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Should I upgrade to ScanSnap Home?


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ScanSnap Home software appears to have substantially less functionality than the old software. Things like OCR and others are missing. Now SS has announced the older software will no longer be supported or upgraded. Has anyone upgraded? Can I move my old CardMinder data to the new software? What is your experience with the new ScanSnap Home software, especially with Evernote?



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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Does your scanner support ScanSnap Manager?  If so I wouldn't upgrade.  Unless you plan to change your scanner or OS I'd think you should be safe for some time with the old setup - years,  rather than months - and if you hit problems,  then you can decide to move to the new package...

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I'm on a Mac. The existing--or.now previous version--works. Now ScanSnap announced they won't support or upgrade it. The new ScanSnap "Home" software that replaces it loses some functionality that's in the old version.

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ScanSnap Home is a "reimagining" of the software. It's right there in the name, a more user-friendly version of the interface. Face it, if you've been a ScanSnap user for years, you know your way around the interface and all of it's quirks.

ScanSnap Home is just… too weird for my tastes.

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  • Level 5

Checked it today, I am already on ScanSnap Home. Got my new Mac after it was released, so I loaded it anyhow.

Yes, it is somewhat restricted, but it works. By creating own profiles, or modify the presets, you can set up many issues that are missing in the standard settings.

Resolution, compression rate, OCR or not, simplex/duplex, color settings etc.

I am using it alternating with the Windows software, and am not really missing functions.

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I have an iMac that I can't upgrade past High Sierra so I'll be keeping the original software on that one. I will upgrade my laptop to Catalina, so I'll put Home on that. I figure if I dislike the Home version I'll just save scanning until I have time to do it at the desktop. After really taking a look at what I do with my scanner that I paid too much for lol ;), I use one or two methods. I either scan into Evernote or scan photos (but not often). I let EN do the OCR for most things and every now and then I'll run OCR with PDFPen as well as EN.

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With my use of EN, in the end I want to get that stuff into a note fast and easy. I want to do this early, and Avoid this stack of paper waiting to get processed to pile up again.

The pdf must be searchable (no matter how, but with a high reliability of the OCR result), and the scanner management should be simple.

Today I would go for the ix1500, because I can pick the profile right at the scanner.

But taking the Ix500 for granted (it is not written off yet ...), I think the Home release has enough options to serve my scanning needs.

Scanning photos is another story. If I want really good quality scans, in fact I prefer to take a picture off the picture with a real camera, in RAW format. Most older prints have some color change from age and light exposure, and to compensate for this, the electronic image as a starting point must have every information possible.

If it is just a copy of a picture that I need, I run it through the ix500, high resolution to JPEG. Somehow I prefer to send these to a folder instead of right into EN. It is easier to add some EXIF information there, and maybe run it through the object and person recognition of my postprocessing SW. Only a minor part of my photos will find their way into EN.

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  • Level 5*
16 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Checked it today, I am already on ScanSnap Home. Got my new Mac after it was released, so I loaded it anyhow.

Yes, it is somewhat restricted, but it works. By creating own profiles, or modify the presets, you can set up many issues that are missing in the standard settings.

Does ScanSnap Home allow us to create a profile where we can scan directly into Evernote, like we can with the older software, or are we required to either use their cloud function or import folders to get the scan into Evernote?

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  • Level 5

There is one profile for direct scan into EN as default. I have created 2 more, one for duplex, one for simplex.

It does this page detection automatically, but sometimes I scan this "environmental" paper that is tinted in a light gray. And then I get all backs scanned as pages as well, because the hue is interpreted as information.

It sends it into a new note, assigns a standard notebook (@Inbox, for example), you can even have it detect Information to use as a title (when it finds "Invoice" and a date, it should create a note title "Invoice & Date". However this works randomly ...). I prefer not to use this. It will open a new EN window with the note, so you can title it, tag it and send it to the correct notebook right away.

To get it OCRed, there is an option to "create a searchable pdf". If it is off, the OCR will be done by EN on the server.

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  • Level 5*
On 8/15/2019 at 4:00 PM, shivaa95 said:

Hello everyone,
Can someone help me with creating a searchable pdf ?
I'm not good at it, at all

Hi.  Windows / Mac / iOS / Android?  What Scanner?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I attempted this upgrade today and it’s jot going well.  When I got through the setup all works fine until I get to the try it out step.  The scanner cannot wrote to the database, sends an error message, but most important the ScanSnap home application never fully loads.  It acts like it is open, but no window.  Even the menu bar icon has no options available.  When I force quit and restart, it begins all the way back at the first installation step of picking the scanner.  Frustrating bad now I am kinda stuck.  Any ideas?  

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  • Level 5

On a Mac, residue from an old installation can cause problems.

Did you completely uninstall the prior ScanSnap-SW using something like AppCleaner to catch all parts of the old software ?

If not, get the app, make a complete uninstall of both the old scanner sw AND the new one. Then restart your Mac and try again to download from Fujitsu and install.

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