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Unexpected update - pulling the rug out from under my feet

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Evernote is stable, consistent, and dependable. Those are the reasons i love it.

Todays update came without notice and changed everything. Can i switch back to an older view where everything is where i put it?

I am not ready for these changes currently and cannot afford the disruption in my workflow.

Its as though someone came in and rearranged ALL of my tool chest drawers, painted them different colors, and moved the furniture around - all just in time for a busy Monday morning.

No notice of changes to the views and functionality so Im not prepared.

Please help.

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  • Evernote Expert

If you mean that you received v10.27 which was released last week, then that should not have made any changes to the layout etc. If you have switched from v6 to v10 of the software then you should reinstall what is often called the Legacy software.  This will work as before and you should recover the old layout etc. As @DTLow notes, telling us what you had and now have would assist in giving better advice.


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  • Level 5

For now installing legacy will help - you can install it side by side using the above link.

However legacy is declared end of life by EN. I would leave the new version installed, and try to transfer my workflows there. If it works out, fine. If not you have a lead time to find another solution before legacy quits one day.

There is no deadline to legacy, but if it is killed (for example by an OS update), EN will AFAIK not act to make it work again.

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Thank you all for your responses. Sorry to not have mention my specifics.

I'm using Evernote (Basic) on my android mostly and, occasionally, on Windows desktop.

I don't recall which version my android WAS using but It must have updated to v10.22 automatically (?) It's all very different and I believe its the widgets features which is setting me off. I don't prefer the widget interface on my "dashboard".

But a more concerning issue is that it takes as much as 20 seconds for the app to open... ironically just enough time for me to forget what i wanted to make note of. :)

The Legacy program you've suggested is specifically MAC/Windows and I believe NOT for android, which is where i need it.

When time permits ill see if i can just download an older version to my phone and report back here.

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  • Level 5*

What version of Android are you running on the phone?  Evernote v10 specifically requires Android 10 to run,  and it seems odd that if your phone has escaped an update up to now,  it would suddenly load the new Evernote version which has been available for some time.  You should be able to download the previous version (8.13) from the Play store if your phone has an older version of Android.  If not there are third-party sites that can provide the necessary old Evernote download,  but some internet searching may be required for that.  Hopefully it's just a question of uninstalling the current app / restarting the phone / reinstalling.

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