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Evernote does not sync across devices !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????

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I am logging in on my PC (the web and APP). On the web the data is updated.

on the APP, there are tens of notebooks that I had deleted from the web interface that are still available !!!

I try to delete , but it won't delete !! It moves it to the trash, then 2-3 sec later , it reappears !!

Same thing on my Iphone. 
I tried uninstalling the desktop, completely removed all files and folders "Dropbox".... when I re-install it comes back again !!!

Same on my phone !!

HELP !!!

(premium account)

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Quick fix - install the legacy version and use that on your PC.  Longer term - undeleteable files have been reported before;  send in a support request although it will be a while - they're already busy and the holidays are coming up.

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2 hours ago, pierreammoun said:

On the web the data is updated.

The web is the definitive version of what is in the database because there are no synchronisation issues. It may well be that the desktop version will sync if given enough time. Needless to say you need to be very careful if you have more than one version of EN open at the same time or you can get in a complete mess.

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I have only 1 version and if i might understand why the desktop would not sync... what about the mobile (iphone app)? 

my mobile and desktop have the old data and the web has the updated data !! 

this is just crazy !!

i uninstalled and reinstalled on the desktop and on the iphone ... same...
weird enough when i try to delete from the desktop it doesn’t delete !! 

same for the iphone app !! 

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  • Level 5*
Just now, pierreammoun said:

i uninstalled and reinstalled on the desktop and on the iphone ... same...

Too much fiddling will just cause more problems.  @Mike P has a good point - if you're using the iPhone and the desktop at the same time, Evernote has no way to separate which instructions and changes are coming from which device.  Both of them will sync on their own schedule and if you change something on one,  just before the other sends a 'no changes here' message,  you'll make the system think that you just cancelled the instructions you gave and it will do nothing - or overwrite the change.

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I am really sorry but this doesn't make sense. I have been using todoist for like forever with my phone and desktop app. and it never failed to sync !!

On a different note I am not using the phone and desktop at the same time ! actually I uninstalled the desktop version and trying to use only my iphone and the web version.

The web being to organize while the iphone is to capture whatever happens during the day.. but that too is not working !!!!

Where is the support team of evernote ? Are we left alone here ?

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I would suggest raising a ticket to let them know. For my experience sync is neither "seamless" nor reliable as advertised for the all new foundation releases.

Support should get to know every bug we are encountering to make their priorites. Be careful with your data and be sure to have always 1 oder 2 offsite ENEX-backups in any case. 😉  

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  • Level 5

The only syncing issue I had was early in v10: I had 2 times a note that synced to all devices, but could not be deleted. In both cases the note originated from an iOS device. They could finally be deleted on the clients that had caused them.

Since iOS 10.2 no more syncing issues, not with v10 clients, not with legacy, not with the web client, and not between and with all of them. Sometimes it takes a little patience until newly created content has been imported, but that is it, and it got better with the last releases.

Maybe you need to identify from which client the problems originate, and uninstall it, dumping all data on that device. Then restart the device fresh, install the EN client, log in and now let it first completely sync before starting to use it.

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