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When to move from 7.14 to 10?

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Just wondering whether all the "issues" with 10 have been resolved with the latest release? It's hard to tell from this forum (where obviously users with issues will post)Ā just how many issues remain with 10. I don't have any local notebooks, anymore...

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  • Level 5*
21 minutes ago, DavidD said:

Just wondering whether all the "issues" with 10 have been resolved with the latest release? It's hard to tell from this forum (where obviously users with issues will post)Ā just how many issues remain with 10. I don't have any local notebooks, anymore...

No, the Version 10 product is still very much a work-in-progress Ā  Ā 
There's "issues" andĀ pending feature implementations
I'm still using the Legacy product

>>IĀ don'tĀ have any local notebooks, anymore...

Support for Local Notebooks has definitely been dropped inĀ the Version 10 product Ā  Ā 
The new architecture is cloud based, with limited optional offline support

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54 minutes ago, DTLow said:

Support for Local Notebooks has definitely been dropped inĀ the Version 10 product Ā  Ā 
The new architecture is cloud based, with limited optional offline support

Really no chance to get it back? Is there an official statement about this?
Without offline support EN will NEVER reach speed of older versions.Ā 

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  • Level 5

You have to differentiate between offline data and local notebooks.

All desktop clients still hold offline data, if you tell them to do. You find the switch in settings (not much more to find there currently), keep data when logging out.

Local notebooks are the type that never got synced to the server. This feature is gone and will not return.


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  • Level 5
1 hour ago, DavidD said:

Just wondering whether all the "issues" with 10 have been resolved with the latest release? It's hard to tell from this forum (where obviously users with issues will post)Ā just how many issues remain with 10. I don't have any local notebooks, anymore...

If you still wonder, just install legacy and v10 side by side. It can be done on the same machine.

Then you can compare yourself.

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

No, the Version 10 product is still very much a work-in-progress Ā  Ā 
There's "issues" andĀ pending feature implementations
I'm still using the Legacy product


Do we actually know with any degree of certainty that EN acknowledges the issues and is actively working to correct them, such that there will be a version that doesn't have the issues?

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, DavidD said:

Do we actually know with any degree of certainty that EN acknowledges the issues and is actively working to correct them, such that there will be a version that doesn't have the issues?

They acknowledge some here usually as a request for information on a specific issue. They donā€™t provide a detailed list of what defects they are working on orĀ Ā have on the backlog. It is best to try v10 yourself to see how it is with your workflow. Ā Some appear to like it, others hate it.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, DavidD said:


Do we actually know with any degree of certainty that EN acknowledges the issues and is actively working to correct them, such that there will be a version that doesn't have the issues?

FromĀ https://evernote.com/blog/new-windows-mac/Ā  Ā 
please be aware that there are a handful of featuresā€”...ā€”that are not yet available. If your workflow depends on these features, you can continue to use our legacy apps

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/6/2020 at 3:28 PM, PinkElephant said:

All desktop clients still hold offline data, if you tell them to do. You find the switch in settings (not much more to find there currently), keep data when logging out.

Sorry, are your sure?

Legacy and older versions synced all global notebooks completely to the local maschine (on Windows: \Users\<name>\Evernote\Databases\*.exb - around 20 GB in my case). I can work locally - without a working internet connection on all notes.

New desktop clients hold only a limited set of data (tags, headlines, last view note bodies, attachments, ...?) on the local machine (on Windows: \Users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\*cache\... / around 7 GB here). I have the feeling not be able to work locally on all notes all the time.

But I found some SQLlite databases that seem to be readable without an EN-API šŸ˜‰Ā (on Windows: \Users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\conduit-storage\*.sql). Alle tables are organized as TKey/TValue pairs containing GUID to JSON translations wherein the JSON strings contain many interesting information about current sync properties and states (SyncContextMetadata, SyncState, SyncStateAux and SyncStatePentingOfflineNotes). Maybe they allow to manage a complete mirror of cloud data on local maschines. But is it really complete with 10.4.4?

Feeling the poor performance today and the difference of 13 GB data size between Legacy and New leads me to "Really NOT complete"...
Sorry for writing this in a Mac-group šŸ˜‰Ā - but I think (hope?) my findings are valid on a Mac platform also because EN promises to use only one code base on all systems...

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Just a user ...

The need to be logged in before going offline is IMHO a bad decision.Ā 

Just as an example: For compliance reason, business travelers in many companies need to completely shut down their computers before going through security. If you do, you need to log in after that using insecure public WiFi on the airport, when you want to work during a flight. Hope you have a good VPN plan, that works everywhere. Or enjoy the inflight entertainmentĀ šŸ„±

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  • Level 5*
15 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

need to completely shut down their computers before going through security. If you do, you need to log in after

On my Mac, I don'tĀ have to re-login - even after turning off the computer

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  • Level 5*
44 minutes ago, AlbertR said:

Sorry, are your sure?

I can confirm this, Evernote has offline capability on all platforms Ā  Ā  Ā 
An offline database is maintained in various formats

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@DTLowĀ OK, just checked it once more on Windows: It is possible to (re)start EN without iNet.
But the offline database is NOT complete - if I search for anything, results are incomplete (much less hits than in Legacy when offline). Immediately after reconnecting to iNet, EN-10 shows nearly the same search results as Legacy.

"Nearly" means: Legacy shows 511 hits whereas EN-10 shows only 507 -> there must be a difference in search algorithms between local and remote. But which is the true answer?

Could you please try it on your Mac with EN-10? (search anything that should result in many hits, go offline, search once more, go online, search once more...). THX

Moreover: Maybe sync will result in a complete mirror of cloud and local data after some time. But "someĀ time" is around 30 minutes after installing Legacy on a new Windows maschine with my ~7k notes. EN-10 is running since many days here and shows incomplete search results when offline. There is no reliable "synced" indicator available šŸ˜ž

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, AlbertR said:

But the offline database is NOT complete Ā  ... Ā Ā there must be a difference in search algorithms between local and remote.

My understanding is the local offline database isĀ a complete copy of note data (allow time for download and indexing)

Agreed, there is a difference in online and offline searches
Online searches are run on the server, which has it's own search index and algorithm

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Regarding "allow time for download and indexing": OK, but not days! And I want to get an information like "sync done".
A professor on mine told me before a long time "Never tune a program that meets user expectations", - so EN must not stop tuning effort šŸ˜‰

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