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Evernote for iOS version 10.9 release notes

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Hi All,

Evernote for iOS version 10.9 is now available. Version 10.9 is primarily a bug fix and stability release.


  • Fix for issue where login can hang/freeze
  • Fix for issue with downloading images to the device
  • Fix for issue with audio not always recording properly if device screen goes to sleep
  • Misc. crash fixes
  • Additional performance improvements
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Thanks for the information.

What I would really like to get: An option that „kills“ any pending share import when it failed to load. For me it is no solution to uninstall the app in such a case, because it means dumping Gigabytes of offline data, and reload it again.

In my share input there is a nice cake recipe (pdf from Safari) that went wrong in the upload. Other shares do load, so I can continue, but with each upload and each restart of the app it pops up again, and can’t be deleted.

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Sweet - Can't wait to see it in the App Store. I'm finally to the point where I can see the vision of Evernote and feel it too. I just had a solid week where it was pretty damn good across all platforms and then the past couple of days it's been a bit stuck.

However - I downloaded the "Brave Nightly" broswer a couple nights ago and ever since then its the best I've had evernote 10 run for me. I'm pleased with using that until the MAC/Windows Desktop apps stabilizie.

Thanks guys - Keep churning. I imagine it's sometimes a bit hard to find the motivation with the horrible negativity here, but you guys are clearly assembling something and it's surfacing :) 

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Thanks for the information.

What I would really like to get: An option that „kills“ any pending share import when it failed to load. For me it is no solution to uninstall the app in such a case, because it means dumping Gigabytes of offline data, and reload it again.


I guess we are still waiting for the missing  sync button so we can offline all our notes as a solution for ios/android devices.

Do you think that’s the solution?





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In fact I have downloaded all of my notebooks to offline (and they keep themselves up to date), and I can sync my online content at any time (by pulling the notes list down and let go, or by the syncing button in settings).

So far, so good, and a much better control over the download status than in the desktop clients, which is sort of crazy.

My issue is that when importing something via the share menu, in rare cases a document gets stuck. It won’t import,  it it won’t disappear either. There is no other way currently than to completely uninstall the app, deleting everything that was downloaded, dumping all data, and then reinstall and reimport. As long as the rest works, I won’t do this just to get rid of a single file in limbo.

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19 minutes ago, iceman melb said:

I guess we are still waiting for the missing  sync button so we can offline all our notes as a solution for ios/android devices.

Sync has been there for a while on iOS. I don’t recall specifically when it was added. You can also pull down on your notes to get a sync going. 


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7 hours ago, buckethead said:

Sync has been there for a while on iOS. I don’t recall specifically when it was added. You can also pull down on your notes to get a sync going. 


@buckethead @PinkElephant My experience in the pre 10 IOS was that the Sync button would perform a complete download and I could see my notes filling up.

Are you saying that this new version 10.9 IOS now does a complete sync? Its' been months since ALL my notes have completely downloaded on my iPad air 3 even though Its not on sleep and plugged in all night.

thanks for both your clarification.



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The sync button in iOS never made a full download. It loaded titles and some metadata, but not the content. Once offline you did not get content delivered when opening a note.

There was an offline download back then as well, to load content to an offline database inside of the app.

This is similar now: Sync is for syncing, which means uploading all changes from iOS to the server, and downloading all metadata.

For offline use, you need to go to settings, notebooks and select the notebooks you want to completely download. You can as well select „All notebooks“.

Be aware that downloading will take a while, and the EN app needs to be the active app, the i-device not going to lock or sleep. So switch off auto-lockscreen, connect to a charger, open EN and let the download proceed (maybe during the night).

There is a grey status bar for each notebook that will fill with green with download progress.

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6 hours ago, iceman melb said:

Are you saying that this new version 10.9 IOS now does a complete sync?

No. It will ensure a upload of any changes and then pull down any updated and new note info only. The only stuff that is completely sync'd is your offline notebooks, but you need to select and choose those. After the initial sync of getting notebooks offline the syncs are pretty quick I have found.

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11 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

sync button in iOS never made a full download. It loaded titles and some metadata, but not the content. Once offline you did not get content delivered when opening a note.

There was an offline download back then as well, to load content to an offline database inside of the app.

This is similar now: Sync is for syncing, which means uploading all changes from iOS to the server, and downloading all metadata

Thank you both. I noticed that in v10, the tags are not downloaded. Sometimes when I search for notes with a specific tag [Tag Search], v10 IOS does NOT find them on the first go. I have to find a note with that TAG and do a TAG search again and All the notes with that tag will appear.


not sure if either of you have come across this issue with Searching for TAGs.



