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Designated folder created for saving PDFs, automatic deletion of files once saved?

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My version is 10.43.7, windows.

I created a folder on my desktop and named it "save to evernote". 

Whenever I save a pdf there, it automatically creates a note on my Evernote on my designated default notebook. Now my issue is, it doesn't automatically delete it once it transfers to evernote.


In my other computers I have the old version, where once it saves to evernote it automatically deletes it. Is it possible to be able to do this on the new version? 

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  • Evernote Expert

The delete after import function is promised to be coming. But so far it hasn't arrived 😥

I wrote a short batch file for Windows which runs when I log in and deletes all files in the import folder. It saves me the trouble of remembering and the number of files that gather in a day or two is trivial. For me the minor added benefit is that it empties the several Import Folders that I have in use.

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Really folks - I don’t understand why everybody is so hot about this „delete after upload“ stuff.

Let it Rest In Peace what is in the Import folder- your own peace of mind is meant ! It is a backup of what you uploaded, automatically. If you feel it has grown too large: Open, select all, move to trash, done.

Where is the problem ?

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Some of us are obsessive and compulsive about disk space 😜 Compare my downloads folder to the one on my wife's PC or compare our Email inboxes. You'll see which of us is obsessive about this sort of thing 😁

It's a personal thing but as my daughter often reminds me, 'It isn't fatal!'

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On my Mac I have the „Optimize my Disk Space“ function enabled, plus a 2TB iCloud subscription to have breathing space. Since I activated it the Mac takes care of what is on disk, and what is „clouded“.

But my bad, I always forget that not everybody is on computers that just work 😇

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On the current build (Windows 11 /  10.43.7) I'm finding that after a restart the files in my Import Folder get processed again.  I need to delete them after the first operation to avoid duplications...

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5 hours ago, gazumped said:

On the current build (Windows 11 /  10.43.7) I'm finding that after a restart the files in my Import Folder get processed again.  I need to delete them after the first operation to avoid duplications...

That's not a Win 11 issue per se.  I don't recall having that issue before I added my batch file to clear out the Import Folders. So you might record a ticket so that the cause gets adressed.

FWIW, here is the batch file I currently use to clear out the Import Folders on my machine. Change the obvious bits that refer to my PC/folders ;)

set folder="C:\Users\<myPCusername>\Desktop\ENfolder1"
cd /d %folder%
for /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b') do (rmdir "%%i" /s/q || del "%%i" /s/q)

set folder="C:\Users\<myPCusername>\Desktop\ENfolder2"
cd /d %folder%
for /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b') do (rmdir "%%i" /s/q || del "%%i" /s/q)

Repeat the three lines for each of the Import Folders. I have the clearfiles.bat linked to a Windows task schedule to run at logon and startup

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  • Level 5
9 hours ago, agsteele said:

Some of us are obsessive and compulsive about disk space 😜 Compare my downloads folder to the one on my wife's PC or compare our Email inboxes. You'll see which of us is obsessive about this sort of thing 😁

It's a personal thing but as my daughter often reminds me, 'It isn't fatal!'

I try not to look at my wife's computer.... But I'm all too familiar with her car. Good for your daughter, though.

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Files on Windows that are imported have the archive bit set.  You should be able to delete files that have it set.  Some apps mess with the bit such as Google Drive and so can't be used with Evernote's import.

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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, RMorgan said:

Files on Windows that are imported have the archive bit set.  You should be able to delete files that have it set.  Some apps mess with the bit such as Google Drive and so can't be used with Evernote's import.

Hmmn.  Thanks for the tip - in Windows 11 it appears that my C:\drive files are automatically mirrored to OneDrive and -unless I'm looking in the wrong place- don't get the archive bit set.  Here's a clip of the imported file as a note - 


- and what's left in my Import folder...


...but oddly some older files were also in the import folder with similar settings and did not get imported for a third time ???

I'll try moving my Import folder to an external drive.

PS - if I need to automatically delete files from here there's a utility called DropIt which can monitor folders and take various actions based on filters.  Not (yet) tested with W11,  but it works fine with W10.  http://www.dropitproject.com/

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Yes, one of the 'options' on Win 11 is to save/mirror everything to OneDrive. I disabled that from the very beginning and do my own back ups. 

I didn't realise that this might be why my Import Folders work as designed ;)

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Just a small dictionary talk: A file mirror is not a Backup. In a mirror, if a file is altered, it will be changed on the mirror as well. In a Backup, a specific state of a file is saved. When altered, a good backup will create a new version, allowing to set back.

The typical use case for a mirror on a cloud service is to have the files available on many devices.

About Import folder and a mirror: It may be it fails on Win11 when OneDrive is active. On my Mac, it works even while iCloud Drive has it covered.

And because iCloud Drive is no Backup, I run TimeMachine as well, keeping a versioned backup on an external data storage.

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