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Hi-I am using v. 10.56.8 on my 2020 M1 Mac. I am trying to get a PDF into my Evernote (I am a Premium user) that is 64 pages long. I want to see the whole document, all 64 pages. Not just the downloadable link. I have other PDFs that I have put into Evernote that have an option to View All Pages but not this one. Can someone please give me some guidance on how to do this? Under Settings—>Notes I have it set to view all but that isn’t what happens. So what’s up with that? Thanks!!! 

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  • Level 5

I am not sure about this one, but it may be there is a limit on how many pages will show as a maximum.

If you want to know for sure, you probably need to contact support.

Or try this: Duplicate the note, to have 2 copies of the pdf.

Open the pdf in the first note from EN - it will open in MacOS Preview app. Make the thumbnails show, select and delete pages 33-64 from the pdf. Hit "File-Save" (cmd-S), then close the window. This will return the changed pdf to the note, holding the first half of the pages.

Open the second note, open the pdf in Preview, and now delete pages 1-32 from the pdf. Save & close.

Back in EN, select both notes and click on the merge notes-button in the popup menu. Make the note with pages 1-32 the first, 33-64 the second. You now have one note with 2 pdfs. Set both to "All pages view", and maybe remove the text that was inserted by merging between the 2 pdf windows. It should now show all pages, split into 2 pdf files.

If it is a "Per attachment" limit, this may work. If it is a "Per Note" limit, it won't.

Maybe you come back here and give us feedback if this workaround did the job.

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Oh, ok. I will try that. But if I have selected to show all pages in Settings, it shouldn’t be an issue. And it’s not just the 64 page document that is not showing all pages, it’s 2+ pages that are not showing all pages. I will get back to you… 

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Ok. I just wasted way too much time trying to get it to do what you outlined and the first part went just fine. But I couldn’t get the 2nd part to work (pages 33-64). No matter what I tried it didn’t work. My brain is fried. I don’t know why it worked so easily for the first 32 pages but not for the rest. I have to move on. I will contact support. I thank you so much, PinkElephant, for replying. I really do appreciate it. 

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16 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

I am not sure about this one, but it may be there is a limit on how many pages will show as a maximum.


Does not appear to be page number limit, I just attached a PDf with 147 pages all visible.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I may be answering a different question, but I just had an issue today. I asked "Myself" why do I only see "1" PDF page at a time; I am sure I used to see all of them and just scrolled down? I didn't quickly find an answer but another user said click on top of PDF and that does open some selections and nested in the three dots is a setting to "Show All PDF Pages (sequentially, one after the other)" and thats exactly what I wanted. Pictures below. Oh, I do have premium and not sure if or if not it is on the free. The paid works well for my needs and it is inexpensive in my use world.


I hope this is helpful.....ugghhh I have been just dealing with this for a long time!!!! Perfect Now to display ALL pages in my evernote. Ciao



1 PDF display.png

2 Reveal Dots Menu.png


3 Menu on PDF display Single or Multiple.png

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On 5/4/2023 at 10:19 PM, mrstucci said:

Ok. Well, then. Thanks for replying, bmcl26. I appreciate it. Judy

I don't know if it is relevant, but my Preference in settings for PDFs is single-page; once imported, I decide between Title/All pages individually.  I also have an Adobe subscription, which is the default for PDFs.

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  • Level 5

Just to mention it: Even if set to all pages in settings, it will fall back to single page for large PDFs. I think they try to avoid long loading times from large files.

Manually it can always be switched to all pages view.

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Hello bmcl26 and PinkElephant! Thanks for responding to my post. Thank you for the reminder about selecting All Pages in the 3 dot area above the PDF. I will try to remember to choose that. 

As for not showing all pages when viewing a large PDF, well, that is not the case for a PDF with only 2 pages-that would not be considered a large PDF but yet I have to click on the black arrow at the bottom of the first page of that PDF to see page #2. So as far as I can see, that option in the Settings isn't working. 

Maybe this setting can be fixed or maybe someone can explain why it doesn't work for a 2 page PDF. Thanks again, Judy


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  • Evernote Expert

It all depends the method you use to import/attach the PDF. Some will follow the default setting and some, incorrectly in my view, default to single page.

If you have chosen single page in the settings then you will not realise that there is an issue.

I'm travelling without my PC so can't check which options work and which not. Sorry.

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Oh, you could be right, agsteele. Almost all my PDFs I import into Evernote are first in Preview (I have a Mac) and then I chose Print and send it to Evernote. So it could still be a "bug" in the app. Thanks again for chiming in...

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