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10.42.7 encryption feature bugged

Go to solution Solved by PinkElephant,

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I have a huge issue with the latest update that I cannot encrypt more than one word at a time! I will select an entire phrase and it will only allow me to select one word to encrypt at a time.

Edited by macneilpi
misspelled word
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  • Evernote Expert

We would need to see the note you are trying to encrypt.

One limitation to encryption in Evernote is that you cannot encrypt any text which includes formatting. That includes bullet points and the line too. Just plain text.

Search the forums and you'll see a lot of discussion of the shortcomings of encryption in note. 

I think the consensus is that encrypted text is better suited inside a document that fully encrypts before it is added to the note and unencrypted text is uploaded to the server. 

If you aren't suffering the formatting issue then you might find that rebuilding your Evernote data is a solution. 

File, Sign Out, Remove data from this device. When you sign back in your data will be reconstructed on your computer.

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Further trials how shown that it is limited to text within a table. The previous version of EN would allow me to encrypt multiple words and punctuation within an individual cell the table in one encryption set. Now, I cannot select multiple words within a cell but can encrypt individual words.

And I have no intention of showing the note that I am trying to encrypt, that defeats the purpose.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, macneilpi said:

Now, I cannot select multiple words within a cell but can encrypt individual words.

Sounds like the table format is the issue - Evernote 6x had one method of coding tables,  10x has quite another;  so it's not surprising that there might be differences.  When discussing this sort of topic we've frequently said that sometimes it's easier to attach an encrypted file to a note than to try to use in-note encryption.  Most document processors have the option to password protect a file - might be worth looking into here...

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  • Evernote Expert
2 hours ago, macneilpi said:

And I have no intention of showing the note that I am trying to encrypt, that defeats the purpose.

Sorry, I wasn't suggesting you actually show us the note - rather saying it is difficult to advise given that we cannot see the note.

Anyway, you've answered the question.  The Evernote encryption doesn't work with tables.

You wold be well advised to encrypt outside Evernote.  The content of your note is already on the Evernote servers in an unencrypted form. And it will remain there as a note history still unencrypted.  If all you want is protection from someone looking over your shoulder then the built in encryption is possibly OK.  Otherwise encrypt an external document eg: add a password to a Word or PDF document.  I use AXCrypt to encrypt documents. I then attach the encrypted file in a note.  Thereafter if I want to read the content I open the attachment, it decrypts, I can read or amend and save back into Evernote without it ever being seen unencrypted. There's also a freeware product called Saferoom which integrates with Evernote.

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  • Level 5
On 8/18/2022 at 3:32 PM, PinkElephant said:

Encryption in v10 does not allow for formatting. Probably a table counts as such.

To get an official answer, contact support.

Update: Tested on Mac client 10.43. When selecting text in a table, and clicking a right mouse click, the selection jumps to the word on which the click accidentally was placed.

So the problem is not that the encryption does not work - it is that selecting text in a table does not work, when followed by a right mouse click. And this problem is larger than just encrypting, because you can't use ANY right click function on a selected text in a table cell.

Just opened a support ticket.

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  • Evernote Expert
41 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

So the problem is not that the encryption does not work - it is that selecting text in a table does not work, when followed by a right mouse click. And this problem is larger than just encrypting, because you can't use ANY right click function on a selected text in a table cell.

Thanks @PinkElephant I just attempted similar and concur. Right-clicking highlighted text inside a table cell deselects the highlight.  I'd never noticed because I'm an inveterate keyboard user so prefer keyboard shortcuts. The OP's workaround would be to highlight the text in the table cell and then type Ctrl+Shift+X (or whetever the encryption shortcut is if the OP has personalised the setting)

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On 8/15/2022 at 7:08 PM, macneilpi said:

I have a huge issue with the latest update that I cannot encrypt more than one word at a time! I will select an entire phrase and it will only allow me to select one word to encrypt at a time.

Just tested and I can encrypt Sentences, paraphraphs or entire text document ok with the latest update 10.43.7

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