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Could you tell how you perform the search ?

For tags and notebooks, there are 2 levels in the search. A white button type object with the tag / notebook name in black is only a proposal, that does not have an effect on the search yet.

To make it stick and filter the search, you need to tap on it. It then turn solid Blue with white text - now it is active and narrows down the search.

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On 4/30/2021 at 10:23 AM, PinkElephant said:

Could you tell how you perform the search ?

For tags and notebooks, there are 2 levels in the search. A white button type object with the tag / notebook name in black is only a proposal, that does not have an effect on the search yet.

To make it stick and filter the search, you need to tap on it. It then turn solid Blue with white text - now it is active and narrows down the search.

Hi @PinkElephant& @buckethead

Here is the screencast...




In example 1, I used a TAG: search. In example 2, just search for the word [same word] to see what results I got..  It's different every time




The TAGs are with the notes but Evernote Search can't pick them up nor can it pickup ALL the notes with that word.


Hence I was hoping that an offline solution might fix that issue.







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Hi Paul, seems you are on something here.

Just played a bit with search and tags v10.9 iOS after looking at your videos. When entering a search string „tag:MyTag“ into the search field, I got an error on this MyTag-tag that exists. The tag is nested, maybe that explains the error message. When I search offline, it does not find the notes with the same „tag:MyTag“ search string.

When I select the tag from the filters window, the notes show online and offline, and the error message is gone.

My conclusion: The search syntax („tag:MyTag“) does not work correctly on nested tags, at least on EN iOS 10.9. I have found no reference on how the search string should look when the tag is a nested tag. At least online it finds notes, even if there is an error message. The number of notes found is identical, be it by search syntax or by tag selection.

At the moment I think searching should be done by selecting the tag from filters, not by the search syntax.

Because I can’t reproduce what you found on your own data, maybe issue a ticket yourself.

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Just played a bit with search and tags v10.9 iOS after looking at your videos. When entering a search string „tag:MyTag“ into the search field, I got an error on this MyTag-tag that exists. The tag is nested, maybe that explains the error message. When I search offline, it does not find the notes with the same „tag:MyTag“ search string.

On my iPhone I just tried with three nested tags and got full search results for two and nothing for another.  I checked the number of notes tagged with specific tags web version and MacOS version is how I checked if search results matched.

  1. Using tag:xxxx for a nested tag which includes online notes only.
  2. Trying tag:xxx_xxxx using underscore for spacing comes full results
  3. Then using tag:xxxx xxxx (tag includes a space) nothing came back and tag was not found. Makes me wonder if having a space in the tag name is the problem for me

I then tried just a text search multiple times and got same number of matches in all locations.

@iceman melb I would open up a support ticket and provide the screencasts.

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AFAIK a space is not allowed in a tag syntax search. Maybe „xx yy“ would work. Which is sort of a contradiction, because a tag may contain spaces, and when filtering it works. 

Maybe all observations should lead to support tickets. We can later exchange the results here.

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On 5/6/2021 at 1:23 PM, buckethead said:

Can confirm this works




support confirmed that this is a bug & no eta when they will fix it.

suggested work around:

“use the advanced search syntax: on search bar (magnifying glass) paste tag:[tagname]. Similarly, using the tag filter and selecting the additional filter for Updated > last 90 days should also work”


so  that’s the answer! In other words search is broken when unless it’s great than 90 days!




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Support ticket is still running.

In case I want to search for an existing tag, it is simple: Selecting the tag through the filters menu works.

But I would not trust more complex searches by advanced search language including tags at the moment. In my case the age of the notes or when the tags were applied does not play a role (greetings at support).

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

search for an existing tag, it is simple: Selecting the tag through the filters menu works

Agree if the tags have been indexed. As new notes with tags are made, then there are  issues. Also noticed any old notes I haven’t accessed might not have its tags indexed either.

I have even deleted the database 3 months ago without success. Hence I wish there was a quicker way to download All my notes on my phone. Assuming that will fix the issue.



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In my testing, newly created tags (from the Mac client) were available and worked on the filter only a few hours after they were first created and applied. It may have been even shorter, but I didn’t test for it. It worked offline as well, which means they had already propagated to the offline search index as well.

The problem is not Tag creation and indexing, IMHO it is a malfunction of the advanced search syntax.

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16 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

The problem is not Tag creation and indexing, IMHO it is a malfunction of the advanced search syntax.

