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Feature request: Add notes to multiple notebooks



Just as you can add the same google doc to multiple folders, it would be great to add the same note to multiple notebooks.

Often I have notes that can apply to multiple in multiple notebooks, but at the moment I have to duplicate at time-X and then move the copy version to a different notebook. If I then make a change to the note at time-Y, it doesn't automatically update so I have to go and make this change again in the copy version. Frustrating when you just have 1 note to update, but awful when you have multiple.

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It would not be great to put the same note into several notebooks. IMHO it would be the start of an information desaster.

The only way to do this without compromising the information integrity (= not creating duplicates) would be by linking one note into several notebooks.

EN does this sort of organisation, they just do not call it a „notebook“, they call it „tags“.

No need to replicate this again with notebooks.

Notebooks are just a help to get notes organized, and to group notes together that share the same properties, like being local (on desktop clients), being shared with others or being held offline (on mobile devices).

Beside this aspect, EN can perfectly work with just one notebook, and still be well organized - as long as one uses tags to get related things pinned together.

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Tags are not a solution here because 1) you can't nest them, 2) they're not the main point of organisation on the left-hand panel (notebooks are), and c) tags are likely to be far more numerous.

There's no reason you shouldn't be able to add the same note to multiple notebooks, or at minimum to create an alias for a notebook which could refer to the original notebook.

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3 hours ago, androojb said:

Tags are not a solution here because 1) you can't nest them,

Tags are most definitely nestable in the Evernote architecture, but that nestability isn't exposed on all platforms currently, unfortunately.. That is planned to change; see https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/120780-behind-the-scenes-improving-the-tag-experience-for-evernote-on-mobile/. But for that matter, notebooks are definitely not nestable in Evernote.

3 hours ago, androojb said:

There's no reason you shouldn't be able to add the same note to multiple notebooks, or at minimum to create an alias for a notebook which could refer to the original notebook.

But that entails a change to the rules and the architecture, and would force UI changes across all platforms,, so that right there is one reason: cost of implementation. Meanwhile, tags can already be used in this fashion -- i.e., multiple tags on a note -- and are also better supported by the search language as it exists today, so another reason would be needless replication of existing features.


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35 minutes ago, androojb said:

Often I have notes that can apply to multiple in multiple notebooks

You're using the wrong field for note organization.
Evernote supports two fields; Notebooks and Tags

As you discovered, notes are restricted to a single notebook assignment
Notes are allowed multiple tag assignments

I use notebooks to identify notes as private/shared, sync'd/local, default, offline
Tags are my primary organization tool

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5 hours ago, androojb said:

Tags are not a solution here

Tags are Evernote's primary solution for note organization, and the solution to multiple assignment to a note

The web platform is still missing many features available on the Windows and Mac platforms, but we're expecting this will be resolved over time

>>1) you can't nest them

Evernote supports unlimited hierarchy for Tags (Mac/Windows)
There is no support for notebook nesting

>>2) they're not the main point of organisation on the left-hand panel (notebooks are)

The sidebar displays trees for both notebooks and tags (Mac/Windows)

>>c) tags are likely to be far more numerous.

This is a user decision, but I don't see this as a downside

>>There's no reason you shouldn't be able to add the same note to multiple notebooks

Evernote uses notebooks to identify notes as private/shared or sync'd/local.  Not conducive to multiple assignments  

In addition to the UI, multiple assignment requires a database structure.  This structure has not been implemented for notebooks.

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On 8/14/2019 at 5:19 AM, androojb said:

Tags are not a solution here because 1) you can't nest them, 2) they're not the main point of organisation on the left-hand panel (notebooks are), and c) tags are likely to be far more numerous.

There's no reason you shouldn't be able to add the same note to multiple notebooks, or at minimum to create an alias for a notebook which could refer to the original notebook.

I want it to act like a "shortcut"  similar to how you share docs/folders in Google Drive. Basically the shortcut would drop the note in multiple files or "notebooks" at once. If you change the doc in one folder-i.e. notebook- it automatically changes it in all the others because it is "shared'.  But different than a "tag"- a "tag" is basically an "index card" saying this is what is contained in this note. I would love it, if there was  a mini folder (post), in the sub folder(note) in the main folder (notebook). 

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14 minutes ago, Koosher said:

Common' just make it possible to put the same note in multiple folders. (Jeez.)

If you don't want to use tags for this, how about using links to the note instead?

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16 minutes ago, Koosher said:

Common' just make it possible to put the same note in multiple folders. (Jeez.)

This is what tags are for. Add a tag to a note and that same tag can live in multiple folders.

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