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Is there a quick was to import albums of pictures to Evernote?

Albrecht Kadauke


I''ve got Evernote prime on a Windows 10-  and on an Android device.

I'm looking for a way to import my pictures automatically to Evernote. There is an IFTT-App, but it works only with iOS.

I have so much GB of space on Evernote Servers, but I use only 1% of it. So uploading pictures would be a good Idea to use this space.


Thank you

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Hi.  Where are your pictures coming from?  If its a question of simply moving files into Evernote (one note per file) then Windows has Import Folders - drop your files there and they'll automatically turn into notes.  Evernote - apart from the disk space available - isn't a great place to store your picture library though.  I use Flickr and Google Photos for camera and Android pictures.  Flickr saves my processed HD photos and Google has an editing feature to improve the Android ones - there's unlimited storage there too as long as you don't want high resolution pictures.

If you do decide to use Evernote,  do beware the monthly upload allowance and the maximum note size limits...  What are the system limits of Evernote?

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  • Level 5

The Flickr death knell sounded today.

You either pay $50 each year or face the consequences. 

Members with more than 1,000 photos or videos uploaded to Flickr have until Tuesday, January 8, 2019, to upgrade to Pro or download their content that exceeds the limit. After February 5, 2019, free accounts that contain over 1,000 photos or videos will have content actively deleted -- starting from oldest to newest date uploaded -- to meet the new limit.


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Remember the good old days:

Flickr was founded in 2004. Flickr states it has over 120 million users on its landing page. 

To attract more customers, a few years ago Flickr promoted 1 TeraByte (TB) of storage for all its plans. It's that simple, there were no upgrades or add-ons to get more than 1 TB. Whether you had a free or paid Flickr account made no difference, every account got 1 TB.

Today: Nevermind!


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Haven't seen any comment on my Flickr feed yet,  but I have backups of my images anyway so the churlish doghearted dewberries* can do what they wish.  I was winding up to a 'proper' website anyway so maybe that got a little higher priority for next year...

Thanks (I guess) for the headsup...


* That's Shakespeare that is - it must be: I read it on the InterWeb.

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I was recently wondering how to do this as well, and just thought of a solution.

You can use an Android cloud storage app with an "Auto Upload" feature (e.g. Dropbox), and also install the app on your computer so the pictures sync from your phone to computer. Then you can use Evernote's "Import Folders" tool to monitor new files in this folder, and choose "Source: Delete" so your cloud storage account doesn't get filled up, and the pictures are still saved in Evernote.

I also found this service Filterize that can assign the photo dates to the Evernote "note creation date", so your library of older photos keeps its order when put into Evernote. It works by searching Evernote note titles for dates (the note title will be the same as the photo filename), so if your filenames have dates in them, then you can adjust it to read and apply those dates.


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  • Level 5

Not everything that is possible makes sense as well.

EN is far from good to archive pictures. Yes, it can be done. But there are better solutions available for little - no money.

Personally I use Graphics Converter on the Mac to organize pictures, including weeding out the weak ones, creating a catalogue, tagging (here you tag the picture itself, not the note containing the pictures, which makes a big difference), face recognition, mapping (GPS data where they are missing) etc. The Pics are saved in an organized way where I want, and run with my general backups.

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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

EN is far from good to archive pictures

Absolutely agree.  There are far better places to archive photographs - the only visuals I have in Evernote are purely records of serial numbers,  battery types and suchlike.  Apart from anything else the sheer file size of many images is impractical to carry around on an active hard disk.

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Just got myself a goody: SanDisk Extreme Portable SSD 2TB - with Thunderbolt 3. Fast as a thief, read & write above 500 MBit/sec.

Serves for my Pictures at my MacBook Pro. I am using Graphics Converter to organize, because it uses normal folders for the picture catalogue. Thus it can handle the SSD just as good as the internal drive to keep my pics structured.

And I don’t have to pay to Adobe ... their pricing is no good if one is taking pictures like I do, mostly on occasion and on holidays.

In EN I only keep pictures for a reason, not to get them organized.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

In EN I only keep pictures for a reason, not to get them organized.

I'm thinking "get them organized" is a good reason 😊

My preference in the Apple ecosystem is the Photo app.  
Allows organization by date/person/album, sync to devices, backs up to the cloud

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  • Level 5

Photos is o.k. - as long as you are handling JPEG only.

Nearly all my pictures taken by camera comprise 2 versions of each shot, one JPEG, one RAW. Each „twin“ combined has nearly 40MB file size. For these EN is not really an option, out of obvious reason. And Photos does not allow to handle the RAW independently from the JPEG - in Photos they are always treated together. When I modify the RAW, I will create a new JPEG at the end - then I have 2 or more JPEGs for one RAW. Not good to handle in Photos.

Furthermore you have to import the pics first into your Mediathek (this it how it is called in German), before Photos will handle them. With Graphics Converter I can make a first review when they are still on the SD-Card or in the camera - and get rid of those that I do not like technically or from their motive. By this I can avoid importing (and iCloud-syncing) pictures that are not worth keeping.

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