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Shortcuts jump around

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I am using EN Windows ( (308555) Public (CE Build ce-62.3.7750).

My Shortcut list is in left panel mode. I have 100+ tags, so the Shortcut list scrolling bar is active.

Since the last EN update, the Shortcut list jumps to another part of the list after I drag a note to a specific tag label.

Before the update, it used to just assign the tag to the note and the Shortcut list would not jump to another position in my list of Shortcuts.

Now, it still assigns the tag to the note: but it also scrolls the Shortcut list to another part of the Shortcut list.

Before writing this, I uninstalled EN, deleted the database, then reinstalled EN and created a new database.

Problem still exists ... help me please : )

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🤠 hi gazumped.

Thanks for your reply.

No. I temporarily selected that option. I see what it does. That is not the problem that I am having.

Please see the attached video.

1. In the Shortcuts panel, I show the Shortcut called "!! Desktop". Then I scroll down to show the actual tag called "!! Desktop", which is imbedded under the tag "When".

2. After selecting the "!! Desktop" Shortcut, I create a new note. When I do, the Shortcut list automatically scrolls to the actual tag "!! Desktop tag". Before the last update, it just stayed on the "!! Desktop" Shortcut.

3. When I move the note to another notebook (from "Inbox" to "Cabinet"), the Shortcut list automatically scrolls to the actual tag "!! Desktop tag" again. Before the last update, it just stayed on the "!! Desktop" Shortcut.

4. Then when I drag the note to the "Tim" tag, the Shortcut list automatically scrolls to the actual tag "!! Desktop tag" again. Before the last update, it just stayed on the "!! Desktop" Shortcut.

Like prior to the last update, I prefer that this automatic scrolling does not happen.

What do you think?

Thanks, Tim (a.k.a. Duhtch)

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@Duhtch thank you for posting the video, it makes it much clearer than trying to describe the problem with words.

It sounds like it is once again time to play that old Evernote game, "feature or bug". I think it is a bug, but I suppose this could be a very poorly thought-out feature: When you perform a search, Evernote notices that your search contains a tag, and it selects/highlights that tag in the left panel. @Duhtch Does this behavior happen if you simply search for the tag, instead of using your saved search?  If it does, I suppose it suggests this might be a (again very poorly designed & unnecessary) feature. I'd try to find the answer myself, but I no longer install updates in order to avoid precisely these kind of problems.

Good luck!

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  • Level 5*
6 hours ago, Duhtch said:

What do you think?

There is an option to Assign selected tags to new notes (Tools - Options - Note).  When you created the new note the !!Desktop tag was selected so it got applied to the new note.  Don't know if that was your intent? 

IAC, I don't typically have the left column open so I opened it for a test.  When I unchecked the Scroll left panel... box it did not scroll anymore.  So it seems to be working for me.

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