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Finding a notebook in a collapsed stack with assisted search

Thorsten Albrecht


When using the 'assisted search' option a short link list with the notebooks is being displayed above the result pane, e.g.:
"Found notes with 'searchterm' in notebooks MyNotebook1, YetAnotherNotebook2"

If those notebooks are visible in the navigation pane one could click on the notebooks links stated above and the respective notebook is being selected/highlighted in the left tree. This works also if those notebooks are organized in stacks - but only, if those stacks are not collapsed. 

When the stacks are collapsed there happens nothing if I click on the notebook links.

This is a problem for me because I have all my notebooks organized within stacks. If I am searching for a search term it happens very often that I have to look manually in every stack to find the appropriate notebook where the result note is located.

Is there another method to find the correct stack/notebook which I am not aware of? Thanks for any help! Perhaps this is a feature request, but I'd like to be sure first that it won't work somehow.



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Hi.  I'm currently using the beta Windows version,  so your experience may be different,  but if you want to find all notes in 'second notebook',  you could simply search again for notebook:"second notebook" (with the quotes) to jump straight there.

In my version too,  if there's a link in the Search Information panel,  if I click "several notebooks" I get a dropdown list of the notebooks,  and if I click/ hover over a notebook name (either in that list or when it is directly in the information panel) I see a list of notes in that notebook.  YMMV.

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Yes, with the search command e.g. notebook:"Shops" I immediately see the list of all notes of the notebook 'Shops'. 

But this is not the point. My objective is to FIND the notebook in my list of stacks. I really don't know where the notebook 'Shops' is located. Is it located in the collapsed stack 'private' or is it located in the collapsed stack 'hardware'? I'd like to jump to the found notebook 'Shops', and the stack should be 'uncollapsed' at this location.

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  • Level 5*
21 hours ago, Thorsten Albrecht said:

Is there another method to find the correct stack/notebook which I am not aware of?

In naming my notebooks and tags, I use a prefix naming standard
I repeat the name of the parent; for example Home-Insurance

When the search provides a filtered list, the parent is clearly identified

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15 hours ago, DTLow said:

In naming my notebooks and tags, I use a prefix naming standard
I repeat the name of the parent; for example Home-Insurance

This would be a workaround, but IMO this is not a very convenient one. A huge notebook list under a certain stack would look quite strange with the 'stack prefix'.

| Personal-Health
| Personal-Films
| Personal-Ideas
| Personal-Music
| Personal-Tennis
| Personal-Windsurfing


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  • Level 5*
On 10/19/2018 at 2:55 PM, Thorsten Albrecht said:

Is there another method to find the correct stack/notebook which I am not aware of? Thanks for any help! Perhaps this is a feature request, but I'd like to be sure first that it won't work somehow.

There is no workaround to ensuring that a notebook in the left panel is made visible in the left panel is it's used in a search. I'll move this to a feature request forum.

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On 10/19/2018 at 2:55 PM, Thorsten Albrecht said:

Is there another method to find the correct stack/notebook which I am not aware of? Thanks for any help! Perhaps this is a feature request, but I'd like to be sure first that it won't work somehow.

Have you  tried checking the option "Scroll left panel item into view" in Tools --> Options --> Navigation ---> Navigation options. I ran a saved search that includes both a notebook and a tag, against the previously collapsed stack, and upon executing the search, Evernote opened relevant stack and tag list with the notebook and tag selected. I do not know if this is what you are looking for, but you might give it a try.


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Hello Keisoko,

that's it! Thank you for the solution! 

I had several looks on the options before I posted here but obviously I overlooked (or did not understand) this special 'Navigation' option. Don't know why this option is not selected by default because it makes sense for most people (IMHO).


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