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I was delighted to learn that Google Assistant now works directly in some Android apps, including Evernote.

You can create a note in Evernote simply by by telling Google Assistant "Create a note xyz," where xyz is the note.

(If you have more than one note-taking app on your phone, you may need to say, "Take a note in Evernote xyz.")

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Thanks @gazumped & @Coffee First Thing. I really want this to work because I'd use it all the time. Here is what I tried on my Pixel 2 XL, Android 11, Evernote 8.13.3 device:

  1. Squeeze phone to activate the Google Assistant.
  2. Speak "Take a note in Evernote XYZ"
  3. Assistant shows correct transcription of what I said. Assistant responds with "Saving note". No note is created in Evernote
  4. Squeeze phone, speak "Show my notes", response is a list of notes from the internal (build-in) note taking component of G Assistant. List includes a new note with "In evernote XYZ" that wasn't there before step 1
  5. I went to Android settings -> Apps & Notifications -> Assistant -> See all Assistant Settings -> scroll down to Notes & Lists and made the screen grab, attached below. Evernote does not appear on this list. Should it?
  6. Repeated steps 1-3 but said "Create a note in Evernote XYZ". Got same result as in step 4
  7. Poked around in Android settings for at least an hour, gave up, came here.

G Assist settings no Evernote.png

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10 hours ago, Coffee First Thing said:

Last week, when I said"Create a note in Evernote XYZ" the note was created and saved in Evernote.

Now that doesn't work. Notes are only saved in Google Keep. 

Hmmn.  I'd say 'uninstall / restart / reinstall'  but the version you reinstall might not be the one you're using... 

I only tried this out once and it worked;  not something that I use regularly - or at all to be honest...  I don't travel around on my own enough to need, or be able to dictate - and sitting in public talking to yourself can get you into trouble.  Although if you hold the phone like you're having a conversation,  maybe...  ;)

Don't know if there are any other speech to text apps,  but maybe if there's one which works with Helper and saves files that could be attached to a note?

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13 hours ago, Coffee First Thing said:

Last week, when I said"Create a note in Evernote XYZ" the note was created and saved in Evernote.

Now that doesn't work. Notes are only saved in Google Keep.

That sounded familiar. So I looked and found that this isn't the first time the Google Assistant (GA) <-> Evernote relationship has gone haywire. See link to forums, below.

I just now tested "Email Evernote" it didn't work (GA treated it as a web search even though "My Evernote" is in G contacts). Then I tested "Send email to Evernote" and...it worked! Meaning, it used Gmail to compose an email to my <secret>@m.evernote.com address which worked as documented. Required a multi-step dialog as described by @Dave-in-Decatur.

I also just now tested the "note to self" method that @nilsandersson posted about. GA did not give me the option to pick an app, it just used the GA internal notes app.

I'm going to wait a while then test "Send email to Evernote" a couple more times to see if this is stable.

I'm also going to try and use the GA routines feature to see if I can use a single voice command to email to Evernote.

- J


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  • 2 years later...
20 hours ago, gazumped said:

There's an Evernote help page on speech to text...  https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004717  and another on recorded notes https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314418

Not exactly what this post is about. We are talking about google assistant prompting evernote, so when we are driving or cannot touch our phone to open evernote create note go to voice memos, we would like to be able to get some notes written into Evernote. At the moment you can do this to Google Keep. 

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