fitting name. 

When scanning you select a profile and run the scan. If the profile has OCR selected, it will be done by the PC/Mac.

Hint: Don’t scan directly into an Import Folder. The folder logic will grab the unfinished, still growing file. It will create several notes with corrupted files. Scan into a different folder, let the pdf finalize (which includes the OCR text layer). Once it is done, you can drop it into the Import Folder for easy import.

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry, but can anyone advise if a ScanSnap S1500 will work with ScanSnap Home?  I'm currently using ScanSnap Manager and ScanSnap Organizer on a Windows 11 Home machine.  I keep getting the pushed notifications to update to ScanSnap Home, but I don't want to lose my functionality.  Thanks!

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  • Evernote Expert

I believe it does/should.

You really need to check with ScanSnap support.

I'm not a great lover of the Home software. It does what is needed but I find it intrudes into the scanning process more the than the Manager software did. I switched bowing to the inevitable. 

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5 hours ago, gazumped said:

Yup.  Still using an s1500 here (I'm old school...) scanning to folder and transferring the files to an import folder at the end of a scanning session.  Using ScanSnap Manager

I am also cranking away with my S1500; I use it almost daily with ScanSnap Manager

So you're not using ScanSnap Home, right?  I'm trying to figure out if I download and install ScanSnap Home, if it will render my scanner useless.  This had happened a year or two ago with a ScanSnap Manager update, and I had to revert to a previous version.

I suppose my ultimate question is if I'm best off rejecting all pushes towards ScanSnap Home software.  Seems like the safest bet to me.

Thanks to all for your insights!

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  • Level 5

Scan Snap Home is OK, once you understood one mission critical issue: You need to take a little time to create the profiles that will support your use cases.

Once you have profiles tailored to your scan jobs, it’s just selecting the right profile for the next scan, and off you go.

Never scan directly into an Import Folder.

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  • 4 months later...

I see the notice that ScanSnap Manager will be sunset by October 31, 2024. I installed ScanSnap Home. But every time I launch ScanSnap Home, and try to scan something, the ScanSnap Manager automatically opens. 

Here are the steps that I'm doing. 
1. Turn on ScanSnap device
2. Put a sheet of paper into the ScanSnap device
3. Open ScanSnap Home 2.22.0 (on MacOS 12.3)
4. Click "Scan" button in ScanSnap Home
5. ScanSnap Manager ( automtically opens. 

I'm confused. Why would ScanSnap Home open ScanSnap Manager? I thought ScanSnap Manager is going away. Shouldn't ScanSnap Home do the scanning for me? 

What am I supposed to do? 

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  • Level 5

Although this is no EN issue, a few ideas:

Probably ScanSnap Manager ist still installed, and linked to the execution.

Watch for it in your Applications folder. ScanSnap software is a messy disaster - it is typical Windows chaos with a million of little apps in subfolders, not the nice, one app we are used from Mac software.

Probably you will find both, Home and manager, and more.

Now use the app AppCleaner to uninstall it all. Everything related to ScanSnap must go !

Restart the Mac. This should clean out whatever resides in memory.

Now get and install the lastest version of ScanSnap Home. Install it, run it, set up the scanner. From now on it should work properly.

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