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Notebook limit reached?

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This morning when I went to create a notebook I was surprised and a little disappointed to receive a notification that I reach my notebook limit

I have a Evernote Professional Account and I've been a subscriber since 2011. I'm hoping this is just a temporary glitch 

Has anybody else experience this issue? If  yes, wondered how you have resolved it

I just installed the update this morning. I'm hoping this is not a feature of the update

Thanks in advance, John 




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  • Level 5

Notebook limit …. OK, I assume you are a „notebooker“, not a „tagger“.

The limit is 1.000 notebooks for subscribers (250 for Free, 10.000 for Teams). You probably will have to merge some of your existing notebooks. Maybe an excellent moment to explore the beauty and usefulness of tags, I would like to add.


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  • Level 5*

Wow - I lived for a long while with about 5 notebooks.  99% of my notes were in one humungous steaming pile,  with the outliers being just shared notes and work in progress.  Then the convenience of the work-in-progress notes suggested that maybe I should keep all my notes in 'themed' notebooks - if I keep all my Amazon receipts and deliveries together forinstance I can immediately find the latest purchase by just clicking (or searching) the notebook name.  So I threw caution to the winds and started making notebooks for my contacts (both company and personal),  my projects,  and various apps that I installed.  I've done that for a few years now,  and I still have less than 400 notebooks.  Either you have a very active life,  or you might want to look into how you assign notes to notebooks. 

We'll have to leave you to decide how to go about it,  but there must be some way to merge notebooks / archive old notes / use tags rather than notebook names to get some headroom. 

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Thanks for the comments. I just checked I have 1000 notebooks

I'm sure there are some workarounds but I'm reluctant to do this - I have a good workflow for my new and past projects using notebooks, also for me more fundamental is that I'm paying for a premium service for a solution that is meant to make my life easier managing information. 

I'm waiting for a response from Evernote support, I would be interested to hear the justification for this limit



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  • Level 5*

Evernote might review the limit - it used to be 250 notebooks for everyone.  Eventually I guess they need some kind of a limit to budget for how much storage space they need to provide for users.  I have no idea what (if any) effect adding more notebooks does to an account's architecture,  but inevitably it's going to take some time to make any changes.  Short term you might consider a second account to hold 'new' notebooks?

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  • Level 5

Personally I wouldn’t expect any changes to the limit.

If I look at the forum, I can’t remember a significant number of posts about the notebook limit. About the individual note size there were some, mainly related to storing video.

It may be that the thread owner has a workflow that suits him and his needs to store information in a certain way. It is obvious that this method is not supported any further when the notebook limit is reached.

The classical solution would be to create a notebook (ONE notebook) for finalized projects, and move the content of a project notebook there once the project is terminated. Before dissolving the notebook, all notes inside receive a tag designating the project, plus tags like the year, the client, the subject, and a closed/archived tag. The later allows to exclude these notes from searches. Using such an archive is. I issue, because the original notebook can be recreated easily from the tagged archive notes.

Or (plan B ) switch to another solution.

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  • Level 5

Before you are allowed to join the Order of the Chosen Ones you need to write 100 times, long hand, neat and legible:

Thou shall use tags, and notebooks were created by the long horned
Thou shall use tags, and notebooks were created by the long horned
Thou shall use tags, and notebooks were created by the long horned
Thou shall use tags, and notebooks were created by the long horned

This document of insight into the highest secrets of the order is to be signed using the civil and the secret name of the novice, and will be sunk into the deepest server vault, guarded by the task-fletching WorkChat hound.

Then he awoke and started to merge and delete his notebooks. Happy tagging everafter !

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