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Checkbox option that doesn't automatically turn into Checklist

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At some point a year or so ago, both Windows and iOS versions of the Checkboxes changed, so that by default, when you check the checkbox, it adds a strikethrough through the entire item. I truly hate that and wish it didn't do that.

Think about a grocery list, which I've been using in Evernote for years. I want to check the items that I want to buy, and then when I've picked it up off the shelf, I uncheck it. Then I can scroll through my whole list and see what I still have to get. When they are on my list they are struck through which makes it much harder to read and is the opposite of my purpose.

I also make tons of checkboxed lists of To Do items, and when they are done, I just want to check them, and not have them be crossed off.

The easiest way to do this is to create the list, highlight them, and then click on Checklist on the toolbar. Or I would like to create one, press ENTER and have the next unchecked item started on the next row. I just want these to be checkboxes and not Evernote's "checklist."

I also absolutely HATE when I have a grocery list that is formatted as checkboxes, not checklists, and I want to insert a new item, press ENTER, and it converts my whole list from checkboxes to Evernote's checklist. If I don't catch it right away it takes minutes later on to repair my document which is awful.

I know about typing " []" to create a checkbox that is not a checklist, but again pressing ENTER messes it up.

Just as it seems so many people say on these forums, can it go back to the way it was years ago before they were checklists? Probably not, so can you add an additional, perhaps optional toolbar option for checkbox? Or make a user preference for "checked checklist items strike through" that I can turn off.


Also I don't want to use the upcoming Task functionality as it also strikes through.

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Ok, the blue plus option is helpful, thank you.

On the video, everything is OK except for that "If you hit enter, it changes to a Checklist" at 0:49. That is a MAJOR TILT and no wonder you have comments turned off. Please don't change it to a checklist, it is extremely frustrating, or make it an option I can turn off on Windows and iOS.


Also even in here in this forum I hate that you turn all links into embeds. That's even worse than my other current gripe: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/136931-preference-for-not-automatically-linking

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  • 1 month later...

I really do not plan on using TASKS in Evernote.   There are more efficient apps to deal with Projects and Next Actions. (GTD style). 

So, I think the solution for you trying to bring more users to EVERNOTE (without loosing customer such as me and all other customers who are asking to bring back checkboxes the way they were before TASKS) is to ACTIVATE and/or DEACTIVATE TASKS....  

But I do not have the data you have regarding incoming customers  attracted by TASKS  vs. old customers asking to bring back checkboxes....

Can anyone here share experiences using other apps behaving the old EVERNOTE way ?   What about ONE NOTE?




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  • Level 5*
On 7/20/2021 at 5:08 PM, RosendoRoche said:

Can anyone here share experiences using other apps behaving the old EVERNOTE way ?

That would be Evernote Legacy for the time being... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote

Most Evernote competitors offer check boxes,  but the user experiences tend to differ fairly widely.  There's usually a free test version so though you could try some out...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too absolutely hate automatically turning checkboxes to checklists.

Here is what I mean:
  • I like my checkboxes to always be checked with the same mark (X or ✓) and I prefer ✓. Currently, when a checkbox is checked it is marked by X and when you press Return for another row it becomes a checkmark.
  • On pressing Enter when a row starts with a checkbox, that row gets indented and the text becomes crossed out. This is the main reason I still use the legacy version when working with checkboxes
  • Insert checkbox is removed from the main toolbox and now you have to press Insert first and only then you have the option to add a checkbox. Please put the checkbox back into the main toolbox
I wish there is an option to turn off automatic:
  • Indentation
  • Crossing out
  • Changing the checkmark checked sign

This can be per Note or as a global setting.

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  • 1 year later...

I agree with all the above.  You've caused great inconveniences with changes based upon bad advice.  Do you have any reason I shouldn't take all my evernote to MS One-Note now? 

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  • Level 5
6 minutes ago, BudGr said:

I agree with all the above.  You've caused great inconveniences with changes based upon bad advice.  Do you have any reason I shouldn't take all my evernote to MS One-Note now? 

Nope. But then we're not Evernote, we're other users ("Community-based help for Evernote Windows"). IMHO, Evernote has (after a long time) caused great convenience based on some fundamentally sound ideas. But hey, only my opinion. If you want to talk to Evernote, their support page is at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.

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