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Page Break in notes - for printing on paper

Kim Nguyen


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I'm not sure if this is possible, given Evernotes base format; enml (basically html)
This is not a format for printing with page breaks

If I need a print formatted document, I switch to a word processing app (Apple Pages)
The document is stored as a note attachment

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This is a feature that has been demanded once and again since I subscribed a premium license in 2011. I still find it really useful because no matter how paperless you've become, you really need to have a hardcopy of a note or part of it many times. Please EN guys & girls... go and add some command to force a pagebreak when generating the pdf. I've been a computer engineer PhD for more than 30 yrs... don't tell me you can't find a get-around ;)

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Hi I am new to Evernote and finding it very useful except for printing.  I see that the post does mention requesting to be able to put a page break in notes, has that request been responded to?  It seems like such a simple fix that would help so many people!

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For the love of all things sacred! I cannot believe how many posts there are to request this when you search for the solution. I have to print notes because we all share in our study group for school. I want the notes in EN so I can search them in the future. Having to export to OneNote or C&P to another app for every single note is e.x.c.r.u.c.i.a.t.i.n.g...I know EN wants to be a digital alternative to paper but this really blows chunks. 

Re: the solution suggested above. Inserting a line of "===" or "***" is merely a keyboard shortcut for inserting a visual line divider as far as I can tell. Thanks for sharing though. It would have been awesome if it worked.


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EN uses HTML, and it optimizes the representation of content to show on very different devices in a consistent way. It does not mimic physical pages - other apps do, like GoodNotes 5.

So basically teaching it to print is like a second skin over the same content

The „Print Note“ menu option was a first step. I hope EN will add more page layout controls. What I don’t expect is that it will ever get the same amount of control over the layout like a word processor that is build from scratch around pages.

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10 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

EN uses HTML, and it optimizes the representation of content to show on very different devices in a consistent way. It does not mimic physical pages - other apps do, like GoodNotes 5.

So basically teaching it to print is like a second skin over the same content

The „Print Note“ menu option was a first step. I hope EN will add more page layout controls. What I don’t expect is that it will ever get the same amount of control over the layout like a word processor that is build from scratch around pages.

Precisely my friend. Just because EN uses HTML, pagebreaking can be implemented in a pretty straitghtforward way. They only need to plug a CSS interpreter to the clients and process "page-break-after / page-break-before". It can perfectly be inlined in html, no need for separate stylesheets, to keep it simple. To make things even more simple, that css interpreter doesn't need to parse standard CSS but just the commands EN decides to consider, like the one I'm proposing. This is far different from common browsers, whose CSS must parse a sizable ammount of (not always standard) commands. One of the reasons some browers show issues when processing page-break-* commands is because they do not have control over the whole cascading, and if a parent container set a float positioning scheme, pagebreaking doesn't work properly lest you kill the float. In the case of EN they just have to process their own CSS subset. The css intepreter in an EN client could be just a really small nifty piece of code.

It's far from a technical limitation.

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IMHO the main question here is not „that“ it can be done - the main question is whether the framework in which the EN core app is running supports it. As I understand it, the framework handles all interaction between app and „surrounding“ computer. This probably includes the printing interaction.

EN usually does not comment on features they are still working on. It is wait & see …

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4 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

IMHO the main question here is not „that“ it can be done - the main question is whether the framework in which the EN core app is running supports it. As I understand it, the framework handles all interaction between app and „surrounding“ computer. This probably includes the printing interaction.

EN usually does not comment on features they are still working on. It is wait & see …

As a user, the question for me is just a feature I've been proposing for the past 12 years.

As a computer engineer, it's a question of feasibility and opportunity, pondering costs and benefits. They've been using C++ since 2010 if I'm not wrong. Whatever the structure of the current EN framework, they'll likely be generating pdf from html by resorting to a library like wkhtmltopdf. They can't use wkhtmltopdf (GPL) because EN is a commercial product, but they sure rely on a some propietary alternative. By resorting to the css trick they don't even need to touch the library; you just have to provide the proper html stream.

It all depends on how many users ask for the feature (quite a number, for the last 12 years I must say). The new EN architecture should make things easier, according to Ian. They are by not means user-agnostics after all (altough some times it looks as if they were he he, but we got used to it!)

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AFAIK the new app is based on JavaScript, and for the desktops embedded into the Electron framework, which in turn uses Chromium technology.

The framework determines to a large extend what the app can do related to the computer on which it executes: Import folders, printing options, local notebooks, presentation mode, execution on M1 Macs etc.

A number of topics hotly debated topics in the forum IMHO are related to the framework decision. Since it is at the base of the new EN strategy, I don’t expect it to be reversed.

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

AFAIK the new app is based on JavaScript, and for the desktops embedded into the Electron framework, which in turn uses Chromium technology.

The framework determines to a large extend what the app can do related to the computer on which it executes: Import folders, printing options, local notebooks, presentation mode, execution on M1 Macs etc.

A number of topics hotly debated topics in the forum IMHO are related to the framework decision. Since it is at the base of the new EN strategy, I don’t expect it to be reversed.

Well they're spoilt for choice. We develop Electron APIs in C++ so you can expose C++ objects /services through the Electron API. Since bindings are mostly performed using Java, they can rely on the powerful existing Java services as well. As for Chromium, it's been traditionally compatible with the page-break-* feature.

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