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Suggested Evernote Guide Books


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  • Level 5*
24 minutes ago, HiFiMann said:

I have been using Evernote for a couple of years (badly) and want to see if anyone can recommend a great Guide Book.


Everything out there now is likely pre-v10.  V10 is less than a year old but I’m sure there are some in development.  You may want to wait a little longer to let v10 development settle a little more, especially around tasks.  Until an official and current guide is available, there is a lot of helpful information in the forum from users if you don’t mind digging a little.

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I don't get on with guidebooks - something about the disparity of learning 1,000 new facts but eventually only being able to use about 10 - they're kinda inefficient.  Plus Evernote v10 hasn't been out long and it's been adding new features at a fearsome rate.  Youtube has a selection of various individuals (and Evernote) showing off new features and how to use them,  and Steve Dotto has a free Evernote introduction here - https://dottotech.com/evernote-quick-start/

I found it's best to start small - pick a project;  indexing your CD collection, collecting paintings, selling on eBay - and start keeping your notes and paperwork in Evernote.  If you hit snags,  someone here will be able to suggest ways around.  Once you have one subject working to your satisfaction,  start adopting another...

You gain experience with each roadblock you deal with - though you might change direction once or twice along the way - and eventually you should be able to deal with pretty much anything.  But be patient with yourself;  it takes a while!

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It depends what should be covered in that book. If „everything“ it likely is one of these 300+ pages that first serve to calm its owners nerves, and later as a monitor stand.

Personally I drew some inspiration from the GTD guide about how to setup a GTD system in EN (even when I later decided to build it in Things 3). It is not many pages, but it is a very good use case.

I doubt (but have not searched) that handbooks already cover all of EN v10. Import folders were just released, and Tasks is not even officially released as part of the productive clients. There can’t be a book about it yet.

What serves me well are the EN help pages. This and some YT should do the job.

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  • Level 5*
6 hours ago, gazumped said:

Youtube has a selection of various individuals (and Evernote) showing off new features and how to use them,  and Steve Dotto has a free Evernote introduction here - https://dottotech.com/evernote-quick-start/

I always thought Steve was one of the better Evernote YouTubers out there.  Maybe it is because my beard is the same color.

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Steve Dotto does a good job explaining EN basics. He sometimes is not on the point regarding v10 do‘s and don’t s, but I think this is because the next release may already change things he just made a clip about

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On 25.06.2021 at 16:41, gazumped said:

I don't get on with guidebooks - something about the disparity of learning 1,000 new facts but eventually only being able to use about 10 - they're kinda inefficient.  Plus Evernote v10 hasn't been out long and it's been adding new features at a fearsome rate.  Youtube has a selection of various individuals (and Evernote) showing off new features and how to use them,  and Steve Dotto has a free Evernote introduction here - https://dottotech.com/evernote-quick-start/

I found it's best to start small - pick a project;  indexing your CD collection, collecting paintings, selling on eBay - and start keeping your notes and paperwork in Evernote.  If you hit snags,  someone here will be able to suggest ways around.  Once you have one subject working to your satisfaction,  start adopting another...

You gain experience with each roadblock you deal with - though you might change direction once or twice along the way - and eventually you should be able to deal with pretty much anything.  But be patient with yourself;  it takes a while!  The assignments can really be grueling, I know this from personal experience. Additionally, preparing for medical topics can be challenging at times  https://www.nursingpaper.com/ That's where nursing writing service comes in handy, offering assistance when needed. Occasionally, I opt to delegate certain tasks to save time and maintain a balance in my workload.

It's a great guidebook! Thank you!

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