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Mac App Subscription Problem

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I have renewed my annual subscription through iTunes, it seems to have worked fine with the web version and the iOS version but on my Mac I keep getting the pop-up prompting me to upgrade.  

I have tried restarting the app and rebooting the computer.  The only options it give are 'Unsync all devices' or 'Sign Out' or 'Upgrade'.  

Does anyone have any suggestions?  I'd really like to get some work done offline and sync later. 


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53 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Hi.  From your comments it looks like you didn't actually reboot the system - have you tried powering everything off and back on again?

As I said in the original post. Software and hardware all rebooted, multiple times. 

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  • Level 5*
On 11/27/2019 at 6:00 PM, RobM300 said:

I have renewed my annual subscription through iTunes, it seems to have worked fine with the web version and the iOS version but on my Mac I keep getting the pop-up prompting me to upgrade.

The forum also indicates a Basic account

Any chance you have more than one  userid?

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

The forum also indicates a Basic account

Any chance you have more than one  userid?

I do have another account that hasn't been used for 6+ years.  I have checked that too and that one hasn't been erroneously upgraded either.  

I guess the forum says "Basic" because the subscription hasn't been renewed.  

If I try contacting Evernote it asked me how I paid, when I select 'iTunes' it tells me I have to contact Apple.  When I contact Apple, they say it's nothing to do with them and to contact Evernote - stalemate.  

I have emailed Evernote but not yet had a reply......

Helpfully the auto response says 'If you need help right away, contact us via live chat (Evernote Premium & Business).' - Stalemate again.

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  • Level 5*
On 11/27/2019 at 6:00 PM, RobM300 said:

I have renewed my annual subscription through iTunes, it seems to have worked fine with the web version and the iOS version but on my Mac I keep getting the pop-up prompting me to upgrade.  

Can we go back to "worked fine with the web version and the iOS version"

When you access your user settings, do you actually see "Premium Account"?

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  • Level 5*
14 hours ago, RobM300 said:

As I said in the original post. Software and hardware all rebooted, multiple times. 

Yup - reason I asked,  you're still showing as a Basic user,  not a subscriber.  A reboot should have updated your status to subscriber.  Payments through third party systems can take a little longer to get to Evernote's system - it's always better to pay direct - but more than 24 hours is a definite issue.  Apple are being unhelpful - if they could at least confirm that iTunes processed the payment,  Evernote will be able to follow it up from there....  I'll flag this post for an Admin to tale a look,  though @PinkElephant already started that off - hopefully we can get you some attention.

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I have the same problem. I upgraded to Premium back in May this year and yet my account is prompting me to upgrade. iTunes subscriptions show that I upgraded in May 19 to Premium. I cannot see any identifying code or number or way of linking the upgrade I have paid for to my account. Any ideas ? 

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