In my screencast I tried to search for 1 tag with Tag: and without the TAG search parameter. Both return certain notes with the TAG but both results shows they don’t exist! Hence the exclamation mark next to the TAG I was looking for.

Sometimes Evernote IOS doesn’t show any results of the search tag until I search for the note title, open it then sear for the TAG again. Evernote iOS then finds the notes with the tag.


hence I suspect it’s an indexing issue. Nevertheless we will have to wait for a fix.


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My test notes are found when I use the tag filter instead of the search syntax. 

IMHO this speaks against an indexing issue (both use the same index). I think the filter code is doing correctly, the syntax interpretation may have a bug.

Let’s wait and see - my ticket was now transferred to the technical department as well.

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Literally I can not use the app, because when I opened it, it will just show this white page and lasts forever. I can not do anything. My phone is iphone 12 pro and evernote is version10.9. Please someone helps me! SOS! 1958603F-951B-4069-8808-477824591E41.thumb.png.a5c7248168b63225f13d592b3c00288a.png

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@Hana1234 Hi, you are aware this thread is about searching ? Imagine a few people standing by and talking about a subject. You come along and burst into the conversation with a completely unrelated subject. What do you expect ?

About your problem: Something seems to be rotten with your EN installation. You probably can fix it by uninstalling and reinstalling. I have described several times in thevforum how exactly to do this, you can find it there by searching it.

@iceman melb OK, this was an elegant way to get back to searching.

In general it works fine for me on iOS, when I use the tag filter, or click on a tag in the left column tag list.

However, I came along another tag search problem while testing: I filtered for one tag that is used on 8 notes. But only one is found. I think it may be because this note carries reminders. There is nothing else special about it. So I issued another support ticket, and will see what happens there.

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4 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Hi, you are aware this thread is about searching ? Imagine a few people standing by and talking about a subject. You come along and burst into the conversation with a completely unrelated subject. What do you expect ?

The thread is about the latest release - see thread title. We had a side bar about search. Honestly no reason to be so snippy to another user at all. 

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The last posts in the thread were about searching.

It is a minimum of forum etiquette not to blop a new issue simply into any existing thread. This applies to every forum I attend (maybe not Reddit, but I have not really found out how that is working).

If I have an issue, I open a thread by posting it new. Helps as well to not get buried below a mountain of other stuff.

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Hey there,

I would also rather stick to the search issue. Just to mention: same issue with android. Offline search does not work properly in concern with tags even though notebooks have offline access. Saved Filters/Favorits work, as well as a plain search followed by filtering search results with tags.

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The number of updates is beyond frustrating. I want to be able to use the app without getting a notification that a new version is available once a week (and since I am working on multiple devices, I get this message multiple times).

Evernote used to be an amazing program, but it has messed up so many of my notes (bullet points got messed up with one of the updates, so the majority of my notes are now a mess); the program hangs/freezes frequently; and the system is generally slow. It's great that you guys are working on improving the product, but I would prefer fewer yet better updates. 

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That is the new way of doing software: Release a core product, then work in cycles ("sprints") do get a focussed set of features added to the product. What is added is always what can be implemented in a sprint - in rare cases you use 2 or even 3 sprints to get something done (who has said "import folders" ... ? ).

Release, and while the release is going on, the next sprint has already started.

Sprints must not be about adding features - you can use them as well to tackle performance or quality issues.

Conclusion: This is the way EN has tuned its internal process. So we need to get used to it, or decide to switch to another product.

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On 5/13/2021 at 7:45 AM, PinkElephant said:

However, I came along another tag search problem while testing: I filtered for one tag that is used on 8 notes. But only one is found. I think it may be because this note carries reminders.

@PinkElephanti have lots of those similar issues to yours. once you search the same tags and open the notes a few times, then it’s fine. The issue is always with tags you have never searched before. Evernote support said they know about it. 

how did you go with your support tickets?


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When encountering the issue by accident, I issued the support ticket. They came back to me (pretty quick) and asked for some details. So I made searches on my different clients, pointed out the key differences (Skitch is great for that ...) and send it to them. It was passed on to technical support, last thing I learned they are working on it.

An issue I had a while ago was traced to the root cause and solved - I had 3 different search counts initially, and exactly the same count in all 3 setups after it was fixed. So it is worth to invest a little effort in support tickets - it pays off for all of us users.

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Hello, I am still getting an “error clipping” message EVERY TIME I try to send an image to Evernote. I have to do it three times for it to work, it feels like such a waste of time. Is this being worked on?


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